单词 | 伞形科 |
释义 | 〔carpophore〕A slender stalk that supports each half of a dehisced fruit in many members of the parsley family.心皮柄:伞形科众多成员中,支撑裂开果实其每一半的细长叶柄〔angelica〕Any of various herbs of the genusAngelica in the parsley family, having pinnately compound leaves and small white or greenish flowers in compound umbels, especially A. archangelica, whose roots and fruits are used in flavoring liqueurs and whose stems are candied and eaten. 独活:一种伞形科当归 属草本植物,有羽状复叶和白色或淡绿色的小花组成散状花序,特别是 圆当归 ,它的根和果实可用作酒的香料,茎有甜味可食用 〔chervil〕An annual Eurasian herb(Anthriscus cerefolium) in the parsley family, having aromatic parsleylike leaves that are used as a seasoning or garnish. 蜡叶峨参:亚欧大陆的一种伞形科一年生草本植物(峨参属 蜡叶峨参) ,长有芳香的用作调味品或装饰菜的芫荽状叶子 〔conium〕The poison hemlock.毒芹:伞形科有毒草类植物〔arracacha〕A perennial Andean herb(Arracacia xanthorrhiza) in the parsley family, grown for its large, fleshy, edible roots. Also called apio 秘鲁胡萝卜:一种多年生安第斯山草本植物,属伞形科(秘鲁胡萝卜属 黄根树) ,人们种植以取其硕大可食的肉质根茎 也作 apio〔anise〕An annual, aromatic Mediterranean herb(Pimpinella anisum) in the parsley family, cultivated for its seedlike fruits and the oil obtained from them and used to flavor foods, liqueurs, and candies. 大茴香,茴芹:一种地中海一年生伞形科香料草本植物(茴芹科 茴芹) ,栽培目的是为获取籽状果实和油来给食品,酒类和糖果配味 〔cumin〕An annual Mediterranean herb(Cuminum cyminum) in the parsley family, having finely divided leaves and clusters of small white or pink flowers. 莳萝,枯茗:一种产于地中海地区的伞形科一年生草本植物(莳萝 枯茗) ,生有纹路纤细的叶子,开白色或粉色的小花簇 〔caraway〕A biennial Eurasian herb(Carum carvi) in the parsley family, having finely divided leaves and clusters of small, white or pinkish flowers. 葛缕子:一种伞形科的两年生欧亚大陆草本植物(葛缕子) ,有微细全裂的叶子和白色或粉色小花花簇 〔celery〕A biennial European plant(Apium graveolens var. dulce) in the parsley family, having edible roots, leafstalks, leaves, and fruits. 芹菜:一种二年生伞形科欧洲植物(芹属 旱芹 变种 甜芹) ,根、茎、叶和果实均可食用 〔carrot〕A biennial Eurasian plant(Daucus carota subsp. sativus) in the parsley family, widely cultivated as an annual for its edible taproot. 胡萝卜:一种产自欧亚大陆的两年生伞形科植物(胡萝卜属 野胡萝卜 亚种 胡萝卜) ,由于其直根可食而被作为一年生植物广泛种植 〔asafetida〕A brownish, bitter, foul-smelling resinous material obtained from the roots of several plants of the genusFerula in the parsley family and formerly used in medicine. 阿魏胶:一种褐色、味苦、气味难闻的树脂物质,取自伞形科阿魏 属的几种植物的根,从前用以入药 〔coriander〕An aromatic annual Eurasian herb(Coriandrum sativum) in the parsley family, having parsleylike leaves and umbels of tiny white to pinkish flowers. It is cultivated for its edible fruits, leafy shoots, and roots. 芫荽:一种一年生的欧亚芳香型草本植物(芫荽属 芫荽) ,属伞形科,有伞形叶片,小的介于白与淡粉红色的伞状花序。种植它为了收获其可食性果实,叶芽和根 〔stylopodium〕An enlargement at the base of the style of flowers in certain plants of the parsley family.柱基:伞形科某些植物花柱的基部一个盘形或圆形的突起或伸长部分 |
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