单词 | 复叶 |
释义 | 〔potentilla〕Any of numerous herbs or shrubs of the genusPotentilla, of the North Temperate Zone, having pinnately or palmately compound leaves and yellow, white, or red flowers with many pistils. 委陵菜:一种北温带委陵菜属 草本植物或灌木,具羽状或掌状复叶,花为黄色、白色或红色,有许多雌蕊 〔pea〕A Eurasian climbing annual vine(Pisum sativum) cultivated in all temperate zones, having compound leaves with terminal leaflets modified into tendrils and globose, edible seeds enclosed in a green, elongated pod. 豌豆属植物:一种欧亚大陆的一年生爬藤植物(豌豆) ,栽植于所有温带地区,具有顶生小叶片的复叶,复叶变成卷须和包在绿色的长荚中的球状可食用种子 〔restharrow〕Any of several Old World plants of the genusOnonis, having woody stems, axillary pink or purplish flowers, and trifoliate leaves with dentate leaflets. 匍匐芒柄花:一种芒柄花 属的东半球植物,具有木质茎,腋生的粉红或略呈紫色的花,及具有齿状小叶的三层复叶 〔cowbane〕A perennial North American herb(Oxypolis rigidior) having pinnately compound leaves and umbels of small white flowers. 毒牛芹:一种生长于北美洲的多年生草本植物(毒牛芹) ,生有羽状的复叶,开伞状小白花 〔chinaberry〕A deciduous Asian tree(Melia azedarach), widely cultivated and naturalized in the southern United States and having bipinnately compound leaves, clusters of purplish flowers, and yellow, globose, poisonous fruits. Also called China tree 楝:产于亚洲的落叶乔木(楝树 楝属), ,有二回羽养复叶、紫色花簇以及黄色球形、有毒的果实,在美国南部被广泛引种栽培 也作 China tree〔mimosa〕Any of various mostly tropical herbs, shrubs, and trees of the genusMimosa, having globular heads of small flowers with protruding stamens and usually bipinnate, compound leaves that are often sensitive to touch or light. 含羞草:一种含羞草 属的多种热带草本植物、灌木及乔本植物,开球状小花,花蕊突出,通常生有二回羽状复叶,对触模和光很敏感 〔jasmine〕Any of several vines or shrubs of the genusJasminum, native chiefly to Asia and having usually compound leaves and white or yellow flowers. Some of the fragrant species are used in making perfume. 茉莉,素馨:一种主要产于亚洲的茉莉属 藤蔓植物或灌木,通常长有复叶、开白色或黄色花。一些芳香的品种可用于制香水 〔udo〕A perennial Japanese plant(Aralia cordata) having bipinnately compound leaves and young shoots that are cooked and eaten as a vegetable. 土当归:日本的一种多年生植物(土当归 楤木属) ,长有二回羽状复叶,其嫩根可以当蔬菜食用 〔goatsbeard〕A tall dioecious plant(Aruncus dioicus) native to the eastern United States, having bipinnately compound leaves and a large panicle of small white flowers. 假升麻,绣线菊属植物:一种雌雄异株的高大植物(假升麻 假升麻属) ,原产于美国东部,具有二回羽状复叶,以及由小白花构成的复总状大花序 〔primavera〕A tree(Cybistax donnellsmithii) of Mexico and Guatemala, having opposite, palmately compound leaves, yellow flowers, and close-grained, light-colored wood. 白桃花心木:产于墨西哥和危地马拉的树(美洲掌叶属 白桃花心木) ,叶为互生掌状复叶,花黄色,木质纹理细密而色浅 〔quatrefoil〕A representation of a flower with four petals or a leaf with four leaflets, especially in heraldry.四小叶复叶,十字花:由一朵花和四片花瓣或一片叶子和四片小叶组成的图纹,尤见于纹章〔petiolule〕The stalk of a leaflet in a compound leaf.小叶柄:复叶上的小叶的叶柄〔broom〕Any of various Mediterranean shrubs of the genusCytisus in the pea family, especially C. Scoparius, having mostly compound leaves with three leaflets and showy, usually bright yellow flowers. 金雀花:一种地中海豆科金雀花属 灌木,尤指 金雀花 ,大都生有三片叶子组成的复叶,通常开艳丽的亮黄色花朵 〔baobab〕A tropical African tree(Adansonia digitata) having a swollen trunk that stores water, palmately compound leaves, and long, hanging, hard-shelled fruits. 猴面包树:一种热带非洲树木(猴面包树 猴面包树属) ,有储水的膨大树干、掌状复叶和长而下垂的硬壳果实 〔jacaranda〕Any of several tropical American trees or shrubs of the genusJacaranda, having pinnately compound, opposite leaves and panicles of pale purple flowers with funnel-shaped corollas. 蓝花楹:生长在热带美洲的几种蓝花楹 属的树木或灌木,有羽状对生复叶和淡紫色的圆锥花序的花,其花冠呈漏斗状 〔shamrock〕Any of several plants, such as a clover or wood sorrel, having compound leaves with three small leaflets, considered the national emblem of Ireland.酢浆草:任一种如三叶草或酸木的植物,生有三片小叶的复叶,被看作爱尔兰的国花〔buckbean〕A perennial herb(Menyanthes trifoliata) native to the Northern Hemisphere and having trifoliate leaves and clusters of white, pink, or purplish flowers. 睡菜:一种一年生草本植物(睡菜 睡菜属) ,原产于北半球,有三小叶复叶和白色、粉红、紫色花束 〔rachis〕A main axis or shaft, such as the main stem of an inflorescence, the stalk of a pinnately compound leaf, or the spinal column.花序轴:主轴或主茎,如花序的总轴、掌状复叶的茎或螺旋状的柱〔rachilla〕A diminutive axis of a spikelet that bears the florets, as in grasses and sedges.叶轴:带复叶小叶的叶柄的轴的延长,如草类和蒿类的叶轴〔melilot〕Any of several Old World plants of the genusMelilotus in the pea family, having compound leaves with three leaflets and narrow racemes of small white or yellow flowers. Also called sweet clover 草木犀植物:产于东半球的各种豆科草木犀 属植物,生有具三片叶的复叶,长有白色或黄色的小花,成狭窄型腋生总状花序 也作 sweet clover〔oxalis〕Any of numerous plants of the genusOxalis, having often cloverlike compound leaves with three leaflets and variously colored flowers that are usually clustered in umbels. Also called wood sorrel 酢浆草属:任一种酢浆草属 的植物,经常有混合的三叶状的复叶,附有三片小叶,有各色的花通常集聚在伞状花序上 也作 wood sorrel〔hickory〕Any of several chiefly North American deciduous trees of the genusCarya, having smooth or shaggy bark, compound leaves, and hard smooth stones or nuts, each containing an edible seed and surrounded by a husk that splits into four valves. 山核桃:一种山核桃 属的北美洲落叶乔木,树皮光滑或粗糙,复叶,果实或坚果坚硬光滑,中间有可食用的种子,种子外包了一层可裂成四片的外皮 〔cinquefoil〕Any of several plants of the genusPotentilla in the rose family, native chiefly to temperate and cold regions and having yellow or sometimes white or red flowers and compound leaves that in some species bear five leaflets. 委陵菜:一种蔷薇科委陵菜属 植物,多原产于温带和寒带地区,开黄花,有时开白花或红花,有些种类长五小叶的复叶 〔citrus〕Any of various evergreen, usually spiny shrubs or trees of the genusCitrus, such as the grapefruit, lemon, or orange, native to southern and southeast Asia, having leathery, aromatic, unifoliolate compound leaves and widely cultivated for their juicy, edible fruits that have a leathery, aromatic rind. 柑橘属果树:一种柑橘属 的常绿、通常带刺的灌木,例如葡萄柚、柠檬或柑桔,原产于南亚和东南亚,有坚韧、芳香、具有一小叶的复叶,因其结硬皮、芳香、多汁的可食用果实而得到广泛栽植 〔leaflet〕One of the segments of a compound leaf.小叶:复叶的一小部分〔sanicle〕Any of various plants of the genusSanicula, having usually compound leaves and compound umbels of small yellow, purple, or greenish flowers, formerly used as an astringent. 变豆菜属植物:任一种变豆菜属 的植物,通常生有复叶,开小的黄色、紫色或绿色花朵,有复状伞形花序,过去曾被用作收敛剂 〔medic〕Any of several Old World herbs of the genusMedicago in the pea family, having clusters of small, usually yellow flowers and compound leaves with three leaflets. Several species are important for fodder and green manure. 苜蓿属植物:产于东半球的豆科苜蓿属 草本植物,生有通常为黄色的小花簇和含三个叶片的复叶。此属中有几种植物是重要的饲料和绿色肥料 〔buckeye〕Any of various North American trees or shrubs of the genusAesculus, having palmately compound, opposite leaves, erect panicles of white to red or yellow flowers, and large, shiny seeds with a large attachment scar. All parts of the plant are poisonous. 七叶树:一种北美洲的七叶树 属的树或灌木,有掌状对生复叶,直立的白色、红色或黄色圆锥花序,种子硕大而亮丽,附有一个巨大的瘢痕。这种植物的每一部分都有毒 〔bluebonnet〕Either of two annual lupines(Lupinus texensis and L. subcarnosus), native to Texas and having palmately compound leaves and light blue flowers. Also called Texas bluebonnet 羽扇豆:两种一年生羽扇豆植物之一,(得克萨斯羽扇豆 羽扇豆属 和 得克萨斯羽扇豆 羽扇豆属) ,原产于得克萨斯,有掌状复叶,花淡蓝色 也作 Texas bluebonnet〔spikenard〕A North American plant(Aralia racemosa) having small greenish flowers, aromatic roots, and bipinnately compound leaves. 美洲甘松:一种美洲植物(美楤木 楤木属) ,有小而呈淡绿色的花、芳香味的根、二回羽状复叶 〔sumac〕Any of various shrubs or small trees of the genusRhus, having compound leaves, clusters of small greenish flowers, and usually red, hairy fruit. Some species, such as the poison ivy and poison oak, cause an acute itching rash on contact. 盐肤木:一种盐肤木 属灌木或小乔木,长有复叶、绿色成簇的小花、红色覆毛果实有几个物种,如毒常春藤和毒橡树,接触后会引起急性的搔痒疹 〔yellowwood〕A deciduous tree(Cladrastis lutea) of the southeast United States, having pinnately compound leaves, drooping clusters of white flowers, and yellow wood yielding a yellow dye. 黄香槐:产于美国东南部的一种落叶树(美洲香槐 香槐属) ,长有羽状的复叶、下垂白色花簇和产黄色染料的黄色树木 〔alfalfa〕A southwest Asian perennial herb(Medicago sativa) having compound leaves with three leaflets and clusters of usually blue-violet flowers. It is widely cultivated as a pasture and hay crop. 苜蓿,紫苜蓿:一种亚洲西南部多年生草本植物(苜蓿) ,其复叶由三小叶构成,花簇通常为蓝紫色的。它作为牧草和干草而被广泛种植 〔lupine〕Any of numerous plants of the genusLupinus in the pea family, having palmately compound leaves and variously colored flowers grouped in spikes or racemes. 羽扇豆属植物:一种豆科羽扇豆 属的植物,有掌状复叶和颜色各异的呈穗状或总状花序排列的花朵 〔coontie〕Any of several evergreen species of the genusZamia native to southern Florida, Mexico, and the West Indies, having compound leaves, unisexual cones, and conspicuously thickened underground stems that yield starch resembling arrowroot. Also called Seminole bread 泽米:任一种泽米属 常绿植物,原产于美国佛罗里达、墨西哥及西印度群岛,生有复叶,开有雌雄异体的球状花朵,其明显膨大的地下茎可制成类似竹竽粉的淀粉 也作 Seminole bread〔honewort〕An eastern North American perennial plant(Cryptotaenia canadensis) having umbels of small whitish flowers and compound leaves with larger, double serrate leaflets. 北美鸭儿芹:一种北美东部(加拿大鸭儿芹 鸭儿芹属) 常绿植物,有小白花组成的伞形花和较大的双层锯齿叶构成的复叶,生长于北美东部 〔unifoliolate〕Compound in structure but having a single leaflet, as the leaf of a citrus plant.(复叶)具一小叶的:结构上是复合的,但有单一小叶,如柑橘类植物的叶子〔fern〕Any of numerous flowerless, seedless vascular plants having roots, stems, and fronds and reproducing by spores.蕨,蕨类植物:数量较大的有根、茎以及复叶的无花、无子管状植物,通过孢子再生 |
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