单词 | 传奇故事 |
释义 | 〔romance〕an Arthurian romance.关于亚瑟王的传奇故事〔quixotic〕Caught up in the romance of noble deeds and the pursuit of unreachable goals; idealistic without regard to practicality.堂吉珂德式的:沉湎于传奇故事中崇高业绩并追求无法实现的目标的;不考虑到实际的观念的〔Troilus〕A son of King Priam of Troy, depicted as Cressida's lover in medieval romance.特洛伊罗斯:特洛伊国王普里阿摩斯的一个儿子,在中世纪的传奇故事中被描绘成克雷西达的情人〔romantic〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of romance.传奇小说的:属于、有关或具有传奇故事色彩的〔legendary〕Of, constituting, based on, or of the nature of a legend.传说的:传说的,构成传奇故事的,建立在传奇基础上的,或具有传奇性质的〔roman〕from Old French romans [romance] * see romance 源自 古法语 romans [传奇故事,冒险故事] * 参见 romance〔quark〕"Three quarks for Muster Mark! / Sure he hasn't got much of a bark / And sure any he has it's all beside the mark.” This passage of James Joyce'sFinnegans Wake is part of a scurrilous 13-line poem directed against King Mark,the cuckolded husband in the Tristan legend.The poem and the accompanying prose are packed with names of birds and words suggestive of birds,and the poem is a squawk,like the cawing of a crow, against King Mark.Thus, Joyce uses the wordquark, which comes from the standard English verbquark, meaning "to caw, croak,” and also from the dialectal verb quawk, meaning"to caw, screech like a bird.” But Joyce'squark was not what it has become: "any of a group of hypothetical subatomic particles proposed as the fundamental units of matter.”Murray Gell-Mann, the physicist who proposed these particles, in a private letter of June 27, 1978, to the editor of theOxford English Dictionary, said that he had actually been influenced by Joyce's word in naming the particle,although the influence was subconscious at first.Gell-Mann was thinking of using the pronunciation (kwôrk) for the particle,possibly something he had picked up fromFinnegans Wake, which he "had perused from time to time since it appeared in 1939. . . . The allusion to three quarks seemed perfect" (originally there were only three subatomic quarks).Gell-Mann, however, wanted to pronounce the word with (ô) not (ä), as Joyce seemed to indicate by rhyming words in the vicinity such asMark. Gell-Mann got around that "by supposing that one ingredient of the line ‘Three quarks for Muster Mark’was a cry of ‘Three quarts for Mister . . . ’ heard in H.C. Earwicker's pub.”冲马克王呱叫三声! / 很显然一声狗吠对他还不够 / 很显然他所有的一切都和盛名无关。 这一段出自詹姆斯·乔伊斯的为芬尼根守灵 , 是对马克王进行侮辱谩骂的一首十三行诗中的一部分。马克王是特里斯特拉姆传奇故事中被戴了绿帽子的丈夫。这首诗和随同的叙述中充斥着鸟类的名字和暗示鸟类的词。这首诗是对马克王的粗声抗诉,就象乌鸦的啼叫。所以乔伊斯用了quark 一词, 它来源于标准英语动词quark (意思为“呱呱地叫,乌鸦叫”)和方言中的动词 quawk (意思为“象鸟一样呱呱地叫、尖叫”)。 乔伊斯笔下的quark 一词并不是现在形成的意思: “任何一组假想的亚原子粒子,被认为是物质的基本单位”。这些粒子的提出者——物理学家默里·基尔曼在1978年6月27日写给牛津英语词典 编者的一封私人信件中说, 他给这种粒子命名时确实受到了乔伊斯这个词的影响,虽然这种影响起初只是潜意识的。基尔曼本想用(kwôrk)这个发音来代表这种粒子,可能也是从为芬尼根守灵 一书中汲取出来的。 自从1939年这书出版以来,他曾时常精读…关于三声呱叫的暗示看上去很完满(最初只有三种亚原子夸克)。但是基尔曼想让这个词发音为(o)而不是(a)——乔伊斯将韵押为与Mark 相近的音好象表明该发这个音。 基尔曼认为这行诗中的一部分“对马克王呱叫三声”,实际上是在酒店中听到的“给这位先生来三夸脱酒”叫喊声〔quest〕An expedition undertaken in medieval romance by a knight in order to perform a prescribed feat:探险:在中世纪传奇故事中,骑士为了完成一既定的业绩而进行的探险:〔Lear〕The protagonist in Shakespeare's tragedyKing Lear, based on a legendary king of Britain. 李尔王:莎士比亚悲剧李尔王 中的主人公,取材于英国一国王的传奇故事 〔descent〕a paper tracing the descent of the novel from old picaresque tales.追溯古老的传奇故事演化到小说的论文〔Canute〕King of England (1016-1035), Denmark (1018-1035), and Norway (1028-1035) whose reign, at first brutal, was later marked by wisdom and temperance. He is the subject of many legends.克努特:英格兰(1016-1035年)、丹麦(1018-1035年)及挪威国王(1028-1035年),其统治最初残暴,但后来因其睿智和宽容而出名。他是许多传奇故事的主人公〔legendry〕A collection or body of legends.传说,传奇,传奇故事:传奇故事集或传说本身〔romaunt〕A verse romance.中世纪的传奇故事,骑士故事〔mentor〕The wordmentor is an example of the way in which the great works of literature live on without our knowing it. The word has recently gained currency in the professional world,where it is thought to be a good idea to have a mentor, a wise and trusted counselor, guiding one's career, preferably in the upper reaches of the organization.We owe this word to the more heroic age of Homer,in whoseOdyssey Mentor is the trusted friend of Odysseus left in charge of the household during Odysseus's absence. More important for our usage of the wordmentor, Athena disguised as Mentor guides Odysseus's son Telemachus in his search for his father.Fénelon in his romanceTélémaque (1699) emphasized Mentor as a character, and so it was that in French (1749) and English (1750)mentor, going back through Latin to a Greek name, became a common noun meaning "wise counselor,” first recorded in 1750.Mentor is an appropriate name for such a person because it probably meant "adviser" in Greekand comes from the Indo-European rootmen- 1, meaning "to think.”词语mentor 使我们看到了伟大的文学作品是如何在我们毫无察觉的情况下而经久而不衰的。 这个词最近开始在职业界通用起来,在职业界中,能有一个“良师”, 一个忠实而又聪明的顾问来指导你的职业生涯,尤其是你的提升,真不失为一个好办法。这个词来源于荷马英雄时代,在荷马史诗Odyssey 中,孟托是奥德赛的忠实朋友,奥德赛出征时将其留下以掌管家事。 对于我们今天mentor 这个词的用法更为重要的一个事实是, 雅典娜将自己装扮成孟托而引导奥德赛之子忒勒马科斯去寻找他的父亲。费奈隆在他的传奇故事泰雷马克历险记 (1699年)中强调了孟托这一人物, 正因为如此,这一从一个希腊人名经拉丁文演化而来的词mentor 在法语(1749年)和英语(1750年)中成了一个意为“贤明的顾问”的普通名词, 并在1750年被首次记载。Mentor 对于一个贤明的顾问是个合适的名称, 因为它在希腊语中可能有“顾问”之意,而且源自印欧语词根men- 1, 又有“思考”之意〔roman〕A narrative poem or a prose tale in medieval French literature.韵文体传奇故事:中世纪法国文学中的叙事诗或韵文〔legend〕An unverified story handed down from earlier times, especially one popularly believed to be historical.传说,(历史)传奇故事:从早期时代相传下业的未经证实的故事,尤指那些被普遍认为是基于史实者〔romance〕A long medieval narrative in prose or verse that tells of the adventures and heroic exploits of chivalric heroes:骑士故事,中世纪的传奇故事:中世纪用韵文体写成的讲述骑士的冒险和英雄事迹的长篇叙事散文或诗:〔Kazbek〕An extinct volcano, 5,042.3 m (16,532 ft) high, of southern European U.S.S.R. in the central Caucasus. Towering above a nearby pass, it is the subject of many legends.卡兹别克山:苏联欧洲部分南部的一座死火山,海拔5,042.3米(合16,532英尺),位于高加索中部。高耸于附近一条通道之上,因此而成为许多传奇故事的主题〔cycle〕the Arthurian cycle.亚瑟王传奇故事集成 |
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