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单词 菲利普
释义 〔Philip〕One of the 12 Apostles. In the New Testament he is present at the feeding of the 5,000.菲利普:十二使徒之一,在《新约》中,他负责五千人的饮食〔Freneau〕American poet noted for his satirical attacks on the British and forThe British Prison-Ship (1781), an account of his wartime capture and imprisonment. 弗瑞诺,菲利普·莫里恩:(1752-1832) 美国诗人,以其对英国讽刺性抨击,以及作品《英国囚船》 (1781年)而著名,此书主要描述他战时被俘和监禁的情况 〔save〕"No man enjoys self-reproach save a masochist"(Philip Wylie)“除了受虐狂者没人喜欢自责”(菲利普·怀利)〔Scharwenka〕German composer of orchestral, chamber, and choral works. His brotherXaver (1850-1924), also a composer, opened conservatories in Berlin (1881) and New York City (1891). 夏文卡,菲利普:(1847-1917) 德国管弦乐、室内乐及合唱乐作曲家。他的兄弟克萨韦尔 (1850-1924年)也是作曲家,他在柏林(1881年)和纽约(1891年)开办了音乐学校 〔Trist〕American diplomat and public official who negotiated the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo with Mexico (1848).特里斯特,尼古拉斯·菲利普:(1800-1874) 美国外交官政府官员,他在1848年曾领导与墨西哥关于瓜达卢佩-伊达尔戈条约的谈判〔Sousa〕American bandmaster and composer who wrote comic operas and marches such asStars and Stripes Forever (1897). 苏泽,约翰·菲利普:(1854-1932) 美国乐队指挥和作曲家。他创作了大量喜剧歌剧及进行曲,后者如《星条旗永远飘扬》 (1897年) 〔Murray〕British-born American labor leader who was president of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (1940-1952) and the United Steel Workers of America (1942-1952).默里,菲利普:(1886-1952) 英国裔美国劳工领袖,曾任工业组织议会主席(1940-1952年)和美国钢铁工人工会主席(1942-1952年)〔Feynman〕American physicist. He shared a 1965 Nobel Prize for research in quantum electrodynamics.费因曼,理查德·菲利普:(1918-1988) 美国物理学家,因对量子电动力学的研究而获1965年诺贝尔奖〔vibrant〕"a vibrant group that challenged the . . . system"(Philip Taubman)“挑战…该系统的生气蓬勃的团体”(菲利普·陶布曼)〔oratory〕A Roman Catholic religious society founded in 1575 by Saint Philip Neri and consisting of secular priests.奥拉托力会:由圣菲利普·奈里于1515年建立的罗马天主教性质的宗教团体,由不属教派的神职人员组成〔Reuther〕American labor leader who was president of the United Auto Workers (1946-1970) and of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (1952-1955).鲁瑟,沃尔特·菲利普:(1907-1970) 美国劳工领袖,汽车工人联合会(1946-1970年)和工业组织代表大会(1952-1955年)的主席〔Johnson〕American architect who designed the New York State Theater at Lincoln Center (1964) and the American Telephone and Telegraph Headquarters Building (1978), both in New York City.约翰逊,菲利普·科特尤:(生于 1906) 美国建筑师,设计了林肯中心的纽约州剧院(1964年)以及美国电话电报指挥大楼(1978年),生于纽约市〔Sidney〕English poet, soldier, and politician. His most important works are the sonnet sequenceAstrophel and Stella and the collection of pastoral idylls Arcadia, both published posthumously. 锡德尼,菲利普:(1554-1586) 英格兰诗人、军人和政治家。他最重要的著作是十四行组诗《爱星者和星星》 及田园诗集 《阿卡迪亚》 ,这些诗均在其死后出版 〔artifact〕"The very act of looking at a naked model was an artifact of male supremacy"(Philip Weiss)“观看裸体模特的行为本身是男权至上的典型产物”(菲利普·韦斯)〔Philip〕Husband of Elizabeth II of Great Britain. The great-great-grandson of Victoria, he was given the title Prince in 1957.菲利普:大不列颠伊丽莎白二世的丈夫,维多利亚女王的曾孙,1957年,被给与亲王的封号〔Henslowe〕English theatrical manager who founded the Rose Theatre in London (1587). His business journal provides insight into the world of Elizabethan drama.亨斯洛,菲利普:(卒于 1616) 英国剧院经理人。他在伦敦创建了玫瑰剧院(1587年)。他的工作日志使人们能深入地了解伊莉莎白时代的戏剧世界〔oratorio〕after Oratorio , the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri at Rome, where famous musical services were held in the 16th century 源自 奥乐特瑞 ,罗马圣菲利普·尼利的奥乐特瑞,16世纪在此举办著名的音乐会 〔Reynaud〕French politician who served briefly as premier (1940) but was replaced by Philippe Pétain, who surrendered to the Germans. Imprisoned by the Vichy government, Reynaud later served as finance minister (1948) and vice premier (1953).雷诺,保罗:(1878-1966) 法国政治家,短期地担任过总理(1940年),但被投降德国人的菲利普·伯坦取代。被维希政府投入狱中,后担任财政部长(1948年)及副总理(1953年)〔imbibe〕"Gladstone had . . . imbibed a strong prejudice against Americans"(Philip Magnus)“格兰特斯通…对美国人已有了很强的偏见”(菲利普·马格努)〔Chandler〕American novelist noted for creating the character Philip Marlowe, a tough and cynical detective. His works includeThe Big Sleep (1939) and Farewell, My Lovely (1940). 钱德勒,雷蒙德·桑顿:(1888-1959) 美国小说家,以其创造的坚贞不屈且愤世嫉俗的侦探菲利普·马洛而闻名。作品有《长眠》 (1939年)及 《别了,我之所爱》 (1940年) 〔Otterbein〕German-born American religious leader who was a founder (1789) of the United Brethren in Christ.奥特拜因,菲利普·威廉:(1726-1813) 德国出生的美国宗教领袖,为联合弟兄会的创始人(1789年)〔building〕"Philip testified his joy . . . by raising the magnificent pile of the Escorial" (William Hickling Prescott). “通过修建筑宏伟的伊斯科福尔大楼,菲利普证实了他的爱好所在” (威廉姆·希克林·普雷斯科特)〔chaperon〕"to see and feel the rough edges of the society . . . without the filter of official chaperones"(Philip Taubman)“去看看和体验社会的风雨冲击…而没有官方监督人的保护”(菲利普·陶布曼)〔Lenard〕German physicist. He won a 1905 Nobel Prize for his work on cathode rays.勒纳,菲利普:(1862-1947) 德国物理学家。因在阴极射线方面的成果而荣获1905年诺贝尔奖〔Anderson〕American physicist. He shared a 1977 Nobel Prize for developments in computer memory systems.安德森,菲利普·沃伦:(生于 1923) 美国物理学家,因其在计算机存储系统上的发展而分享了1977年的诺贝尔奖〔Roth〕American writer whose witty and ironic fiction, including the comic novelPortnoy's Complaint (1969), concerns middle-class Jewish life. 罗斯,菲利普·米尔顿:(生于 1933) 美国作家,他诙谐讽刺的小说描写有关中产阶级犹太人的生活,如喜剧长篇小说《波特诺伊的抱怨》 (1969年)等 〔Barbour〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1836-1841).巴布尔,菲利普·彭德尔顿:(1783-1841) 美国法官,1836至1841年间任美国最高法院陪审法官〔Armour〕American industrialist active in the meat-packing business.阿默,菲利普·丹佛斯:(1832-1901) 美国实业家,在肉类加工业颇有影响〔Neri〕Italian ecclesiastic who founded (1564) a religious order, the Fathers of the Oratory, and advised the Holy See to absolve Henry IV of France.奈里,菲利普:(1515-1595) 于1564年建立宗教秩序的意大利传教士。奥拉托力会的创建者,曾建议罗马教廷赦免法国亨利四世〔counterproductive〕"Violation of the court order would be counterproductive"(Philip H. Lee)“对法庭秩序破坏将无益于达到胜诉的目的”(菲利普H.李)〔Philip〕Wampanoag leader who waged King Philip's War (1675-1676) against New England colonists who had encroached on Native American territory.菲利普:万帕诺亚格领导人,曾对入侵美洲本土的新英格兰殖民者进行过菲利普国王战争(1675-1676年)〔Valois〕A French ruling dynasty (1328-1589) that succeeded the Capetian line when Philip VI ascended to the throne.瓦卢瓦:法国统治王朝(1328-1589年),此王朝在菲利普六世登上皇位时接替了卡佩家族〔Schuyler〕American Revolutionary general of American forces in New York State who was relieved of his command after the British capture of Fort Ticonderoga (1777). He later served as a U.S. senator from New York (1789-1791 and 1797-1798).斯凯勒,菲利普·约翰:(1733-1804) 美国独立战争时纽约州军队的将领,在英军攻陷泰孔德罗加要塞后被解除职务(1777年)。他后来成为纽约州选出的美国参议员(1789-1791年及1797-1798年)〔Telemann〕German composer of the late baroque period. He wrote orchestral suites, chamber works, and operas.泰勒曼,格奥尔格·菲利普:(1681-1767) 德国巴洛克时期晚期作曲家,他创作了管弦乐组曲、室内乐作品和歌剧〔corrode〕"Doubt and mistrust could creep into our lives, corroding personal and professional relationships"(Philip Taubman)“怀疑和不信任会深入我们的生活,破坏私人的或职业联系。”(菲利普·陶布曼)〔Melanchthon〕German theologian and a leader of the German Reformation. A friend of Martin Luther, he wroteLoci Communes (1521), the first extensive treatise on Protestant doctrine. 梅兰希顿,菲利普:(1497-1560) 德国神学家及德国宗教改革的领导人。他是马丁·路德的朋友,著有《奥格斯堡信纲》 (1521年),这是有关新教教义的第一本详细著述 〔sousaphone〕After John Philip Sousa 源自 约翰·菲利普 Sousa〔Massinger〕English playwright known for his satirical comedies, most notablyA New Way to Pay Old Debts (c. 1625). 马辛格,菲利普:(1583-1640) 英国剧作家,擅写讽刺性喜剧,最著名的有《旧债新还》 (1625年) 〔Holland〕Irish-born American inventor and nautical pioneer. His submarine was the first purchased by the U.S. government (1900).霍兰,约翰·菲利普:(1840-1914) 爱尔兰裔英国发明家和航海先驱,他的潜水艇是美国政府购买的第一艘(1900年)〔Hench〕American physician. He shared a 1950 Nobel Prize for discoveries concerning the hormones of the adrenal cortex.亨奇,菲利普·沃尔特:(1896-1965) 美国医生。他因有关肾上腺皮质激素的发现而获得1950年诺贝尔奖




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