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单词 体积
释义 〔gill〕A unit of volume or capacity, used in dry and liquid measure, equal to ¼ of a British Imperial pint (142 milliliters). See table at measurement 吉耳:体积或容量单位,用来计量固体或液体,相当于¼英国标准品脱(142毫升) 参见 measurement〔neutron〕An electrically neutral subatomic particle in the baryon family, having a mass 1,839 times that of the electron, stable when bound in an atomic nucleus, and having a mean lifetime of approximately 1.0×103 seconds as a free particle. It and the proton form nearly the entire mass of atomic nuclei. See table at subatomic particle 中子:重子家族中电中性的亚原子粒子,是电子体积的1,839倍,作为自由粒子撞击原子核时保持稳定,平均寿命大约 1.0×103。它和质子几乎构成了整个原子核的质量 参见 subatomic particle〔solid〕Of definite shape and volume; not liquid or gaseous.固体的:固定的形状和体积的;不是液体或气体的〔rise〕The bread dough should rise to double its original size.生面团发起之后应该有它原来体积的两倍那么大〔ton〕A unit for measuring the displacement of ships, equal to 35 cubic feet, and supposed to equal the volume taken by a long ton of seawater.排水吨:测量船舶排水量的单位,等于三十五立方英尺,相当于一长吨海水的体积〔accretion〕Growth or increase in size by gradual external addition, fusion, or inclusion.增长:因外部的添加,连接而生长或在体积上逐渐增大〔drop〕To become less, as in number, intensity, or volume.减少:数量、密度或体积的减少〔contract〕Shrink refers to contraction that produces reduction in length, size, volume, or extent: Shrink 指引起长度、尺寸、体积或范围减小的收缩: 〔unwieldy〕Difficult to carry or manage because of bulk or shape:笨重的:因为其体积或形状而难以携带或操作的:〔astronomical〕Of enormous magnitude; immense:巨大的:体积巨大的;庞大的:〔density〕The quantity of something per unit measure, especially per unit length, area, or volume.密度:某物每单位测度的数量,尤指每单位长度、面积或体积〔light〕Of relatively little weight for its size or bulk:比重小的:参照其尺寸或体积重量较轻的:〔eureka〕Greek heurēka [I have found (it) (supposedly exclaimed by Archimedes upon discovering how to measure the volume of an irregular solid and thereby determine the purity of a gold object)] [first person perfect of] heuriskein [to find] 希腊语 heurēka [“我找到了!”,“我搞清楚了!”(源自希腊数学家和发明家阿基米德发现测量不规则固体体积的方法,并以此发现测定金子纯度的方法时的惊呼)] heuriskein的第一人称完成时 [找到] 〔accrescent〕Increasing in size after flowering, as the calyx of the ground cherry.生长的,增加的:开花之后在体积上的增长,如樱桃花萼的生长〔pneumatometer〕An instrument for measuring the force or volume of inspiration or expiration in the lungs.呼吸气量测定器;肺活量计:用以测量肺部吸入或呼出空气的力量或体积的一种仪器〔mammoth〕Something of great size.庞然大物:具有硕大体积的东西〔liter〕A metric unit of volume equal to approximately 1.056 liquid quarts, 0.908 dry quart, or 0.264 gallon. See table at measurement 公升:体积测量单位,约等于液量1.050夸脱;干量0.908夸脱或0.264加仑 参见 measurement〔form〕 Shape implies three-dimensional definition that indicates both outline and bulk or mass: Shape 含有立体的概念,指轮廓和体积〔small〕Lacking force or volume:微弱的:缺少力量或体积的:〔ponderous〕Unwieldy from weight or bulk.(因太重而)搬运不便的:因重量或体积太大而难以操作或不灵便的〔cubature〕Cubage.体积,容积,排水量〔displacement〕The weight or volume of a fluid displaced by a floating body, used especially as a measurement of the weight or bulk of ships.排水吨位,排水量:漂浮物体所排的液体的重量或体积,尤用来测量船的重量或体积〔cubage〕Cubic content, volume, or displacement.体积,容器,排水量〔tank〕A large, often metallic container for holding or storing liquids or gases.箱:用来容纳或储存液体或气体的体积很大的、经常是金属的容器〔grow〕To increase in size by a natural process.生长,成长:自然进程中体积的增加〔capacity〕A measure of this ability; volume.容积:这种能力的大小;体积〔intense〕Extreme in degree, strength, or size:极端的,强烈的:在程度、力量或体积是特别的:〔mammoth〕Of enormous size; huge.See Synonyms at enormous 庞大的:体积庞大的;巨大的 参见 enormous〔rise〕An increase in intensity, volume, or pitch.增高,提高,增大:浓度、体积容量或音调的增加〔Archimedes〕Greek mathematician, engineer, and physicist. Among the most important intellectual figures of antiquity, he discovered formulas for the area and volume of various geometric figures, applied geometry to hydrostatics and mechanics, devised numerous ingenious mechanisms, such as the Archimedean screw, and discovered the principle of buoyancy.阿基米德:希腊数学家、工程师及物理学家。作为古代最重要的智慧人物之一,他发现了不同几何形体的面积和体积公式,将几何学应用于流体静力学和机械学,设计了许多灵巧装置,如阿基米德螺旋泵,并发现了浮力定理〔mass〕The physical volume or bulk of a solid body.体积:物质体积或一件固体的体积〔isothermal〕Of or designating changes of pressure and volume at constant temperature.等温状态下压力和体积变化的:属于或命名在恒温下压力和体积的变化的〔craniotomy〕The cutting or breaking of the fetal skull to reduce its size for removal when normal delivery is not possible.穿颅术:当胎儿不能正常分娩时做的切割或挤碎胎儿头颅骨以减少其体积并利于移动的手术〔contract〕These verbs mean to decrease in size or content.Tocontract is to draw together, especially by an internal force, with a resultant reduction in size, extent, or volume: 这些动词表示缩小尺寸或减少容量。Contract 指拉在一起或收紧,尤指被一种内在力量收紧从而引起尺寸、范围或体积上的缓慢减小: 〔cubature〕The determination of the cubic contents of a solid.求体积法:对某一固体体积的测定〔bulk〕Size, mass, or volume, especially when very large.容积,体积:大小、体积或容积,常指很大时〔growth〕An increase, as in size, number, value, or strength; extension or expansion:增长,扩大:体积、数量、价值或力量的增长;扩展或扩大:〔expand〕To increase the size, volume, quantity, or scope of; enlarge:扩大:增加尺寸、体积、数量或范围;扩大:〔expand〕To become greater in size, volume, quantity, or scope:展开:在尺寸、体积或范围等方面变大:〔proof〕The alcoholic strength of a liquor, expressed by a number that is twice the percentage by volume of alcohol present.强度标准:某种酒的酒精强度,用现存酒精体积的两倍百分比数来表示




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