单词 | 表演 |
释义 | 〔ridicule〕"My father discouraged me by ridiculing my performances" (Benjamin Franklin).Tomock is to poke fun at someone, often by mimicking and caricaturing his or her speech or actions: “我的父亲贬损嘲笑我的表演而使我灰心丧气” (本杰明·弗兰克林)。Mock 指开某人的玩笑, 经常通过模仿或滑稽地讽刺他的或她的讲话或动作: 〔extemporaneous〕These adjectives mean spoken, performed, done, or composed with little or no preparation or forethought.Extemporaneous, extemporary, and extempore most often apply to discourse, as a public speech, that is delivered without the assistance of a written text, though it may have been planned in advance: 这些形容词的意思是未经准备或构思而演讲的、表演的、进行的或谱写的。Extemporaneous,extemporary 和 extempore 常适用于演讲,如公共演说, 虽然这可能经过提前筹划但演讲时却不需书面材料的帮助: 〔display〕The act of displaying.(动作)展现,展示,显露,表演〔loop〕To make a loop in an aircraft.做环形飞行表演〔play〕A literary work written for performance on the stage; a drama.戏剧,剧本:用于在舞台的表演而写的文学作品;戏剧〔trounce〕"I was out to trounce on every digression and indiscretion conducted (or should I say semiconducted) in this performance"(Robert Maxwell Stern)“我总是力图严厉责备这场表演中出现的(或者我应该说几乎出现的)偏题或疏忽”(罗伯特·马克斯韦尔·斯特恩)〔musicale〕A program of music performed at a party or social gathering.社交音乐会:在社交聚会上表演的音乐节目〔lead〕To direct the performance or activities of:指挥:指挥…的表演或行动:〔recital〕A public performance of music or dance, especially by a solo performer.独唱会;独舞表演:对音乐或舞蹈的当众表演,尤指只有一个表演者的这种表演集会〔abracadabra〕"Abracadabra,” says the magician, unaware that at one time the thing to do with the word was wear it, not say it. Abracadabra was a magic word,the letters of which were arranged in an inverted pyramidand worn as an amulet around the neck to protect the wearer against disease or trouble.One fewer letter appeared in each line of the pyramid,until onlya remained to form the vertex of the triangle. As the letters disappeared, so supposedly did the disease or trouble.While magicians still useabracadabra in their performances, the word itself has acquired another sense, "foolish or unintelligible talk.”巫师没意识他所说的"Abracadabra"一词曾一度只是被用来佩带,而不是谈及。 Abracadabra 是一巫术用语,其字母可被排成倒金字塔形,当作护身符戴在脖子上可保护佩戴者免除疾病和灾难。金字塔形的每一行少一个字母,直到三角形顶端只剩a 一个字母。 当字母消失时,疾病和灾难也被认为是消失了。但现在的巫术师在表演时仍使用abracadabra , 于是这个词就带上了另一种意义,“愚蠢或无意义的话语”〔Jackson〕American singer whose powerful performances and recordings, such as "Move on up a Little Higher" (1945), did much to popularize gospel music among general audiences.杰克逊,迈哈莱:(1911-1972) 美国歌星,其强有力的表演和唱片,如“继续向上移高一点”(1945年),对在民众中普及福音音乐起了很大作用〔curtain〕The rising or opening of a theater curtain at the beginning of a performance or an act.启幕:在表演或戏剧的一幕开始时升起或拉开戏院的幕布〔perform〕The juggler performed atop a unicycle.杂技演员骑在独轮车上表演〔run〕To be greater or bigger than others in (a performance, for example).(如在表演中)胜过其他的〔magical〕a magical performance of the ballet.芭蕾舞演员迷人的表演〔heraldry〕Pomp and ceremony, especially attended with armorial trappings; pageantry.展示各种纹章的堂皇礼仪:壮观的仪式,尤指有纹间装饰的仪式;壮观的表演〔Lunt〕American actor who performed with his wife Lynn Fontanne in many stage productions, includingPygmalion (1926) and Quadrille (1952-1955). 兰特,艾尔弗雷德:(1893-1977) 美国演员,曾与其妻子林恩·方丹表演了许多舞台剧,包括《皮格马利翁》 (1926年)和 《夸德里尔牌戏》 (1952-1955年) 〔tread〕To act on the stage:表演:在舞台上表演:〔partner〕To work or perform as a partner.合伙,搭档:作为搭档在一起工作或表演〔Bunraku〕A traditional Japanese puppet theater featuring large puppets operated by on-stage puppeteers with a narrative recited from off-stage. The puppets have heads, hands, and feet of wood attached to a bodiless cloth costume.文乐木偶戏:日本传统木偶剧,由台上操纵与人一般大小的木偶的操纵人员与幕后叙述者配合表演。木偶有木质的头,手和脚,虽然无躯体却以布质服饰相连接〔force〕His playing compels respect, if not enthusiasm.如果不是狂热的话,他的表演就是强迫他人予以敬重。〔Cantor〕American entertainer known especially for his energetic, goggle-eyed performances in vaudeville and Broadway reviews.康托尔,埃迪:(1892-1964) 美国演艺人员,尤以其在滑稽歌舞和百老汇巡回演出中充满活力的瞪眼表演而出名〔aerobatics〕Spectacular stunts, such as rolls and loops, performed in an airplane or glider.飞行特技:在飞机或滑翔机上表演的惊人特技动作,例如侧滚或翻斤斗〔Tracy〕American actor known for his film partnership with Katharine Hepburn and his performances inCaptains Courageous (1937) and Boys Town (1938), for which he won Academy Awards. 屈赛,斯宾塞:(1900-1967) 美国男演员,因他与凯瑟琳·赫本合演电影以及在《勇敢的船长》 (1937年)和 《博伊斯城》 (1938年)的表演而闻名,后者为他赢得了奥斯卡奖 〔Menken〕American actress and poet particularly noted for her role in the dramatization of Byron'sMazeppa (1861). 门肯,阿达·伊萨克斯:(1835?-1868) 美国女演员及诗人,尤以其1861年在拜伦之《玛泽帕》 一剧中的表演而闻名 〔dazzle〕To amaze, overwhelm, or bewilder with spectacular display:使惊讶,使惊奇:对壮观的表演表示惊奇、不知所措或迷惑:〔busker〕A street musician or public entertainer, especially one who solicits money during a performance:街头艺人:街头的音乐家或公共场所表演者,尤指在表演中乞求钱财的人:〔acrobatics〕The art, skill, or performance of an acrobat.特技表演:杂技演员的技术或表演〔solo〕A performance by or intended for a single individual.单独表演:由单个人进行的或用于单个人进行的表演〔cracking〕a cracking good show.极其精彩的表演〔songstress〕A woman who performs songs, especially ballads or popular songs.女歌手:表演歌曲,尤其是民谣或流行歌曲的女歌手〔hammy〕Marked or characterized by overacting; affectedly humorous or dramatic.表演夸张的:以过火夸张表演为其特点的;虚假的幽默或戏剧性的〔amateur〕When Mrs. T.W. Atkinson remarked in her 1863Recollections of the Tartar Steppes and their Inhabitants, "I am no amateur of these melons,” she usedamateur in a sense unfamiliar to us. That sense, "a lover, an admirer,” is, however, clearly descended from the senses of the word's ultimate Latin source,amātor, "lover, devoted friend, devotee, enthusiastic pursuer of an objective,” and from its immediate Latin-derived French source,amateur, with a similar range of meanings. First recorded in English in 1784 with the sense in which Mrs. Atkinson used it,amateur is found in 1786 with a meaning more familiar to us, "a person who engages in an art, for example, as a pastime rather than as a profession,” a sense that had already developed in French.Given the limitations of doing something as an amateur,it is not surprising that the word is soon after recorded in the disparaging sensewe still use to refer to someone who lacks professional skill or ease in performance.当T.W.阿特金森夫人在她1863年出版的塔塔·史坦普和其居民回忆录, 中提到“我并不喜欢这些瓜果”时, 她使用的amateur 是我们所不熟悉的一个意思。 可是这种“爱好者,喜爱者,”的意思显然有其正宗拉丁语来源,amator, 意思是“爱人,忠实的朋友,奉献者,对某目标热情的追求者”, 还有由拉丁语直接派生出的法语来源,amateur, 具有相似的意思。 1784年记录在英语文字中出现的这个词正是阿特金森夫人使用的意思,1786年出现的amateur 有我们更为熟悉的意思, “如一个从事艺术,把它作为一项消遣,而不是一个职业的人,”法语的词早已发展了这种意思。如果把意思限定为从事业余活动的人,这个词被记录下来后不久就有了贬义含意,也就不足为奇了,我们用它来指在表演中缺乏专业技巧或缺乏得心应手的感觉〔couple〕a square dance performed by four couples. The term may also mean simply "few": 由四对表演的四方舞。 这个名词也可以指简单的“几个”: 〔empty〕The theater emptied after the performance.表演结束后剧院空无一人〔mime〕To act as a mimic.演滑稽角色:如滑稽演员一样表演〔Hepburn〕American actress whose unique comedic and dramatic presence marks many motion pictures, includingThe Philadelphia Story (1940), Adam's Rib (1949), and The African Queen (1951). She has received a record-setting 12 Academy Award nominations. 赫本,凯瑟琳·豪夫顿:美国女演员,其表演具有独特的喜剧及戏剧性,出演了多部电影,包括《费城故事》 (1940年)、 《金屋藏娇》 (1940年)和 《非洲皇后》 (1951年)。她获得了12次奥斯卡金像奖提名 〔quintet〕A group of five performing musicians.五位音乐家的表演小组〔live〕At, during, or from the time of actual occurrence or performance:正在发生地,现场转播地:正在、处于或从正在发生或表演的时候:〔attack〕a careful performance, but one lacking the rigorous attack the work demands.一场精心设计但缺乏作品所需感染力的表演 |
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