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单词 好战
释义 〔machismo〕A strong, sometimes exaggerated sense of masculinity stressing attributes such as physical courage, virility, domination of women, and aggressiveness; manliness:大男子气概:一种强烈的,有时被夸大的阳刚之气的特性,如强调身体方面的勇气、刚强有力、对女人的支配和勇武好战;男子汉气质:〔jingoism〕Extreme nationalism characterized especially by a belligerent foreign policy; chauvinistic patriotism.沙文主义:尤以好战的对外政策为特征的极端国家主义;沙文主义的爱国主义〔tough〕Aggressive; pugnacious.侵略的;好战〔combative〕Eager or disposed to fight; belligerent.See Synonyms at argumentative 好斗的:渴望或倾向战斗的;好战的 参见 argumentative〔bellicose〕Warlike in manner or temperament; pugnacious.See Synonyms at belligerent 好战的:在行为方式或性格上好战的;好斗的 参见 belligerent〔spoliation〕Seizure of neutral vessels at sea by a belligerent power in time of war.战时由于好战的力量推动在海上对中立国船只的抢夺〔militant〕A fighting, warring, or aggressive person or party.斗士,富有战斗精神的人:一个处于战斗、战争中或好战的人或团体〔militant〕Having a combative character; aggressive, especially in the service of a cause:好战的,富于战斗性的:具有好战特征的;富于侵略性的,尤其在某种事业中:〔belligerence〕A hostile or warlike attitude, nature, or inclination; belligerency.敌意,好战性:一种敌对的或好战的态度、性格或爱好;好战〔laconic〕As the study of the classics has disappeared from the curriculum,so has the ready understanding that terms such aslaconic once possessed. Laconic, which comes to us via Latin from Greek Lakōnikos, is first recorded in 1583with the sense "of or relating to Laconia or its inhabitants.”Lakōnikos is derived from Lakōn, "a Laconian, a person from Lakedaimon,”the name for the region of Greeceof which Sparta was the capital.The Spartans, noted for being warlike and disciplined, were also known for the brevity of their speech,and it is this quality that English writers still denote by the use of the adjectivelaconic, which is first found in this sense in 1589. 当古典研究从学校的课程中消失的时候,人们对于诸如laconic 之类的曾经黯熟的词汇的本来理解也同时失去。 Laconic 这个词是从希腊文 Lakonikos 经拉丁文流传下来的, 它第一次出现于1583年,意思是“拉哥尼亚的或拉哥尼亚居民的”。Lakonikos 源于 Lakon , 意为“一个拉哥尼亚人,来自拉栖第梦的人”,它是希腊的一个地区名,斯巴达是其首府。以好战和纪律严明闻名的斯巴达人也同样因为言简意赅而闻名,laconic 这个词从1589年起被发现有言简意赅的意思起直到今天仍然被英国作家用来表示这一意思 〔truculence〕A disposition or apparent disposition to fight, especially fiercely.好斗:好战,尤指猛烈争斗的性情或明显倾向〔martial〕Characteristic of or befitting a warrior.勇敢的,好战的:具有战士、勇士特征的或适宜于勇士的〔militant〕a militant political activist.一个好战的政治活动家〔testy〕To the casual eyetesty and heady seem to have no connection until one becomes less casual and notes that both words refer to the head.Thehead in heady is easy to see both in the form of the word and in the meanings of the word. The earliest sense,first recorded in a work composed before 1382,is "headlong, headstrong,”which is clearly a "head" sensebut so is the better known current sense "apt to go to the head, intoxicating.”To see thehead in testy, we must look back to the Old French wordtestu, the source of our word. Testu is derived from the Old French word teste, "head" (Modern French tête ). In Englishtesty developed another sense, "aggressive, contentious,” which passed into the sense we are familiar with, "irritable.” 粗看testy 和 heady 似乎没有联系, 直到一个人较为仔细才注意到两个词都指头部。heady 中的 head 很容易看出在形式与意义上均相似。 其最早的意义,首次记录于1382年以前的一部著作中,指“轻率的,顽固的”,显然是“头部”的意思,但现在更为人知的意思是“能入脑的;陶醉的”。而要看head 在 testy 中, 我们必须追溯到古法语testu ,我们这个词的词源。 Testu 源于古法语词 teste ,“头部”(现代法语 tete )。 在英语中,testy 所发展的另一层意思(“好战的,争论的”)转化成了我们熟悉的意思(“暴躁的”) 〔fascism〕A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.法西斯政权:一种以一人独裁下的中央集权为特征的统治方式,对社会经济实行严格控制,通过恐怖活动和新闻书刊的检查强力镇压反对党,典型的是好战的大国民族主义和种族主义〔belligerent〕from belliger [warlike] 源自 belliger [好战的] 〔feist〕Feist, also fice, is one of several regional terms for a small mixed-breed dog or mongrel. Used throughout the Midland and Southern states, feist connotes a snappy, nervous, belligerent little dog—hence the derived adjective feisty, meaning "touchy, quarrelsome, or spirited,” applicable to animals and to people. Feist, 也作 fice, 是对一种小的混血狗或谱系不名的狗的最初几种叫法之一。用于英国中部地带和南部地区, feist 意指一种暴躁的、不安的或好战的小狗——由此而得的形容词 feisty, 意思是“暴躁的、好争吵的或者勇猛的,”指人和动物 〔bristly〕Tending to react with agitation or anger; belligerent:易怒的,好斗的:倾向于以激怒或愤怒反应的;好战的:〔pugnacious〕Combative in nature; belligerent.See Synonyms at belligerent 好战的:本性好斗的;交战的 参见 belligerent〔agonistic〕Striving to overcome in argument; combative.好争议的:努力争取在争论中获胜的;好战〔hooker〕In hisPersonal Memoirs Ulysses S. Grant described Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker as "a dangerous man . . . not subordinate to his superiors.” Hooker had his faults, of course.He may indeed have been insubordinate;undoubtedly he was an erratic leader.But there is one thing of which he is often accused that "Fighting Joe" Hooker certainly did not do:he did not give his name to prostitutes.According to a popular story,the men under Hooker's command during the Civil War were a particularly wild bunch.When his troops were on leave,we are told, they spent much of their time in brothels.For this reason, as the story goes,prostitutes came to be known ashookers. It is not difficult to understand how such a theory might have originated.The major general's name differs from the wordhooker only in the capital letter that begins it. And it is true that Hooker's men were at times ill-disciplined (although it seems that liquor, not women, was the main source of their difficulties with the provost marshal).However attractive this theory may be,it cannot be true.The wordhooker, with the sense "prostitute,” is in fact older than the Civil War. It appeared in the second edition (although not in the first) of John Russell Bartlett'sDictionary of Americanisms, published in 1859.Bartlett definedhooker as "a strumpet, a sailor's trull.” He also said that the word was derived from Corlear's Hook,a district in New York City,but this was only a guess.There is no evidence that the term originated in New York.Norman Ellsworth Eliason has traced this use ofhooker back to 1845 in North Carolina. He reported the usage inTarheel Talk; an Historical Study of the English Language in North Carolina to 1860, published in 1956. The fact that we have no earlier written evidence does not mean thathooker was never used to mean "prostitute" before 1845. The history ofhooker is, quite simply, murky; we do not know when or where it was first used,but we can be very certain that it did not begin with Joseph Hooker.Also, we have no firm evidence that it came from Corlear's Hook.Scholarly evidence or lack thereof notwithstanding,the late Bruce Catton, the Civil War historian, did not go so far as to exonerate completely the Union general.Although "the term ‘hooker’ did not originate during the Civil War,”wrote Catton, "it certainly became popular then.During these war years, Washington developed a large [red-light district] somewhere south of Constitution Avenue.This became known as Hooker's Division in tribute to the proclivities of General Joseph Hookerand the name has stuck ever since.”If the termhooker was derived neither from Joseph Hooker nor from Corlear's Hook, what is its derivation?It is most likely that thishooker is, etymologically, simply "one who hooks.” The term portrays a prostitute as a person who hooks, or snares, clients.尤利西斯·S·格兰特在他的个人回忆录 中把陆军少将约瑟夫·胡克描写成“一个危险人物…从不服从于他的顶头上司”。 胡克当然有他的缺点。他也许曾是一个难以屈服的人;但他无疑是一个怪癖的军官。但是“好战的乔”,胡克却因为一件他肯定没有干过的事情而屡遭指责;他从不对妓女透露他的姓名。根据一个流行故事,内战中胡克的手下有一伙特别狂野的人们。当他的队伍即将离开时,据说他们总在妓院里消磨时日。故事还说正因为如此,妓女开始被叫做hookers。 我们不难理解这样一个故事的起源的推测。这个将军的名字和hooker 只差开头的一个大写字母。 而且胡克的手下在当时确实纪律涣散(尽管看来是酒而非女人才导致了他们与宪兵司令之间的矛盾)。不管这个故事多么诱人,它不可能是真实的。事实上hooker 一词作为“妓女”的意思比内战的历史还要早。 它出现于约翰·罗素·巴特利特编纂的美国俗语词典 的第二版(尽管第一版中没有), 出版于1859年。巴特利特把hooker 定义为“一个妓女,水手的妓女”。 他还说这个词来源于科利尔的胡克,纽约市的一个地区,但这只是一个猜想。没有证据证明这一说法源于纽约。诺曼·爱尔斯华斯·艾利森把hooker 的用法追溯到1845年的北卡罗来纳州。 他在1956年出版的北卡罗来纳州闲话; 1860年前北卡罗来纳英语历史研究 中说明了这一用法。 缺乏早期书面证据这一事实并不意味着在1845年之前hooker 没有被用作“妓女”一义。 很简单,hooker 的历史隐晦难知; 我们不知道它在何时何地被首次使用,但我们可以肯定它并不始于约瑟夫·胡克。而且我们没有确凿证据证明它来源于科利尔的胡克。不管有无学术性的证据,已故的内战历史学家布鲁斯·卡通并没有做到为联邦将军彻底开脱的地步。尽管“‘hooker’这一词语并不是来源于内战,”卡通写道,“在那之后它肯定流行了起来。在战争年代,华盛顿在宪法大街南部某个地方发展了很大的[红灯区]。人们把这里称作胡克的辖区,作为对约瑟夫·胡克将军怪癖的献礼,这个名字从此便生根发芽”。如果hooker 这一词语既不是源于约瑟夫·胡克也不来自于科利尔的胡克, 那么它的词源究竟是什么呢?从词源学上来说hooker 很有可能仅仅是“引…上钩的人”。 这一词语把妓女描绘成一个勾引或引诱客人的人〔fight〕The power or inclination to fight; pugnacity:好斗,好战:有能力或喜欢战斗;好战〔hawk〕One who demonstrates an actively aggressive or combative attitude, as in an argument.鹰派人物:如在争论中显示出一种积极好战的或有侵略性态度的人〔warlike〕Belligerent; hostile.好战的;敌意的〔truculent〕Disposed to fight; pugnacious.好战的;好斗的〔Haywood〕American labor leader. A socialist who helped found the Industrial Workers of the World (1905), he was ejected from the Socialist Party for his militant views (1912) and was convicted of sedition during World War I. He fled to the Soviet Union in 1921.海伍德,威廉·达德利:(1869-1928) 美国劳工领袖,1905年帮助建立了世界产业工人组织的社会主义者,1912年因其好战观点而被逐出社会党,在第一次世界大战期间被判煽动罪,1921年逃往苏联〔belligerent〕Inclined or eager to fight; hostile or aggressive.好战的:倾向于或渴望战斗的;敌对的或爱寻衅的




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