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单词 仪式
释义 〔asperges〕The ceremony of sprinkling the altar, clergy, and congregation with holy water.洒圣水礼:用圣水泼洒圣坛、教士及教众的仪式〔paseo〕In bullfighting, the formal procession into the ring of the players, including the matadors, banderilleros, and horses, that occurs just before the first bull is fought.斗牛的入场式:斗牛中进入包括斗牛士,戳短矛入牛颈的人及马在内的表演队列的一种正规的仪式,在第一场斗牛之前进行〔superstition〕A belief, practice, or rite irrationally maintained by ignorance of the laws of nature or by faith in magic or chance.迷信想法:因对自然法则的无知或对魔法或机会的信念,而形成的荒谬信念、习俗或仪式〔gala〕a gala ball after the inaugural ceremony.就职典礼仪式后的庆祝舞会〔Melkite〕A member of a Christian church using the Byzantine rite and belonging to the patriarchates of Alexandria, Antioch, or Jerusalem, especially a Uniat Christian.东仪天主教徒:采用拜占庭式仪式的基督教派之教徒,这些教派属亚历山大主教府、安提阿主教府或耶路撒冷主教府管辖,尤指合并教派之基督教徒〔chrism〕A consecrated mixture of oil and balsam, used for anointing in church sacraments such as baptism and confirmation. Also called holy oil 圣油:一种献祭用的油和香脂的混合物,在洗礼和坚信礼等教堂仪式中涂用 也作 holy oil〔powwow〕A ceremony conducted by a shaman, as in the performance of healing or hunting rituals.帕瓦仪式:由巫师主持的仪式,如为祈求病愈或保佑狩猎而举行的仪式〔tallith〕A shawl with ritually knotted fringe at each of four corners worn by Jews, especially at morning prayer. Also called prayer shawl 犹太人所穿戴的四个角皆有礼仪式拧结成穗饰的披巾,尤指在晨祷时 也作 prayer shawl〔circumambulate〕To walk around (something), especially as part of a ritual:绕行:绕(某物)行走,尤指作为一个仪式的一部分:〔confirmation〕A Christian rite admitting a baptized person to full membership in a church.基督教的坚信礼:基督教一种在教堂中举行的接收洗礼教徒为正式成员的仪式〔heraldry〕Pomp and ceremony, especially attended with armorial trappings; pageantry.展示各种纹章的堂皇礼仪:壮观的仪式,尤指有纹间装饰的仪式;壮观的表演〔orgiastic〕from orgia [orgies] * see orgy 源自 orgia [神秘的庆典仪式] * 参见 orgy〔ritualism〕The practice or observance of religious ritual.仪式的研究,仪式学:宗教仪式的实践或遵守〔mystery〕A secret rite of such a cult.秘密的仪式:这种礼拜的秘密仪式〔freemasonry〕Freemasonry The institutions, precepts, and rites of the Freemasons. Freemasonry 共济会:共济会的制度,共济会的纲领和共济会的仪式〔inaugurate〕inaugurate a community center.举行一个社区中心的落成仪式〔formula〕An established form of words or symbols for use in a ceremony or procedure.惯用法:用于典礼、仪式或礼节的惯用语或标志〔cult〕The formal means of expressing religious reverence; religious ceremony and ritual.宗教仪式:表达宗教信仰的正式用法;宗教典礼和仪式〔induct〕a service to induct the new president of the university.那个大学的新校长正式的就任仪式〔chapter〕A short Scriptural passage read after the psalms in certain church services.圣经章节:在一些教堂仪式中唱完赞美诗后所读的《圣经》片断〔voodoo〕A religion practiced chiefly in Caribbean countries, especially Haiti, syncretized from Roman Catholic ritual elements and the animism and magic of Dahomean slaves, in which a supreme God rules a large pantheon of local and tutelary deities, deified ancestors, and saints, who communicate with believers in dreams, trances, and ritual possessions. Also called vodoun 伏都教:一种主要在加勒比海国家尤其是海地流行的宗教,由罗马天主教仪式原理和达荷美奴隶的泛灵论和魔法结合而成,其中一个至高的上帝统治着包括地方神、监护神、神化的祖先及圣者的万神殿,他们与信徒在梦境中、梦幻之境和宗教仪式的领地进行交流 也作 vodoun〔interment〕The act or ritual of interring or burying.安葬:埋葬或掩埋的行为或仪式〔barge〕A large, open pleasure boat used for parties, pageants, or formal ceremonies.大游艇:大型、敞篷的游船,用于聚会、露天表演或正式仪式〔reader〕A layperson or minor cleric who recites lessons or prayers in church services.读经师:在教堂仪式中背诵经文或祈祷书的神职人员或职位较低的牧师〔ritual〕A book of rites or ceremonial forms.仪式书,典礼书:关于礼仪或仪式形式的书籍〔indispensable〕the routine but indispensable ceremonies of state.国家例行而不可避免的仪式〔dress〕an ancient ritual in modern dress.以现代风貌包装的古代仪式〔funeral〕The ceremonies held in connection with the burial or cremation of a dead person.葬礼:与死者土葬或火化有关而举行的仪式〔Wiccan〕the Wiccan religion; a Wiccan ritual.巫术崇拜宗教;巫术崇拜仪式〔baptism〕A ceremony, a trial, or an experience by which one is initiated, purified, or given a name.洗礼,考验:某人加入教会、净化灵魂或起教名的仪式、考验或经历〔parade〕To assemble (troops) for a ceremonial review.阅兵,校阅:为阅兵仪式而集合(军队)〔dedicate〕dedicate a monument.为一座博物馆举行落成仪式〔discalced〕Barefoot or wearing sandals. Used of certain religious orders.赤脚的:赤脚的或穿拖鞋的。用于某些宗教的仪式〔auspicate〕To begin or inaugurate with a ceremony intended to bring good luck.以某种讨吉利的仪式着手做(某事)〔Antigone〕The daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta. She performed funeral rites over her brother's body in defiance of her uncle Creon.安提戈涅:奥迪帕斯和伊俄卡斯塔的女儿,不顾舅父克利翁的反对而为哥哥的遗体举行了埋葬仪式〔retreat〕The military ceremony of lowering the flag.军队的降旗仪式〔wait〕One of a group of musicians employed, usually by a city, to play in parades or public ceremonies.公共乐队队员:常被一个城市雇佣的一队音乐家,在游行或公共仪式中演出〔Haggadah〕The book containing the story of the Exodus and the ritual of the Seder, read at the Passover Seder.载有故事《出埃及记》和逾越节家宴仪式的书,在逾越节家宴时诵读〔wedding〕The ceremony or celebration of a marriage.婚礼:结婚的仪式或庆典〔commencement〕The day on which such a ceremony occurs.毕业典礼日:这一仪式举行的一天




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