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单词 be
释义 be AHD[bē] D.J.[biː]K.K.[bi]v.(动词)第一和第三人称单数陈述语气过去动词形式 was[wŭz, wŏz] [wəz] 非重读时 第二人称单数和复数以及第一和第三人称复数过去陈述语气词 were[wûr] were的过去虚拟语气词过去分词 been[bĭn] 现在分词[bēʹĭng] 第一人称单数现在陈述语气词 am[ăm] 第二人称单数和复数以及第一和第三人称复数现在陈述语气词 are[är] 第三人称单数现在陈述语气词 is[ĭz] 现在虚拟语气词 be v.intr.(不及物动词)
    1. To exist in actuality; have life or reality:有,存在:存在于现实中;有生命或现实性:I think, therefore I am.我思故我在
    1. To occupy a specified position:在:占据一个特定的位置:The food is on the table.食物在桌上
    2. To remain in a certain state or situation undisturbed, untouched, or unmolested:处于,持续:保持某一种状态不受干扰、没被触碰、没被干涉妨害:Let the children be.随这些孩子们去
    1. To take place; occur:举行;发生:The test was yesterday.昨天进行了测验
    1. To go or come:去或来:Have you ever been to Italy? Have you been home recently?你曾经去过意大利吗?最近你回过家吗?
    1. Usage Problem Used as a copula in such senses as:【用法疑难】 是:在下面的意义上作系动词使用:
    1. To equal in identity:是:介绍相等的身份:"To be a Christian was to be a Roman"(James Bryce)“如果是个基督徒就等于是个罗马人”(詹姆斯·布赖斯)
    2. To have a specified significance:具有特殊意义:A is excellent, C is passing. Let n be the unknown quantity.A表示优秀,C表示及格。n表示未知数
    3. To belong to a specified class or group:类:属于一个特定的阶级或团体:The human being is a primate.人类是灵长类动物
    4. To have or show a specified quality or characteristic:是:具有或表现出特定的性质或特点:She is lovely. All men are mortal.她是可爱的。人难免一死
    5. To seem to consist or be made of:似乎是由…组成或制成的:The yard is all snow. He is all bluff and no bite.院子里全是雪。他只会虚张声势
    1. To belong; befall:属于;遇到:Peace be unto you. Woe is me.愿你平安。我真伤心
    1. Used with the past participle of a transitive verb to form the passive voice:与一个及物动词的过去分词连用,形成被动语态:The mayoral election is held annually.市长选举每年都会举行
    1. Used with the present participle of a verb to express a continuing action:与动词的现在分词连用,表示一个持续不断的动作:We are working to improve housing conditions.我们正努力改善住房条件
    1. Used with the infinitive of a verb to express intention, obligation, or future action:与动词不定式连用表示倾向、义务或将来的动作:She was to call before she left. You are to make the necessary changes.她打算在离开前打电话。你要做出必要的改变
    1. Archaic Used with the past participle of certain intransitive verbs to form the perfect tense:【古语】 与某些不及物动词的过去分词连用,形成现在完成时态:"Where be those roses gone which sweetened so our eyes?”(Philip Sidney)“那些令人赏心悦目的玫瑰花哪里去了?”(菲利普·悉尼)
    1. Middle English ben 中古英语 ben
    1. from Old English bēon * see bheuə- 源自 古英语 bēon * 参见 bheuə-
    1. See am 1 , is , etc. for links to other Indo-European roots 参见 am1 , is等,因为同其它印欧语根的联系
References参考词汇be, breathe, exist, live, subsist
  1. The central meaning shared by these verbs is "to have life or reality": 这些动词共有的中心意思是“具有生命或现实性”: Her parents are no more.她的父母去世了。A nicer person has never breathed.世上活着的人里再没有比他更好的了。He is one of the worst actors who ever existed.他是有史以来最差的演员之一。Human beings cannot live without food and water.没有食物和水人类不能生存。The benevolence subsisting in her character draws her friends closer to her. 存在于她性格中的仁慈吸引她的朋友们接近她。
Usage Note用法
  1. Traditional grammar requires the nominative form of the pronoun in the predicate of the verbbe : It is I (not me ); That must be they (not them ), and so forth. Even literate speakers of Modern English have found the rule difficult to conform to,but the stigmatization ofIt is me is by now so deeply lodged among the canons of correctness that there is little likelihood that the construction will ever be entirely acceptable in formal writing.Adherence to the traditional rule in informal speech, however, has come to sound increasingly pedantic,and begins to sound absurd when the verb is contracted, as inIt's we. · The traditional rule creates particular problems when the pronoun followingbe also functions as the object of a verb or preposition in a relative clause, as in It is not them/they that we have in mind when we talk about "crime in the streets" nowadays, where the plural pronoun serves as both the predicate ofis and the object of have. In this example, 57 percent of the Usage Panel preferred the nominative formthey, 33 percent preferred the accusativethem, and 10 percent accepted both versions.But H.W. Fowler, like other authorities, argued that the use of the nominative here is an error caused by "the temptation . . . to assume, perhaps from hearingIt is me corrected to It is I, that a subjective [nominative] case cannot be wrong after the verb to be. ” Writers can usually find a way to avoid this problem: They are not the ones we have in mind, We have someone else in mind, and so on. See Usage Note at I 1we 传统语法要求系动词谓语中的代词用主格形式beIt is I (而不是 me ); That must be they (而不是 them ),等等。 即使现代英语有文化的人也发现很难遵守这个规则,而It is me 的烙印现在已深刻地印入了判断是否正确的准则之中, 以致很少有可能使这种用法在正式书面语中被完全接受。但是在非正式讲话中奉行传统规则已经日益变得象在卖弄学问。并且当系动词被缩减时,就象在It's we 中一样,听起来反而象是不合语法的。 当代词跟在be 后面做动词宾语或做关系从句中的介语宾语时,传统的规则就象在 当我们谈到当今街上的犯罪时,他们不是我们心中所想的那些人, 句中复数代词同时充当is 的宾语和 have 的宾语。 在这个例子中57%的用法使用小组更喜欢用主格形式they, 33%更喜欢用宾格形式them, 而10%则两种都接受。但是象其他的权威一样,H.W.福勒争论道,在这里用主格是一个错误,它之所以错是因为“多半听到了It is me 都被改正成 It is I 而拿不定主意,以为主格的情况在动词 to be 后面不可能错。” 作家们常常能够找到一个办法来避免这个问题: 他们不是我们所想的人,我们脑子里想的是另一些人等等 参见 I1we




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