单词 | 卡斯特罗 |
释义 | 〔Guevara〕Argentine-born Cuban revolutionary leader who was Fidel Castro's chief lieutenant in the Cuban revolution (1956-1959) and later served as minister of industry (1961-1965). Active in other Latin American revolutions, he was captured and executed by the Bolivian army.格瓦拉,恩斯托:(1928-1967) 生于阿根廷的古巴革命领袖,在古巴革命(1956-1959年)中是菲德尔·卡斯特罗的主要将领,后成为工业部长(1961-1965年)。在拉丁美洲其他革命中表现活跃,被玻利维亚军队俘获后杀害〔Castro〕Cuban revolutionary leader who overthrew the corrupt regime of the dictator Fulgencio Batista in 1959 and established a socialist state. He has supported other liberation struggles in Latin America and Africa and maintained close ties with the Soviet Union.卡斯特罗,菲德尔:(生于 1927) 古巴革命领导者,在1959年推翻了独裁者弗尔根西欧·巴蒂斯塔的腐败统治并建立了社会主义国家。他曾支持拉丁美洲和非洲一些其他解放运动,并和苏联保持着密切的联系〔syphilis〕In 1530 Girolamo Fracastoro, a physician, astronomer, and poet of Verona,published a poem entitled "Syphilis, sive Morbus Gallicus,” translated as "Syphilis, or the French Disease.” In Fracastoro's poem the name of this dreaded venereal disease is an altered form of the hero's name,Syphilus. The hero, a shepherd, is supposed to have been the first victim of the disease. Where the nameSyphilus itself came from is not known for certain, but it has been suggested that Fracastoro borrowed the name from Ovid'sMetamorphoses. In Ovid's work Sipylus (spelledSiphylus in some manuscripts) is the oldest son of Niobe, who lived not far from Mount Sipylon in Asia Minor.Fracastoro's poem about Syphilus was modeled on the story of Niobe.Although the etymology involving Sipylus was known to the editors of theOxford English Dictionary, it was not accepted as their last word on the subject.C.T. Onions, one of the dictionary's editors, writing in theOxford Dictionary of English Etymology, says that “ Syphilus [the shepherd's name] is of unkn[own] origin.” Fracastoro went on to use the termsyphilis again in his medical treatise De Contagione, published in 1546. The word that Fracastoro used in Latin was eventually borrowed into English, being first recorded in 1718.1530年,吉罗拉莫·弗拉卡斯特罗,一位医生,天文学家,也是维罗纳的诗人,发表了名为"Syphius, sive Morbus Gallicus"的诗,译作“梅毒,或法国疾病”。在弗拉卡斯特罗的诗中,这种可怕的性病的名字是主人公名字 Syphilus(西弗乐斯) 的变体。 主人公是一名牧羊人,据认为是该病的第一个受害者。 Syphilus(西弗乐斯) 这一名字本身的来源并不明确, 但有人认为弗拉卡斯特罗是从奥维德的变形记 中借用的。 在奥维德的作品中,西皮卢斯(Sipylus)(有些版本写作Siphylus )是尼俄柏的大儿子, 他住在小亚细亚的锡皮劳恩山附近。弗拉卡斯特罗的有关西弗乐斯的诗是以尼俄柏的故事为原型的。尽管牛津英语词典 的编者们知道有关西弗乐斯的词源, 这种词源解释还没有被最终确认下来。该词典的编者之一,C·T·奥尼恩斯在牛津英语词源 中写道“ 西弗乐斯 的词源不详”。 在弗拉卡斯特罗发表于1546年的医学论文传染病 中,他继续用 梅毒 这一词语。 弗拉卡斯特罗用的这一拉丁语词是终被借用进英语,其最早的记录出现于1718年〔syphilis〕from Syphilis, sive Morbus Gallicus ["Syphilis, or the French Disease,” title of a poem by Girolamo Fracastoro (1478?-1553)] 源自 Syphilis, sive Morbus Gallicus [“梅毒,或法国疾病”,是吉罗拉莫·弗拉卡斯特罗(1487?-1553年)写的一首诗的题目] 〔Castro〕Venezuelan soldier and politician who was president from 1902 to 1908, when he was suspended by the congress for his dictatorial policies.卡斯特罗,奇普里亚诺:(1858?-1924) 委内瑞拉军人和政客,1902年至1908年任总统,1908年因其独裁政策而被国会停职〔Castroism〕The political and socioeconomic principles and policies of Fidel Castro.卡斯特罗主义:非代尔·卡斯特罗的政治及社会主义经济原则和政策〔Pigs〕A small inlet of the Caribbean Sea on the southern coast of western Cuba. It was the site of an ill-fated invasion on April 17, 1961, when a force of 1,500 U.S.-trained guerrilla troops landed in an attempt to overthrow the government of Fidel Castro.猪湾:加勒比海的一个小海湾,位于古巴西部的南部海岸。它是1961年4月17日一次注定要失败的侵略的入侵地,当时美国训练的一千五百支游击队登陆,企图颠覆菲德尔·卡斯特罗的政府 |
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