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释义 〔dramatic〕Arresting or forceful in appearance or effect:引人注目的:引人注目或给人深刻印象的外表或效果:〔pallium〕The mantle of gray matter forming the cerebral cortex.大脑皮层:形成大脑皮层智力的外表〔haggard〕Wild or distraught in appearance.发狂的:外表狂野或极其烦乱的〔show〕A striking appearance or display; a spectacle.壮观的景象:引人注目的外表或展示;奇观〔coney〕A grouper(Epinephelus fulvus) of the tropical Atlantic, having dark brown or sharply bicolored skin and a few blue and black spots. 石斑鱼:一种热带大西洋的石斑鱼(褐色石斑鱼) ,具有暗棕色或明显双色并带有蓝黑点的外表 〔mealybug〕[So called because it is covered with a white powdery substance] [这样称呼是因为它外表覆盖着白色粉状物质] 〔adventitia〕The membranous outer covering of an organ or a blood vessel.外膜:器官或血管的膜状外表覆盖物〔regard〕She gives little regard to her appearance.她不太注重外表〔ormolu〕Any of several copper and zinc or tin alloys resembling gold in appearance and used to ornament furniture, moldings, architectural details, and jewelry.铜锌锡合金:外表看来象金的、由铜、锌或锡组成的合金,用于装饰家具、模具、建筑配件和珠宝〔phase〕the white color phase of a weasel; the swarming phase of locusts.鼬鼠的白色外表阶段;蝗虫的群居期〔apron〕Something, such as a protective shield for a machine, that resembles this garment in appearance or function.挡板;拖板箱:一些在外表或功能上类似这种服装的东西,如机器上的保护屏蔽物〔male〕a masculine appearance;具阳刚气的外表〔echinoderm〕Any of numerous radially symmetrical marine invertebrates of the phylum Echinodermata, which includes the starfishes, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers, having an internal calcareous skeleton and often covered with spines.棘皮动物:棘皮动物门中各种的放射对称状海洋无脊椎动物,具有内骨架且通常有脊包覆外表,包括海星、海胆、海参等〔person〕Physique and general appearance.形体,外貌:体格或总体上的外表〔look〕looks Physical appearance, especially when pleasing. looks 容貌,脸色:身体的外表,尤指高兴时的〔skewbald〕Having spots or patches of white on a coat of a color other than black:花斑的:在一外表除了黑色以外还有白色斑点或小块的:〔austere〕Severe or stern in disposition or appearance; somber and grave:严厉的:性格及外表严厉或严峻的;阴郁可怕的:〔nature〕"She was only strong and sweet and in her nature when she was really deep in trouble"(Gertrude Stein)“她仅是外表坚强和纯真,实质上在她的心中却充满烦恼”(格特鲁德·斯坦)〔changeable〕Varying in color or appearance when seen from different angles:颜色有变化的:从不同角度看颜色或外表不同的:〔simulation〕Assumption of a false appearance.冒充:采用一个假的外表〔austere〕the austere figure of a Puritan minister.清教徒牧师严厉的外表〔inlay〕Contrasting material set into a surface in pieces to form a design.镶衬(图片):将一片片性质相反的物质镶嵌入同一外表内,从而形成一种设计〔hake〕Any of various marine food fishes of the generaMerluccius and Urophycis, related to and resembling the cod. 狗鳕,海鳕:一种可食用的海鱼无须鳕属 和 长鳍鳕属 海洋食用鱼,与鳕鱼有亲缘关系,外表相似 〔strip〕Bare implies uncovering and exposing, as to view: Bare 暗指揭开外表使暴露于视觉: 〔trick〕A deceptive or illusive appearance; an illusion:假象,幻觉:一种具欺骗性的或令人迷惑的外表;错觉:〔lithosphere〕The rocky crust of the earth.岩石圈:地球的岩石外表〔fantastic〕Grotesque refers principally to appearance or aspect in which deformity and distortion approach the point of caricature or even absurdity: Grotesque 主要指外观或外表畸形或变形达到了讽刺甚至荒谬的地步: 〔fussy〕Paying great or excessive attention to personal tastes and appearance; fastidious:过分装饰的:对个人品味或外表付以过大或过分注意的;过分讲究的:〔severe〕 Stern suggests unyielding disposition, uncompromising resolution, or forbidding appearance or nature: Stern 指强硬的处理、不妥协的决定或冷峻的外表或气质: 〔crocodile〕The crocodile may owe its name to its resemblance to a much smaller creature, a lizard that lived in the stone walls of Ionia.This lizard's name,krokodilos, is thought to be a compound of krokē, "pebble, gravel,” and drilos, which is only attested as meaning "circumcised man" but is assumed to mean "worm" as well. According to Herodotus, Ionians in Egypt noted the resemblance, probably humorously, between basking crocodiles and their own "worm of the stones.”The modern form of Englishcrocodile represents a return to the Classical Latin spelling crocodīlus, Latin having borrowed the word from Greek.But other spellings occurred in Classical Greek and Latin, and one of these Latin spellings,cocodrillus, passed into Medieval Latin and Old French (cocodril ) and then into English, so that our earliest possible use of the word, in a work perhaps composed before 1300, is spelledcokedrille. It was not until the 16th century that the word came to have its present spelling.The various spellings met with in the history ofcrocodile reflect the same sort of variations that occurred in the history of alligator. 鳄鱼可能是因为与一种比它小得多的生物,即生长在爱奥尼亚的石墙中的蜥蜴外表相似而得名。这种蜥蜴的名字krokodilos 被认为是由 kroke (意为“卵石,砾石”)一词和 drilos 这一(只被证明有“受割的人”的意思但又被假定有“蠕虫”的意思的)词组成的复合词。 希罗多德认为,埃及境内的爱奥尼亚人可能出于幽默而记下了晒太阳的鳄鱼和他们本地的“石头中的蠕虫”之间的类似点。英语的crocodile 的现代形式反映了古拉丁语拼法 crocodilus 的回归, 拉丁语中的这个词是从希腊语中引入的。但是出现在古希腊语和古拉丁语中的其它拼法以及其中一种拉丁语拼法,cocodrillus , 却进入到中世纪拉丁语和古法语(cocodril )中,然后又进入到英语中, 所以出现在可能写于1300年以前的一篇文章中的我们最早有可能使用该词时的拼法是cokedrille 。 直到16世纪,这个词才变成现在这种拼法。在crocodile 一词的演变历史中的多种拼法也反映了在 alligator 一词的演变历史中的相似变化 〔hued〕Having a given hue, aspect, or character. Often used in combination:有…颜色的,有…特色的,有…外观的:有某种色彩,外表或特征的。通常用于复合词:〔mean〕Common or poor in appearance; shabby:外表平常或贫穷的;简陋的:〔cobalt〕A hard, brittle metallic element, found associated with nickel, silver, lead, copper, and iron ores and resembling nickel and iron in appearance. It is used chiefly for magnetic alloys, high-temperature alloys, and in the form of its salts for blue glass and ceramic pigments. Atomic number 27; atomic weight 58.9332; melting point 1,495°C; boiling point 2,900°C; specific gravity 8.9; valence 2, 3. See table at element 钴:一种硬而脆的金属元素,与镍、银、铅、铜和铁矿石一起存在,外表像镍和铁。它主要用于磁合金、高温合金、以盐的形式用于蓝色玻璃和陶瓷颜料。原子序数27;原子量58.9332;熔点1,495°C;沸点2,900°C;比重8.9;原子价2,3 参见 element〔halfbeak〕Any of various slender, bony, live-bearing tropical freshwater fishes of the family Hemiramphidae, characterized by a silvery appearance and an elongated lower jaw.𮬤鱼:𮬤鱼科的各种不同细长、骨状、能承受电流的热带淡水鱼类的任一种,以银色外表及瘦长较低的下颚为特征〔sham〕To put on the false appearance of; feign:假装:装出虚假的外表;虚构:〔reconstructive〕Serving to rebuild, restore, or correct the appearance and function of defective, damaged, or misshaped body structures or parts:修复的:用来重建、恢复或矫正有缺陷、损坏或畸形的身体结构或部分的外表和功能的:〔genteel〕genteel manners and appearance.优美的举止和漂亮的外表〔metamorphose〕To change into a wholly different form or appearance; transform:使变形:变成一种完全不同的形状或外表;变形:〔fake〕Having a false or misleading appearance; fraudulent.假的:有假的或造成误导的外表的;不真实的〔feminize〕To give a feminine appearance or character to.使女性化:给予…女性的外表或性格




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