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释义 〔opossum〕The wordopossum takes us back to the earliest days of the United States. The settlement of Jamestown, Virginia, was founded in 1607 by the London Company, chartered for the planting of colonies.Even though the first years were difficult,promotional literature was glowing.In one such piece,A True Declaration of the Estate of the Colonie in Virginia, published in 1610, we find this passage: "There are . . . Apossouns, in shape like to pigges.”This is the first recorded use ofopossum, although in a spelling that differs from the one later settled on to reproduce the sound of the Virginia Algonquian word from which our word came.The wordopossum and its shortened form possum, first recorded in 1613 in more promotional literature, remind us of a time when the New World was still very new, settlers were few,and the inhabitants for whom the New World was not new were plentiful.词语opossum 把我们带回到了早期的美国社会。 伦敦公司,作为开拓殖民地的委托者,在1607年建立了弗吉尼亚詹姆斯敦的居民点。即使在最初的年代里很困难,激进文学也开始抬头。在其中有一篇于1610年出版的弗吉尼亚殖民地的真实宣言 , 其中有一段“一种形似猪的动物”,就是最早的关于opossum 的记录, 虽然它的拼写和现在我们所使用的弗吉尼亚阿尔贡金语的拼写有所不同。词语opossum 和其缩写形式 possum 最初于1613年记录在更加激进的文学作品中, 让我们回想起当新大陆还很陌生而且只有很少的居住者时,已有许多对于新大陆并不陌生的土著居民〔tycoon〕Business tycoons may consider themselves captains or even princes of industry,but by virtue of being calledtycoons, they have already achieved princely status,at least from an etymological point of view.Tycoon came into English from Japanese, which had borrowed the title, meaning "great prince,” from Chinese.Use of the word was intended to make the shogun,the commander in chief of the Japanese army, more impressive to foreigners (his official titleshōgun merely meant "general"). In fact, the shogun actually ruled Japan,although he was supposedly acting for the emperor.When Matthew C. Perry opened Japan to the West in 1854,he negotiated with the shogun, thinking him to be the emperor.The shogun's title,taikun, was brought back to the United States after Perry's visit.Abraham Lincoln's cabinet members usedtycoon as an affectionate nickname for the President. The word soon came to be used for business and industry leaders—perhaps at times for those who had as much right to such an impressive title as did the shogun.The word itself now has an old-fashioned sound,but when we encounter it,we should think back to the days of Commodore Perry and President Lincoln,both of whom were real tycoons in their own ways.商界大亨可能把他们自己当成是工业界的长官或甚至王子,但是因为被叫做tycoon , 他们早已达到了王子般的地位,至少从词源学的观点来说是这样。Tycoon 由日语进入英语, 而日语的这个头衔是从汉语借来的,意思是“大王”。使用这个词是为了使幕府将军,日本军队的总指挥官给外国人以深刻的印象(他的官方头衔shogun 的意思仅仅是“将军”)。 实际上,是幕府将军统治着日本,尽管他被认为是为天皇办事。当马修·C·佩里1854年使日本向西方开放时,他和幕府将军进行了谈判,以为他就是日本天皇。幕府将军的头衔taikun , 在佩里访问美国后带到了美国。亚伯拉罕·林肯的内阁成员把tycoon 用作总统的充满感情的绰号。 这个词很快也被用于商界和工界的领导人,也许有时这些人象幕府将军那样有权以致给人深刻的印象。这个词本身听起来有点老派,但是当我们遇到它时,我们应该回想起佩里海军准将和林肯总统的时代,他们两人以各自的方式成为真正的巨头〔remember〕To recall to the mind; think of again.记得:回想起;再次想起〔remember〕To recall to the mind with effort:努力想起:努力地回想起〔memory〕 Memory is the faculty of retaining and reviving impressions or recalling past experiences: Memory 是指储存、再现印象或回想起过去的经历的能力: 〔remind〕must remind him to call; reminded her of college days.必须让他记着打电话;使她回想起了大学里的日子〔naughty〕Words have changes in their fortunes over time just as people and institutions do.The wordnaughty at one time might have been high on one's list as an all-purpose word similar to bad or nice. During the 16th centuryone could usenaughty to mean "unhealthy, unpleasant, bad (with respect to weather), vicious (of an animal), inferior, or bad in quality" (one could say "very naughtie figes" or "naughty corrupt water"). All of these senses have disappeared, however,andnaughty is now used mainly in contexts involving mischief or indecency. This recalls its early days in Middle English (with the formnoughti ), when the word was restricted to the senses "evil, hostile, ineffectual, and needy.”Middle Englishnoughti, first recorded in works written in the last quarter of the 14th century, was derived fromnought, which as a noun had senses such as "evil,”as a pronoun meant "nothing,”and as an adjective could mean such things as "immoral, weak, useless.”Nought was descended from Old English nāwiht, with similar senses,a compound made up ofnā, "no,” and wiht, "thing, being.” Thusnaughty, in a sense, has risen from nothing,but its fortunes have been better than they are at present.正像人们和制度那样,词随着时间改变了意思。单词naughty 曾一度作为类似于 bad 或 nice 这种通用词语而列于某人的词汇表中。 在16世纪,人们可以用naughty 来指“不健康的,不舒服的,坏的(和天气相关的),邪恶的(动物),较劣的,或质量坏的”(人们可以说“非常坏的人” 或“不健康的被污染的水”)。 然而所有的这些词义都消失了,现在naughty 主要用于关系到顽皮或不妥的上下文中。 这使人回想起它在中世纪英语的早些时候形式为naughti , 当这个词被限定为用作“邪恶的,敌意的,无用的,和贫穷的”意思。中世纪英语的noughti 最先记录于写于14世纪后二十五年的著作中, 是由nought 派生而来的, 作为名词用有“邪恶”的意思,作为代词用是“没有”的意思,和作为形容词为“不道德的,虚弱的,无用的”。Nought 是从古英语 nawiht 中传下来的, 并且有相似的意思,由na “没有”和 wiht “事情,事物”组成的合成词。 这样naughty 从某种意义上来说, 从没有中生出,但是其意思却比现在的这些意思好得多〔archaize〕To use archaisms, as in prose, to suggest the past.用古词,用古语:使用古语,如在散文中,使人回想起过去〔remember〕The central meaning shared by these verbs is "to bring an image or a thought back to the mind": 这些动词共有中心意思是“回想起一个形象或想法”: 〔remember〕recalling her kindness;回想起她的友善;




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