释义 |
Ross AHD[rôs, rŏs] Betsy Griscom (1752-1836) D.J.[rɔːs, rɒs]K.K.[rɔs, rɑs]NONE(无词性) John Ross1841 portrait of the Cherokee leader by John Rubens Smith (1775-1849)- American seamstress who, according to tradition, made the first American flag (June 1776) at the request of George Washington.罗斯,贝茜·格里斯克:(1752-1836) 传说应乔治·华盛顿的请求制作了第一面美国国旗(1776年6月)的美国女裁缝
RossHarold Wallace (1892-1951)NONE(无词性)- American publisher who founded and edited (1925-1951) theNew Yorker magazine. 罗斯,哈罗德·华莱士:(1892-1951) 美国出版商,创办并编辑了《纽约人》 周刊(1925-1951年)
RossSir James Clark (1800-1862)NONE(无词性)- British polar explorer who located the north magnetic pole (1831). On an Antarctic expedition (1839-1843) he discovered Victoria Land and the Ross Sea.罗斯,詹姆斯·克拉克:(1800-1862) 英国极地探险家,曾测定了北磁极的位置(1831年)并在一次南极探险中(1839-1843年)发现了维多利亚地和罗斯海
RossJohn Originally Coowescoowe 或 Kooweskoowe. (1790-1866)NONE(无词性)- Cherokee leader who reluctantly directed the forced removal of the Cherokee from Georgia to the Oklahoma Territory (1838-1839) along a route called the Trail of Tears.罗斯,约翰:(1790-1866) 美国彻罗基印第安人酋长,被迫率领彻罗基人从乔治亚州踏上“眼泪之路”而迁徙至俄克拉荷马州居留地(1838-1839年)
RossSir John (1777-1856)NONE(无词性)- British naval officer and Arctic explorer whose expeditions (1818 and 1829-1833) in search of the Northwest Passage yielded several geographic discoveries.罗斯,约翰:(1777-1856) 英国海军军官及北极探险家,他在寻找西北航路的探险中(1818和1829-1833年)有许多地理学上的发现
RossNellie Tayloe (1876-1977)NONE(无词性)- American politician who was elected (1924) to complete her deceased husband's term as governor of Wyoming (1925-1927), thereby becoming the first woman governor in the United States.罗斯,奈烈·泰洛:(1876-1977) 美国政治家,1924年当选为美国怀俄明州州长(1925-1927年)以完成她已故丈夫的任期,由此而成为美国第一位女州长
RossSir Ronald (1857-1932)NONE(无词性)- British physician. He won a 1902 Nobel Prize for discovering that mosquitoes transmit malaria.罗斯,罗纳德:(1857-1932) 英国医生,因发现蚊子是传播疟疾的媒介而获1902年诺贝尔奖