

词汇 besides



WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:

besides advadverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (also)此外(也)
 It's a nice day for a walk, and besides, I need the exercise.
besides advadverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (as well)
cǐ wài hái
 I'd like a nice car, and a whole lot more besides.
preppreposition: Relates noun or pronoun to another element of sentence--for example, "a picture of John," "She walked from my house to yours."
(other than, except)除了
chú le
 There's nobody home besides me and the dog.
preppreposition: Relates noun or pronoun to another element of sentence--for example, "a picture of John," "She walked from my house to yours."
(as well as)除了…(之外还)
 Besides money, Ralph also wanted a job.
besides preppreposition: Relates noun or pronoun to another element of sentence--for example, "a picture of John," "She walked from my house to yours." (in addition to)除…以外
chú … yǐ wài
 I don't like peanut butter, besides which, I'm allergic to nuts.
besides advadverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (otherwise, else)除此之外
chú cǐ zhī wài
 I have washed the dishes but nothing else besides.

Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:

besides [bI'saIdz]
I adv
1 (also: beside) (=in addition) 另外 lìngwài
2 (=in any case) 而且 érqiě
II prep (also: beside) (=in addition to, as well as) 除…之外 chú…zhīwài
besides 引出的事物包括在我们所谈及的事情之内。She is very intelligent besides being very beautiful. 不过,当我们说 the only person besides 另外某人时,或 the only thing besides 另外某物时,我们指在某一特定场合或上下文中的唯一其他人或物。There was only one person besides me who knew where the money was hidden. 介词 except 后面通常跟我们的陈述中不包括的那些物、人、事的名词或代词形式。She spoke to everyone except me. except 也可作连词,引导从句或副词短语。There was nothing more to do now except wait. except 还可以引出由连词 thatwhenif 引导的从句。The house stayed empty, except when we came for the holidays. except for 是用在名词前的介词短语,用来引出某人或某物,说明要不是有某人或某物,所陈述的便为全部事实。Everyone was late except for Richard.
besides 引出的事物包括在我们所谈及的事情之内。She is very intelligent besides being very beautiful. 不过,当我们说 the only person besides 另外某人时,或 the only thing besides 另外某物时,我们指在某一特定场合或上下文中的唯一其他人或物。There was only one person besides me who knew where the money was hidden. 介词 except 后面通常跟我们的陈述中不包括的那些物、人、事的名词或代词形式。She spoke to everyone except me…I never take any drugs, except aspirin for colds. except 也可作连词,引导从句或副词短语。There was nothing more to do now except wait…Travelling was impossible except in the cool of the morning. except 还可以引出由连词 thatwhenif 引导的从句。The house stayed empty, except when we came for the holidays. except for 是用在名词前的介词短语,用来引出某人或某物,说明要不是有某人或某物,所陈述的便为全部事实。Everyone was late except for Richard. unless 是连词,后面的从句表示某事不会发生或不会成为事实。Unless you really want to lose weight, it will be hard to stick to a diet.
in addition to this - plus
之外 - 再说 - 此外 - 况且 - 外 - 并 - 撇开 - 除了




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