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单词 乐趣
释义 〔please〕To give enjoyment, pleasure, or satisfaction to; make glad or contented.使快乐,使满足:给…以乐趣、欢乐或满足;使高兴或满足〔chief〕their principal source of entertainment.他们乐趣的第一来源。〔Alcott〕American educator and transcendentalist philosopher who maintained that learning should be based on pleasure and imagination instead of discipline.阿尔科特,阿莫斯·布朗森:(1799-1888) 美国教育家及先验论哲学家,坚持认为学习应建立在乐趣及想象力之上而非原则之上〔salad〕The wordsalad may have come to us from Vulgar Latin, the chiefly unrecorded common speech of the ancient Romans, which is distinguished from standard literary, or Classical, Latin.The word takes its origin from the fact that salt was and is an important ingredient of salad dressings.Hence the Vulgar Latin verb.salāre, "to salt,” from Latin sāl, "salt,” in the past participial form .salāta, "having been salted,” came to mean "salad.” The Vulgar Latin word passed into languages descending from it,such as Portuguese (salada ) and Old Provençal ( salada ). Old French may have borrowed its wordsalade from Old Provençal. Medieval Latin also carried on the Vulgar Latin word in the formsalāta. As in the case of so many culinary delights, the English borrowed the word and probably the dish from the French.The Middle English wordsalade, from Old French salade and Medieval Latin salāta, is first recorded in a recipe book composed before 1399. Salad 一词可能源于俗拉丁语, 一种区别于文学拉丁语和古典拉丁语的古罗马平民使用的无记载语言。该词有其起源是因为盐是沙拉调料的重要成分。因此从拉丁词sal ,“盐”的过去分词形式 Salata (“被加过盐的”)使俗拉丁语动词 salare “撒盐”转化为“沙拉”一义。 由此俗拉丁语词传入多种语言,如葡萄牙语(salada )和古普罗旺斯语( salada )。 古法语中的salade 一词可能来自于古普罗旺斯语。 中世纪拉丁语salata 也来自于该俗拉丁语。 因为有如此多烹调的乐趣,英国人从法国人那里借用了该词及这道菜。来自于古法语的Salade 及中世纪拉丁语 salāta 的中世纪英语中的 salade 一词被记载于1399年以前编的一本菜谱里 〔heartily〕With great appetite or enjoyment:有很大的胃口或乐趣地:〔joy〕A source or an object of pleasure or satisfaction:乐事,乐趣:令人喜悦或满足的事情或对象:〔delight〕To give great pleasure or joy:给人愉快或乐趣〔kick〕kicks Fun: kicks 乐趣〔familiar〕 Familiar implies an easy, often informal association based on frequent contact or shared interests: Familiar 指随便,尤指因长期相识而不拘礼节或共享乐趣〔gamble〕from gamen [fun] 源自 gamen [玩笑,乐趣] 〔enjoyment〕Something that gives pleasure:乐趣:能给予快乐的事物:〔treat〕A source of a special delight or pleasure:乐事:一种特别的欣喜或乐趣来源:〔amusement〕Something that amuses, entertains, or pleases.乐趣:使人娱乐,欢快或高兴的事物〔excursion〕A usually short journey made for pleasure; an outing.远足:为寻找乐趣而做的短途旅行;远足〔cut〕felt cut out of all the fun.觉得失去了所有的乐趣〔leach〕"a world leached of pleasure, voided of meaning"(Marilynne Robinson)“没有乐趣,缺乏意义的世界”(玛丽琳·鲁滨逊)〔enjoy〕To receive pleasure or satisfaction from.See Synonyms at like 1享受…的乐趣,欣赏 参见 like1〔amass〕To gather together for oneself, as for one's pleasure or profit; accumulate:积聚,积累:为某人自己积聚,如为其乐趣或利益;积累:〔make〕To cause to be especially enjoyable or rewarding:使有意义:使成为特别有乐趣或值得的:〔Rogers〕British poet whose works includeThe Pleasures of Memory (1792). 罗杰斯,塞缪尔:(1763-1855) 英国诗人,诗作包括《回忆的乐趣》 (1792年) 〔Rombauer〕American cookery expert who wroteThe Joy of Cooking (1931) and several of its revisions. 罗姆博尔,伊尔玛·冯·斯塔克洛夫:(1877-1962) 美国烹饪大师,著有《烹调的乐趣》 (1931年)和它的几本修订本 〔assassin〕At first glance, one would be hard-pressed to find a link between pleasure and the acts of assassins.Such was not the case, however, with those who gave us the wordassassin. They were members of a secret Islamic order originating in the 11th centurywho believed it was a religious duty to harass and murder their enemies.The most important members of the order were those who actually did the killing.Having been promised paradise in return for dying in action, the killers,it is said, were made to yearn for paradise by being given a life of pleasure that included the use of hashish.Hence, the name for the secret order as a whole,ḥaššāšīn, "hashish users.” After passing through French or Italian, the word came into English and is recorded in 1603 with reference to the Moslem assassins.开始接触这个词,可能不容易看出暗杀者的乐趣与行为的联系。但是,对于给我们assassin 这个词的人来说,并不是这样。 他们是伊斯兰秘密团体的成员,该团体源自11世纪,他们认为骚扰并杀死他们的敌人是他们的宗教义务。该团体中最重要的成员是实际行使暗杀者。由于暗杀者被许诺进入天堂以作为对可能在行动中被杀的回报,据说为促使他们对天堂的热切渴望,先给予他们一种包括使用大麻麻醉剂乐趣的生活。这样hassasin “大麻使用者”就成了该秘密团体的名称。 这个词经过法语或意大利语进入英语,1603年记录下来,指穆斯林暗杀者。〔delight〕from Old French [a pleasure] 源自 古法语 [乐趣] 〔extract〕To derive (pleasure or comfort) from an experience.得到:从一次经历中获得(乐趣或舒适)〔speak〕"On an occasion of this kind it becomes more than a moral duty to speak one's mind.It becomes a pleasure" (Oscar Wilde). “在这样的场合下,说出自己的心里话不仅是道德上的责任,也是一种乐趣” (奥斯卡·王尔德)。 〔entertainment〕The pleasure afforded by being entertained; amusement:被娱悦的欢乐;乐趣〔familiar〕Intimate suggests bonds of affection or understanding resulting from the sharing of interests, problems, and experiences: Intimate 强调在共享乐趣、经历或共同解决困难基础上建立起来的感情和理解上的密切关系: 〔maugre〕gre [liking, pleasure] from Latin grātum [from neuter of] grātus [pleasing] * see g werə- 2gre [喜欢,喜爱,乐趣] 源自 拉丁语 grātum 源自grātus的中性词 [令人高兴的] * 参见 g werə- 2〔appreciate〕"As students so far from home, we have learned to appreciate those of life's pleasures that are not readily available at home" (Sports Illustrated). “作为远离家乡的学子,我们已懂得如何欣赏那些在国内难以获得的生活中的乐趣” (运动图解)。〔fun〕As a joke; playfully.寻找乐趣:开玩笑的;滑稽可笑的




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