单词 | 公众 |
释义 | 〔minyan〕A minimum of ten Jews or, among the Orthodox, Jewish men required for a communal religious service.法定人数:在犹太正教中举行公众宗教仪式所必需的最少为十名的犹太人〔syntactic〕Conforming to accepted patterns of syntax.按照句法的:遵循为公众所接受的造句句型的〔transpire〕Transpire has been used since the mid-18th century in the sense "leak out, become publicly known,” as inDespite efforts to hush the matter up, it soon transpired that the colonels had met with the rebel leaders. This usage was objected to as a Gallicism when it was first introducedbut has long been standard.The more common use oftranspire to mean "occur" or "happen" has had a more troubled history.Though it dates at least to the beginning of the 19th century,it has been the object of critical opprobrium for more than a hundred years,charged with being both pretentious and unetymological.There is some signthat resistance to this sense oftranspire is abating, however. In a 1969 survey the usagewas acceptable only to 38 percent of the Usage Panel;in the most recent surveyit was acceptable to 58 percent in the sentenceAll of these events transpired after last week's announcement (though many of the Panelists who accepted the usage also remarked that it was pretentious or pompous).Transpire 这个词从18世纪中叶开始一直有“泄漏,为公众所知”的意思, 如尽管竭力掩盖事实真相,但人们很快就得知军官们已经与反叛者的领导人会晤。 当这种用法一开始出现时,有人把它当作法国式用法而提出异议,但现在它早已成为标准用法。Transpire 更为普通的用法是“发生”或“碰巧发生”的意思, 这个用法的历史更为复杂。尽管这种用法至少可以追溯到19世纪初期,但一百多年以来它一直遭到批评反对,人们认为这个用法不仅矫饰而且在词源上毫无根据。但是有迹象表明,对transpire 的这个词义的异议正在消失。 在一次1969年进行的调查中,用法委员会成员中只有38%的人接受这种用法。在最近进行的一次调查中,有58%的人认为象在所有这些事件都发生在上个星期的宣告之后 这样的句子中,这个词的用法是可以接受的 (许多接受这种用法的使用者也指出这种用法很矫柔造作)〔profile〕Degree of exposure to public notice; visibility:态度,姿态:对公众关心的事的暴露的程度;能见度:〔swell〕The governor's full public disclosure only swelled the chorus of protests.州长对公众的详尽透露反而激起一片更强烈的抗议〔mind〕the medical mind; the public mind.具有医学头脑的人;具有公众头脑的人〔Gallup〕American public-opinion analyst. Through his techniques of polling the public, he accurately predicted the outcome of the 1936 presidential election. Gallup polls have been used regularly ever since.盖洛普,乔治·贺拉斯:(1901-1984) 美国公众舆论分析家,由于他采用公众民意测验的方法,精确预估出1936年总统选举的结果。盖洛普民意测验法从那时起被正式使用〔backstage〕Concealed from the public; private.幕后的,秘密的:隐瞒公众的;私下的〔publicity〕The act, process, or occupation of disseminating information to gain public interest.宣传:传播信息以引起公众兴趣的行动、过程或职业〔syndic〕from Greek sundikos [public advocate] 源自 希腊语 sundikos [公众的维护者] 〔cry〕A public or general demand or complaint.抱怨:公众的或普遍的要求或抱怨〔service〕Offering services to the public in response to need or demand:公益的:根据需求或要求对公众提供服务:〔zoo〕A park or an institution in which living animals are kept and usually exhibited to the public. Also called zoological garden 动物园:饲养许多动物并向公众展览的公园或公共场所 也作 zoological garden〔touch〕disclosures that touched off a public uproar.引起公众一片哗然的披露〔civil〕civil society; the civil branches of government.公众社会;政府的民政部门〔poll〕A survey of the public or of a sample of public opinion to acquire information.民意调查:为获取信息而对公众的调查或对公众意见的一次抽样〔begin〕The public hoped the government would initiate restrictions on imported goods.公众希望政府能对进口货物采取限制。〔private〕Not available for public use, control, or participation:私人的,私有的:公众不能随意使用、控制或参加的:〔world〕People as a whole; the public:世人:作为整体的人们;公众:〔sunshine〕Requiring governmental bodies to hold open meetings and sometimes to permit public access to records:公开的:要求政府机构召开公开会议,有时允许公众查阅会议纪录的:〔semipublic〕Open to the knowledge and judgment of only a part of the public:半公开的:只对一部分公众:〔publish〕To bring to the public attention; announce.See Synonyms at announce 引起公众的注意;宣布 参见 announce〔smog〕Smog is so much a part of modern, industrialized lifethat it is difficult to realize that at one time neither smog nor the word for it existed.The word, of course, followed the phenomenon perhaps by half a century,for air pollution was noticed during the Industrial Revolution.The wordsmog is first recorded in 1905 in a newspaper report of a meeting of the Public Health Congress. Dr. H.A. des V÷ux gave a paper entitled "Fog and Smoke,” in which,in the words of theDaily Graphic of July 26, "he said it required no science to see that there was something produced in great cities which was not found in the country, and that was smoky fog, or what was known as ‘smog.’”The next day theGlobe remarked that "Dr. des V÷ux did a public service in coining a new word for the London fog.”Since Dr. des V÷ux's creation of this blend, much more has been learned about the composition of smog;unfortunately, it is still with us.烟雾污染已成为现代工业生活中如此大的一部分,以至有一段时间人们难以认识烟雾污染以及表达其存在的烟雾污染这个词。不言而喻,这个词是在这种现象产生半个世纪以后才出现的,因为空气污染是在工业革命期间才被发现。Smog 这个词的第一次使用记录出现在1905年关于公共健康委员会一次会议的新闻报导中, H·A·德佛博士当时上交了一份题为《雾和烟》的论文,按照7月26日每日画报 的说法, 在这篇论文中,“他认为不必借助科学,人们就会发现一种只存在于大城市而乡村没有的东西,那就是含烟的雾,或者叫做烟雾”。第二天的环球报 评论说: "H·A·德佛博士关于伦敦大雾所创造的新词是对公众的一个贡献”。自从H·A·德佛博士用混合的方法创造这个词开始,人们对烟雾的结构做了仔细的研究;但不幸的是,它至今还存在着〔glasshouse〕A place, position, or situation involving intense public scrutiny.公众聚焦点:引起公众强烈注意的地方、位置或形势〔visible〕Being often in the public view; conspicuous.可见到的:常引起公众注视的;令人瞩目的〔plaza〕A public square or similar open area in a town or city.广场:城镇或城市中的公众广场或类似的开阔的区域〔rehearse〕To practice something, such as a speech, before presenting it publicly.公开练习:在公众面前公开以前练习某事物,如讲演〔platform〕A horizontal surface raised above the level of the adjacent area, as a stage for public speaking or a landing alongside railroad tracks.论坛,月台:高于邻近区域高度的水平的表面,如作为公众演讲的舞台和沿铁路线的平台〔trivial〕Trivial Pursuit is an etymologically sound name, because roads and traveling, which might involve pursuit, are involved in the origin of the wordtrivial. The history oftrivial begins with the Latin word trivium, formed from the prefixtri-, "consisting of three of the things named,” and via, "road.” Trivium meant "the meeting place of three roads, especially as a place of public resort.” Hence it also had a pejorative sense,which we express by the phrasethe gutter, as in "His manners were formed in the gutter.”The adjectivetriviālis, derived from trivium, meant "appropriate to the street corner, commonplace, vulgar.” Trivial entered Middle English in senses that need not detain us here,first being recorded in a sense identical to that oftriviālis in 1589. Shortly after thattrivial is recorded in the sense most familiar to us, "of little importance or significance.”Trivial Pursuit 从词源学的角度来看是合理的词, 因为可能涉及到追求的道路和旅行都与trivial 这个词的来源有关。 trivial 的历史从拉丁词 trivium 开始, 由前缀tri- 意思是“由三个给定的东西组成的”和 via “道路”构成。 Trivium 的意思是“三条路交汇的地方,尤指公众常去的地方”。 自此它又有了一层带贬意的意思,我们用短语贫民区里的 来表示这层意思, 如在句子”他的礼仪是在贫民区学成的”。从trivium 派生出来的形容词 trvialis 意思为“用于街道角落的,平凡的,粗俗的”。 Trvial 进入了中古英语, 当时的意思不会使我们停止不前。最早的记录是在1589年,意思与trivialis 相同。 不久以后,trivial 的意思变得与我们更接近了, 即“琐碎的,不重要的或无价值的”〔historiographer〕A historian, especially one designated by a group or public institution.史料编纂者:尤指由一群人或公众机构指定的历史学家〔annoy〕The city council's failure to take action on the legislation irked the community.市政局立法措施的失败引起了公众的不满。〔publicize〕To give publicity to.使…为公众所注意〔promulgate〕To make known (a decree, for example) by public declaration; announce officially.See Synonyms at announce 公布:通过向公众宣告使(比如一条法令)被人们知道;正式宣布 参见 announce〔bear〕The pain was too intense to stand. Actors who can't stand criticism shouldn't perform in public. 痛苦强烈得无法承受。受不了批评的演员不应在公众中演出。 〔public〕To become publicly owned, by launching shares of stock onto the open market:公开发售股票:通过把股票投入公开市场而使…成为公众所拥有:〔forensic〕Relating to, used in, or appropriate for courts of law or for public discussion or argumentation.法庭的,论争的:与法庭或公众论争有关的;用于或适于法庭或公众论争的〔democratic〕Of or for the people in general; popular:大众的:大多数人的或为大多数人的;公众的:〔platform〕A formal declaration of the principles on which a group, such as a political party, makes its appeal to the public.政纲:向公众发表的正式的原则的宣言的一个团体,如一个政党〔cannot〕The idiomatic phrasecannot but has sometimes been criticized as a double negative, perhaps because it has been confused withcan but. Thebut of cannot but, however, means "except,” as it does in phrases such asno one but, while thebut of can but has the sense only, as it does in the sentenceWe had but a single bullet left. Bothcannot but and can but are established as standard expressions. · The constructioncannot help is used with a present participle to roughly the same effect as cannot but in a sentence such as We cannot help admiring his courage. But this construction is generally restricted to contextsin which a person is unable to affect an outcome that would normally be under his or her control.It would be more precise to sayWith all the public interest in the affair, the book cannot but attract the attention of reviewers (or . . . can but gain . . . )than to say the book cannot help attracting the attention of reviewers, which suggests that the book might have had a say in the matter. · The constructioncannot help but probably arose as a blend of cannot help and cannot but; it has the meaning of the first and the syntax of the second: 习语cannot but 有时候被判定为一种双重否定, 这也许是因为它已混淆于can but 。 然而cannot but 中的 but 表示“除了”, 就如用在象no one but 这样的短语中一样, 而can but 中的 but 意思却是 only(只有) , 就如用在我们只剩下了一颗子弹 中那样。 cannot but 和 can but 都已被确定为标准的表达法。 cannot help 结构与现在分词同用的作用和 我们禁不住钦佩他的勇气 一句中的 cannot but 大致相同。 但这一结构通常只限于这种情况,即一个人在该情况下不能实现正常情况下处于他或她控制之下的结果。由于公众对该事件的浓厚兴趣,这本书理所当然地引起了评论家的注意 (或 …can but gain… )的说法比暗示这本书在此事中想必有决定权的 这本书情不自禁地吸引了评论家的注意 说法要更为精确。 cannot help but 也许是来自 cannot help 和 cannet but 的混合; 它具有前者的意思和后者的句法结构: 〔disestablish〕To alter the status of (something established by authority or general acceptance).废除,废止:改变(由政府当局所制定的或被公众广为接受的事物)的状态 |
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