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单词 allude
释义 al·lude AHD[ə-lo͞odʹ] D.J.[əˈluːd]K.K.[əˈlud]v.intr.(不及物动词)al.lud.ed,, al.ludes
  1. To make an indirect reference:暗指,间接提到:The candidate alluded to the recent war by saying, "We've all made sacrifices.”候选人间接提到最近发生的战争时说“我们都做出了牺牲。”
    1. Latin allūdere [to play with] 拉丁语 allūdere [玩…]
    1. ad- [ad-] ad- [前缀,表“添加”]
    1. lūdere [to play] from lūdus [game] * see leid- lūdere [玩] 源自 lūdus [游戏] * 参见 leid-
Usage Note用法
  1. Allude and allusion are often used where the more general terms refer and reference would be preferable. Allude and allusion apply to indirect references in which the source is not specifically identified: "Well, we'll always have Paris,” he told the travel agent, in an allusion to Casablanca. Refer and reference, unless qualified, usually imply specific mention of a source: I will refer to Hamlet for my conclusion: As Polonius says, "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.” See Usage Note at refer Alludeallusion 在使用时经常可以被更普遍的词 referreference 所代替。 Alludeallusion 用在来源没有特别指明的间接引用语中: “对,我们将永远拥有巴黎,”他对旅行社服务员说。这句话引自卡萨布兰卡。 Referreference 通常指明确提到出处,除非有所限制: 我将引用 哈姆雷特 里的话作为我的结论: 正如波洛涅斯所说,“尽管这是发疯,但其中颇有理性。” 参见 refer




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