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单词 Adams
释义 Ad·ams AHD[ădʹəmz] Abigail Smith (1744-1818) D.J.[ˈædəmz]K.K.[ˈædəmz]NONE(无词性)
  1. First Lady of the United States (1797-1801) as the wife of President John Adams. Her letters to her husband provide a vivid picture of life in colonial Massachusetts.亚当斯,艾比盖尔·史密斯:(1744-1818) 美国的第一夫人(1797-1801年),约翰·亚当斯总统的夫人。她写给丈夫的信生动地描绘了殖民时期马萨诸塞州人民的生活

AdamsAnsel (1902-1984)NONE(无词性)
  1. American photographer noted for his magnificent black-and-white photographs of the American wilderness.亚当斯,安塞尔:(1902-1984) 美国摄影家,以其表现美国荒野的精美的黑白照片而著名

AdamsBrooks (1848-1927)NONE(无词性)
  1. American historian who theorized that civilizations rise and fall according to a pattern of economic growth and decline.亚当斯,布鲁克斯:(1848-1927) 美国历史学家,理论化地阐述了文明随经济的增长与下降的模式而繁荣和衰退

AdamsCharles Francis (1807-1886)NONE(无词性)
  1. American public official who as an ambassador during the Civil War helped dissuade Great Britain from officially recognizing the Confederacy.亚当斯,查尔斯·弗朗西斯:(1807-1886) 美国外交家,内战期间驻英大使,劝阻英国官方承认南部邦联政府

AdamsFranklin Pierce Known as "F.P.A.”(1881-1960)NONE(无词性)
  1. American humorist whose column "The Conning Tower" appeared in New York newspapers for more than 20 years.亚当斯,富兰克林·皮尔斯:(1881-1960) 美国幽默作家,其“指挥塔”专栏刊登于纽约几家报纸长达二十多年

AdamsHenry Brooks (1838-1918)NONE(无词性)
  1. American historian noted for his nine-volumeHistory of the United States during the Administrations of Jefferson and Madison (1889-1891). He also wrote a famous autobiography, The Education of Henry Adams (1918). 亚当斯,亨利·布鲁克斯:(1838-1918) 美国历史学家,以其九卷本《杰斐逊和麦迪逊统治时期的美国历史》 (1889-1891年)而闻名。写有著名的自传 《亨利·亚当斯的教育》 (1918年)

AdamsJames Truslow (1878-1949)NONE(无词性)
  1. American historian whose works includeThe Epic of America (1931). 亚当斯,詹姆斯·特拉斯洛:(1878-1949) 美国历史学家,其作品包括《英国史诗》 (1931年)

AdamsJohn (1735-1826)NONE(无词性)
  1. The first Vice President (1789-1797) and second President (1797-1801) of the United States. He was a major figure during the American Revolution, the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, and the shaping of the Constitution.亚当斯,约翰:(1735-1826) 美国首任副总统(1789-1797年)及第二任总统(1797-1801年)。美国独立战争期间的主要人物,《独立宣言》的起草撰写者及宪法的设计完成者

AdamsJohn Quincy (1767-1848)NONE(无词性)
  1. The sixth President of the United States (1825-1829). As secretary of state (1817-1825) he helped formulate the Monroe Doctrine. After his presidency he served in the House of Representatives (1831-1848), where he advocated antislavery measures.亚当斯,约翰·昆西:(1767-1848) 美国第六任总统(1825-1829年)。作为国务卿(1817-1825年),他帮助制定门罗主义,卸任后任众议员(1831-1848年),并提出反对奴隶制的措施

Adams(Llewellyn) Sherman (1899-1986)NONE(无词性)
  1. American politician who was the influential White House chief of staff (1953-1958) for President Dwight D. Eisenhower.亚当斯,(列韦林)舍曼:(1899-1986) 美国政治家,德温特·D·艾森豪威尔总统任期时有影响的白宫幕僚(1953-1958年)

AdamsMaude Kiskadden (1872-1953)NONE(无词性)
  1. American actress whose successes included more than 1,500 performances as the lead inPeter Pan. 亚当斯,莫德·凯斯卡登:(1872-1953) 美国女演员,她的成就包括作为《彼得·潘》 的主演成功地举行了1,500多场演出

  1. A peak, 3,753.6 m (12,307 ft) high, in the Cascade Range of southwest Washington.亚当斯峰:海拔3,753.6米(12,307英尺)的山峰,位于美国华盛顿州西南部的喀斯喀特山脉

AdamsSamuel (1722-1803)NONE(无词性)
  1. American Revolutionary leader whose agitations spurred Bostonians toward rebellion against British occupation and rule. He was a member of the First and Second Continental Congresses, signed the Declaration of Independence, and served as governor of Massachusetts (1794-1797).亚当斯,塞缪尔:(1722-1803) 美国独立战争的领导人,鼓动波士顿人反抗英国统治及英国法律。第一届和第二届大陆会议的成员,签署《独立宣言》并任马萨诸塞州州长(1794-1797年)

AdamsWalter Sydney (1876-1956)NONE(无词性)
  1. American astronomer who developed a method of measuring the distance of a star from the earth by comparing its absolute brightness to its apparent brightness.亚当斯,沃尔特·悉尼:(1876-1956) 美国天文学家,提出通过比较行星的绝对亮度与表面亮度以测定行星与地球之间距离的方法




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