单词 | 伴随着 |
释义 | 〔plop〕To fall with a sound like that of an object falling into water without splashing.扑通地落下:伴随着象一个落入水中而未激起水花物体的声音落下〔medicide〕Suicide accomplished with the aid of a physician.医疗自杀:伴随着治疗者的协助而来的自杀〔attend〕The speech was attended by wild applause.演说伴随着热烈的掌声〔unawares〕"Sorrow comes to all, and to the young it comes with bittered agony because it takes them unawares"(Abraham Lincoln)“悲伤降临到所有人身上,对于年轻人将伴随着剧烈的痛苦,因为悲伤出其不意地攫住了他们”(亚伯拉罕·林肯)〔fraught〕Filled with a specified element or elements; charged:伴随着的:饱含某特定成分或诸多成分的;充满的:〔noise〕Hubbub emphasizes turbulent activity,as of those engaged in commerce, and concomitant din: Hubbub 强调混乱的活动,如那些商业性的、伴随着吵闹声的: 〔flush〕A reddening of the skin, as with fever, emotion, or exertion.脸红:伴随着发热、情感或用力的皮肤变红〔lap〕To wash against something with soft liquid sounds.击打:伴随着轻柔的液体声音冲洗物体〔dementia〕Deterioration of intellectual faculties, such as memory, concentration, and judgment, resulting from an organic disease or a disorder of the brain. It is often accompanied by emotional disturbance and personality changes.痴呆:智力能力,例如记忆力、精神集中的能力、判断力等的恶化,常因某器官病疾或头脑紊乱,引起经常伴随着情感波动和性情的变化〔smash〕With a sudden, violent crash.哗啦一声地:伴随着突然,猛烈一击地〔aversion〕A feeling of extreme repugnance accompanied by avoidance or rejection:厌恶的情感:伴随着避开或拒绝而带有的强烈的厌恶感觉:〔zipper〕The wordzipper is an example of what the owners of trademarks try to prevent. Registered in 1925,zipper was originally a B.F. Goodrich trademark for overshoes with fasteners. A Goodrich executive is said to have slid the fastener up and down on the boot and exclaimed, "Zip 'er up,”from the zipping sound made by the device.The nounzip and the verb zip, referring to a light sharp sound or to motion accompanied by that kind of sound, were already in existence (zip as a noun was first recorded in 1875; as a verb, in 1852). The two words owed their origin to the imitation by speakers of the sound made by a rapidly moving object.As the fastener that "zipped" came to be used in other articles,its name became generalized.B.F. Goodrich sued to protect its trademark but was allowed to retain proprietary rights over it only for itsZipper Boots. Zipper had moved out into the world of common nouns. 单词zipper 是商标所有者试图阻止的实例。 1925年注册的zipper 原来是一种带有扣袢的便鞋的B.F.古德里奇商标。 据说古德里奇的管理人员把靴子上的扣袢上下拉并叫道"Zip'er up",来自于这种扣件发出的嘘嘘声。指轻微而尖锐的声音或伴随着那种声音的行动的名词zip 和动词 zip , 其早已存在(zip 作为名词最早记录于1875年;作为动词记录于1852年)。 这两个词的出现是来自于说话人模仿快速移动物体所发出的声音。象扣袢"zipped"已被用于其它文章中,这个名字变得广为使用。B.F.古德里奇要求保护其商标但仅被允许保留其在对Zipper Boots的使用。 Zipper已经成为一个十分普通的名词 〔happy〕The central meaning shared by these adjectives is "attended by luck or good fortune": 这些形容词所共有的中心意思是“伴随着幸运或好运气”: 〔insanity〕Lunacy often denotes derangement relieved intermittently by periods of clear-mindedness: Lunacy 是指伴随着间歇的精神正常的精神错乱: 〔handclap〕A beating together of the palms of the hands to indicate applause, attract attention, or provide a rhythmic accompaniment to music.拍手,击掌:两手手掌相击以表示喝彩或引起注意或伴随着音乐打节拍〔laugh〕To express certain emotions, especially mirth, delight, or derision, by a series of spontaneous, usually unarticulated sounds often accompanied by corresponding facial and bodily movements.笑:为表达某种情感,尤指高兴、快乐或嘲笑而发的一阵自发的,通常是不清晰的声音,并常伴随着脸部和身体的运动〔miserable〕Causing or accompanied by great discomfort or distress:令人难受的:导致或伴随着极大地不适或痛苦的:〔palsy〕Complete or partial muscle paralysis, often accompanied by loss of sensation and uncontrollable body movements or tremors.瘫痪:全部或部分肌肉麻痹,经常伴随着失去知觉和失控的运动或颤动〔writhe〕To move with a twisting or contorted motion.苦恼不安:伴随着扭曲或歪曲的动作移动〔clash〕To collide with a loud, harsh, usually metallic noise:发出撞击声:碰撞,伴随着强烈刺耳的、通常为金属般的嘈杂声:〔attendant〕Accompanying or following as a result:随后的:伴随着或作为结果跟随的:〔squall〕A brief, sudden, violent windstorm, often accompanied by rain or snow.飑:短暂、突然且猛烈的风暴,通常伴随着雨或雪〔compassion〕Deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it.See Synonyms at pity 怜悯:对别人的痛苦深入了解,伴随着解脱此痛苦的希望 参见 pity〔uproarious〕Causing or accompanied by an uproar:吵闹的,骚乱的:引起或伴随着骚动,骚乱的:〔contingency〕Something incidental to something else.附带情况:伴随着别的事情发生的事情〔speed〕Hurry implies a markedly faster rate than usual,often with concomitant confusion or commotion: Hurry 意指比通常快得多的速度,经常伴随着混乱或骚动: 〔coffee〕Would one be as ready to drinkchaoua, kauhi, or coffa as coffee ? Most of these exotic early forms of our word reflect the factthat coffee, though a normal accompaniment to the life of many English speakers, was originally an exotic substance.Coffee came to Europe from the Middle East, where its name wasqahveh, an Ottoman Turkish pronunciation of Arabicqahwah, the Turks having borrowed the word and the drink from the Arabs.The first three forms cited above show the influence of the Middle Eastern words for coffee.Our formcoffee results from combining caffè, the Italian version of the Middle Eastern word, and the vowel of the Middle Eastern word, represented by o. Coffee is first recorded in English in 1601 with the spelling coffe. 人们愿意喝chaoua, kauhi 或 coffa ,就如 coffee 一样吗? 我们言语的这些早期外来形式大多反映这一事实:咖啡虽然常伴随着许多说英语的人的生活,但它是来源于国外的东西。咖啡从中东传到欧洲,在中东它的名称是qahveh , 阿拉伯的奥斯曼土耳其人发音为qahwah 。 土耳其人自阿拉伯借用该单词和饮料。上面引用的前三个形式表明中东话对咖啡这个单词的影响。我们的形式coffee ,得自结合中东单词的意大利的 caffe 和中东单词中用 o字母表示的元音字母。 Coffee在英国于1601年首次被记载,拼作 coffe. 〔sinister〕Attended by or causing disaster or inauspicious circumstances.灾难性的:伴随着或造成灾难或不祥的气氛〔lap〕To wash or slap against with soft liquid sounds:拍打:伴随着轻柔的液体声音冲洗或击打:〔egoism〕Excessive preoccupation with one's own well-being and interests, usually accompanied by an inflated sense of self-importance.利己主义:对自己的安乐和利益过分的关注,通常伴随着极度的妄自尊大感〔affricate〕A complex speech sound consisting of a stop consonant followed by a fricative; for example, the initial sounds ofchild and joy. Also called affricative 塞擦音:由闭塞音伴随着摩擦音而形成的复杂的语音;例如child 和 joy的第一个音 也作 affricative〔auspicious〕Attended by favorable circumstances; propitious:有利的:伴随着有利情况的;吉兆的: |
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