

词汇 could


 strong: [ˈkʊd], weak: [kəd]

本页中: could, can

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:

could v pastverb, past simple: Past tense--for example, "He saw the man." "She laughed." (past tense of can)
kě yǐ
备注: can的过去式
 When Samantha was a girl, she could climb tall trees.
could⇒ v auxauxiliary verb: Helping verb--for example, "She is running." "It has been lost." (polite request) (礼貌地请求)能否,可不可以
 Could you hold this for me, please?
could v auxauxiliary verb: Helping verb--for example, "She is running." "It has been lost." (ability) (表示能力)能,可以
 I could go to the store if I wanted to.
could v auxauxiliary verb: Helping verb--for example, "She is running." "It has been lost." (possibility) (表示可能性)也许,可能
 He could be right.
could v auxauxiliary verb: Helping verb--for example, "She is running." "It has been lost." (polite suggestion) (礼貌地建议)可以
kě yǐ
 You could call them and ask.

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:

can⇒ v auxauxiliary verb: Helping verb--for example, "She is running." "It has been lost." (be able to) (表示能力)
 I can carry those suitcases for you.
can v auxauxiliary verb: Helping verb--for example, "She is running." "It has been lost." (know how to) (表示技能)
 She can play the piano.
can v auxauxiliary verb: Helping verb--for example, "She is running." "It has been lost." (have the right to)有权
yǒu quán
kě yǐ
 The prime minister can call an election whenever he wants to.
can v auxauxiliary verb: Helping verb--for example, "She is running." "It has been lost." (be allowed to) (表示准许)可以
kě yǐ
 Can I borrow your car tonight?
can v auxauxiliary verb: Helping verb--for example, "She is running." "It has been lost." (be possible) (表示可能性)可能,会
 Such things can happen if you're not careful.
can nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (metal container, usu. cylindrical)金属罐
jīn shǔ guàn
 We need three more cans of paint.
 This sentence is not a translation of the original sentence. 我喝了四听啤酒,觉得头有点晕。
can nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. US (tin: of food) (食品)罐头,罐,听
 Pass me that can of peas.
can nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (fuel) (存储天然气等的)
 We should fill this extra can with gas in case we run out.
can nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. US slang (toilet) (俚语)厕所,洗手间
 Excuse me. I have to go to the can.
can nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. slang (jail, gaol) (俚语)监狱,监牢
 He's been in the can for three months now.
can nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. slang (military: depth charge) (俚语)深水炸弹
shēn shuǐ zhà dàn
 After a few repairs the can was back in the water heading across the ocean.
can nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. US slang (buttocks) (俚语)屁股
pì gǔ
 That toilet seat's so cold you'll freeze your can sitting on it.
can nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (contents of a can)一听所装之物
yì tīng suǒ zhuāng zhī wù
 I'll just have a can of beans for lunch.
can v auxauxiliary verb: Helping verb--for example, "She is running." "It has been lost." (have the qualifications to) (表示资历、能力)
 A doctor can treat people more extensively than a nurse.
can v auxauxiliary verb: Helping verb--for example, "She is running." "It has been lost." (tend to) (表示倾向性)可能会
kě néng huì
 He can be really annoying sometimes.
can [sth] vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (preserve in a jar, etc.)将…装入罐中保存
 They canned most of their peppers for the winter.
can⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." US slang (fire, dismiss) (俚语)解雇…,辞退…
 He should have been canned for that kind of behavior.
can vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." US slang (stop doing) (俚语)停止做…
tíng zhǐ zuò
 You two! Can that fighting! Now!

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:

could | can
Could be interjinterjection: Exclamation--for example, "Oh no!" "Wow!" informal (It's possible)可能是
kě néng shì
yǒu kě néng
 "Do you think the neighbor is the murderer?" "Could be."
could do with [sth] v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." informal ([sb]: would like)想要
xiǎng yào
 I could do with a cup of tea. Would you mind making one?
Could you please...? exprexpression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own." (polite request) (请某人做某事的礼貌用语)你可以…吗?可不可以麻烦你…?请你…,可以吗?
 Could you please tell me where the bathroom is?
could've contractioncontraction: Shortened form of word or words--for example, "I'd" = "I had," "can't" = "cannot." colloquial, abbreviation (could have)本可以…
 I could've been someone, you know. I wish I could've been there to see him open his presents.

Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:

could [kud] aux vb
1 (referring to past) we couldn't go to the party 我们(們)没(沒)能去参(參)加聚会(會) wǒmen méi néng qù cānjiā jùhuì
  • last year we couldn't afford a holiday
    去年我们(們)度不起假 qùnián wǒmen dù bù qǐ jià
  • he could be very unkind
    他可能会(會)很刻薄 tā kěnéng huì hěn kèbó
  • he couldn't read or write
    他不会(會)读(讀)也不会(會)写(寫) tā bù huì dú yě bù huì xiě
  • we could hear him whistling
    我们(們)能听(聽)到他正在吹口哨 wǒmen néng tīngdào tā zhèngzài chuī kǒushào
  • she said she couldn't hear me
    她说(說)听(聽)不见(見)我说(說)的话(話) tā shuō tīng bù jiàn wǒ shuō de huà
2 (possibility) he could be in the library 他可能在图(圖)书(書)馆(館) tā kěnéng zài túshūguǎn
  • I couldn't be happier
    我再高兴(興)不过(過)了 wǒ zài gāoxìng bùguò le
  • he could be released next year
    他明年可能被释(釋)放 tā míngnián kěnéng bèi shìfàng
  • you could have been killed!
    可能你连(連)命都没(沒)了! kěnéng nǐ lián mìng dōu méile!
  • the accident could have been caused by an oil leak
    事故可能是由石油泄(洩)漏引起的 shìgù kěnéng shì yóu shíyóu xièlòu yǐnqǐ de
3 (in conditionals with "if") if we had more time, I could finish this 如果有更多时(時)间(間),我能够(夠)完成的 rúguǒ yǒu gèng duō shíjiān, wǒ nénggòu wánchéng de
  • we'd have a holiday, if we could afford it
    如果能支付得起的话(話),我们(們)就去度假了 rúguǒ néng zhīfù de qǐ de huà, wǒmen jiù qù dùjià le
4 (in offers, suggestions, requests) 可以 kěyǐ
  • I could call a doctor
    我可以叫个(個)医(醫)生 wǒ kěyǐ jiào gè yīshēng
  • we could always go to the cinema
    我们(們)还(還)是可以去看电(電)影 wǒmen háishì kěyǐ qù kàn diànyǐng
  • couldn't you give him a call?
    你可不可以给(給)他打个(個)电(電)话(話)? nǐ kě bù kěyǐ gěi tā dǎ gè diànhuà?
  • could I borrow the car?
    我可以借一下车(車)吗(嗎)? wǒ kěyǐ jiè yīxià chē ma?
  • if I could just interrupt you for a minute
    我是否可以打扰(擾)你一小会(會)儿(兒) wǒ shìfǒu kěyǐ dǎrǎo nǐ yī xiǎo huìr
  • he asked if he could make a phone call
    他问(問)是否可以打个(個)电(電)话(話) tā wèn shìfǒu kěyǐ dǎ gè diànhuà
5 (emphatic) you could at least be polite! 你至少可以礼(禮)貌点(點)儿(兒)! nǐ zhìshǎo kěyǐ lǐmào diǎnr!
  • you could have told me!
    你早该(該)告诉(訴)我! nǐ zǎo gāi gàosù wǒ!
  • I could scream!
    我真想大叫! wǒ zhēn xiǎng dàjiào!
  • how could you have lied to me?
    你怎么(麼)能向我撒谎(謊)呢? nǐ zěnme néng xiàng wǒ sāhuǎng ne?
can 1[k[+ae]n]
I n [c]
1 (for food, drinks) 罐头(頭) guàntou [个 ]
(with lid) 容器 róngqì
(for petrol, oil) 罐 guàn [个 ]
  • I had to take a can to the garage to get some petrol.
    我不得不带(帶)个(個)罐去加油站买(買)汽油。 Wǒ bùdebù dài gè guàn qù jiāyóuzhàn mǎi qìyóu.
2 (=contents) 一听(聽)所装(裝)的量 yī tīng suǒ zhuāng de liàng [听 tīng]
3 (=contents and container) 一罐 yīguàn
II vt [+ food, drink] 罐装(裝) guànzhuāng
  • to carry the can
    (Brit) (inf) 承担(擔)责(責)任 chéngdān zérèn
can 2[k[+ae]n]negative(conditional, pt cannot, can't)could aux vb
1 (=be able to) 能 néng
  • can I help you?
    (in shop) 您要买(買)点(點)儿(兒)什么(麼)? nín yào mǎi diǎnr shénme?

(in general) 我能帮(幫)你吗(嗎)? wǒ néng bāng nǐ ma?
  • you can do it if you try
    如果试(試)试(試)的话(話)你是能做的 rúguǒ shìshì de huà nǐ shì néng zuò de
  • I can't hear/see anything
    我什么(麼)也听(聽)不见/看不见(見) wǒ shénme yě tīng bù jiàn/kàn bù jiàn
  • I can't remember
    我不记(記)得了 wǒ bù jìde le
  • she can't sleep
    她不能入睡 tā bùnéng rùshuì
  • you can always try telephoning him at home
    你可以试(試)着(著)往他家里(裡)打电(電)话(話) nǐ kěyǐ shìzhe wǎng tā jiāli dǎ diànhuà
  • as you can imagine…
    就如你能想象的那样(樣)… jiù rú nǐ néng xiǎngxiàng de nàyàng…
  • how can I ever thank you?
    我该(該)怎么(麼)谢(謝)你才好呢? wǒ gāi zěnme xiè nǐ cái hǎo ne?
  • I can't understand why…
    我不能理解为(為)什么(麼)… wǒ bùnéng lǐjiě wèishénme…
2 (=know how to) 会(會) huì
  • I can swim/drive
    我会(會)游泳/开(開)车(車) wǒ huì yóuyǒng/kāichē
  • can you play a musical instrument?
    你会(會)一种(種)乐(樂)器吗(嗎)? nǐ huì yī zhǒng yuèqì ma?
3 (permission, requests) 可以 kěyǐ
  • can I use your phone?
    我可以用你的电(電)话(話)吗(嗎)? wǒ kěyǐ yòng nǐ de diànhuà ma?
  • can you help me?
    你可以帮(幫)我一下吗(嗎)? nǐ kěyǐ bāng wǒ yīxià ma?
  • can't you leave me alone?
    你就不能让(讓)我单(單)独(獨)呆一会(會)儿(兒)吗(嗎)? nǐ jiù bùnéng ràng wǒ dāndú dāi yīhuìr ma?
  • this cannot be allowed to continue
    不能再这(這)样(樣)下去了 bùnéng zài zhèyàng xiàqù le
4 (disbelief, puzzlement) it can't be true! 这(這)不可能是真的! zhè bù kěnéng shì zhēn de!
  • you can't be serious!
    你不是认(認)真的吧! nǐ bù shì rènzhēn de ba!
  • it can't have been them!
    不可能是他们(們)! Bù kěnéng shì tāmen!
  • what can he want?
    他究竟想要什么(麼)? tā jiūjìng xiǎng yào shénme?
5 (possibility) 可能 kěnéng
  • the illness can last for up to six months
    病情可能持续(續)近6个(個)月 bìngqíng kěnéng chíxù jìn liù gè yuè
  • he can be very unpleasant
    他有时(時)会(會)非常不高兴(興) tā yǒushí huì fēicháng bù gāoxìng
  • can she have finished already?
    她有可能已经(經)完成了吗(嗎)? tā yǒu kěnéng yǐjīng wánchéng le ma?
  • how can millions of dollars disappear?
    成百万(萬)的美金怎么(麼)可能消失呢? chéng bǎiwàn de měijīn zěnme kěnéng xiāoshī ne?
cancouldbe able to 都是用来表示某人有能力做某事,后接原形动词。canbe able to 的现在式都可以指现在,但 can 更为常用。They can all read and write…The snake is able to catch small mammals. couldbe able to 的过去式可用来指过去。willshallbe able to 则用于表示将来。指在某一特定时间能够做某事,用 be able toAfter treatment he was able to return to work. cancould 用于表示可能性。could 指的是某个特定情况下的可能性,而 can 则表示一般情况下的可能性。Many jobs could be lost…Too much salt can be harmful. 在谈论过去的时候,使用 could have 加过去分词形式。It could have been much worse. 在谈论规则或表示许可的时候,用 can 表示现在,用 could 表示过去。They can leave at any time. 注意,当表示请求时,cancould 两者都可。Can I have a drink?…Could we put the fire on? 但表示建议时只能使用 couldYou could phone her and ask.
could've - couldn't - possibility - worst-case scenario




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