

词汇 take



动词变化: "to take"

一般过去式: took
过去分词: taken

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:

take wing v (start to fly)起飞
qǐ fēi
 The eagle took wing and flew out of sight.
take [sth] with a grain of salt (US),
take [sth] with a pinch of salt (UK)
v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end."
figurative (be slightly skeptical)半信半疑
bàn xìn bàn yí
bù wán quán xiāng xìn
 Steven's known to exaggerate: I'd take anything he says with a grain of salt.
take your chances v informal (run a risk) (非正式用语)尝试,冒险
take your choice v (select, choose)选择
xuǎn zé
take your hat off v (remove your headgear)脱帽
tuō mào
bǎ nǐ de mào zi tuō le
take your hat off to [sb],
take off your hat to [sb]
v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end."
figurative, informal (respect, congratulate)向…脱帽致敬
xiàng tuō mào zhì jìng
 I take my hat off to the inventor of this amazing tool.
take your medicine v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." figurative (accept bad consequences)承担后果
chéng dān hòu guǒ
 I guess I should tell the boss about my mistake and take my medicine. You've broken the rules, and now you have to take your medicine.
take your pick exprexpression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own." (choose any one you like)任选
take your time interjinterjection: Exclamation--for example, "Oh no!" "Wow!" (don't hurry)别急!慢慢来!
bié jí màn màn lái
 "Sorry to keep you – we're very busy at the moment." "Take your time - there's no rush."
take-off nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (aircraft: departure)起飞
qǐ fēi
 Take-off is scheduled for five in the afternoon.
take-off nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. mainly UK, informal (parody, spoof) (非正式用语)滑稽的模仿
huá jī de mó fǎng
 It was a take-off of an old Monty Python scene. The new series is a mildly funny take-off on political talk shows.
nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.
UK (restaurant: serves food to go)外卖餐馆
 We went to the Chinese takeaway to get some food.
nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.
(of company)收购
shōu gòu
jiē shōu
 After the takeover, there were a lot of changes to the company structure.
nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.
(of country) (对国家、地区等的)强制接管
qiáng zhì jiē guǎn
 The takeover was condemned by the UN.

Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:

take [teIk]pt(pp took)taken
I vt
1 [+ holiday, vacation] 度 
[+ shower, bath] 洗 
[+ decision] 做 zuò
2 (=take hold of)
[+ sb's arm] 拿 
  • Let me take your coat.
    让(讓)我来(來)拿你的外套吧。 Ràng wǒ lái ná nǐ de wàitào ba.
3 (=steal) 偷走 tōuzǒu
  • Someone's taken my pen.
    有人偷走了我的钢(鋼)笔(筆)。 Yǒu rén tōuzǒule wǒ de gāngbǐ.
4 (=require)
[+ effort, courage etc] 需要 xūyào
  • It took a lot of courage to admit his mistake.
    他需要很大勇气(氣)去承认(認)错(錯)误(誤)。 Tā xūyào hěn dà yǒngqì qù chéngrèn cuòwù.
5 (=tolerate)
[+ pain, criticism etc] 忍受 rěnshòu
  • I can't take any more.
    我不能再忍受了。 Wǒ bùnéng zài rěnshòu le.
6 (=hold)
[+ passengers, spectators etc] 容纳(納) róngnà
  • The new stadium can take about 8000 people.
    新的体(體)育场(場)大约(約)可以容纳(納)8000人。 Xīn de tǐyùchǎng dàyuē kěyǐ róngnà bāqiān rén.
7 (=accompany)
[+ person] 送 sòng
  • He offered to take her home in a taxi.
    他提出乘出租车(車)送她回家。 Tā tíchū chéng chūzūchē sòng tā huíjiā.
8 [+ prisoner] 俘获(獲) fúhuò
  • Marines went in, taking 15 prisoners.
    海军(軍)陆(陸)战(戰)队(隊)员(員)进(進)去了,俘获(獲)了15名犯人。 Hǎijūn lùzhàn duìyuán jìnqù le,fúhuòle shíwǔ míng fànrén.
9 (=accept)
[+ job, position] 接受 jiēshòu
  • I eagerly took the job.
    我兴(興)冲(沖)冲(沖)地接受了这(這)份工作。 Wǒ xìngchōngchōng de jiēshòu le zhè fèn gōngzuò.
10 (=carry, bring)
[+ object] 携(攜)带(帶) xiédài
11 (=travel along)
[+ road] 走 zǒu
  • Take the Chester Road out of town.
    走切斯特路出城。 zǒu Qièsītè Lù chūchéng.
12 [+ bus, train] 乘坐 chéngzuò
  • She took the train to New York.
    她乘火车(車)去纽(紐)约(約)。 Tā chéng huǒchē qù Niǔyuē.
13 [+ size] 穿 chuān
  • What size do you take?
    你穿多大号(號)? Nǐ chuān duō dà hào?
14 [+ time] 花费(費) huāfèi
  • The sauce takes 25 minutes to prepare.
    做调(調)味汁要花25分钟(鐘)。 Zuò tiáowèizhī yào huā èrshíwǔ fēnzhōng.
15 (=react to) 看待 kàndài
  • How did he take the news?
    他怎样(樣)看待这(這)个(個)消息? Tā zěnyàng kàndài zhège xiāoxi?
  • No one took my message seriously.
    没(沒)有人认(認)真看待我的讯(訊)息。 Méiyǒu rén rènzhēn kàndài wǒ de xùnxī.
16 [+ exam, test] 参(參)加 cānjiā
17 [+ drug, pill] 服用 fúyòng
  • I took a couple of aspirins.
    我服下几(幾)片阿司匹林。 Wǒ fúxià jǐ piàn āsīpǐlín.
18 (esp Brit) (=teach)
[+ subject, class] 教 jiāo
  • She took them for geography.
    她教他们(們)地理。 Tā jiāo tāmen dìlǐ.
19 (=study)
[+ subject, course] 修 xiū
  • I'm taking history at university.
    我在大学(學)修历(歷)史。 Wǒ zài dàxué xiū lìshǐ.
II vi (=have effect)
[dye, injection, drug] 见(見)效 jiànxiào
  • You need a few minutes for cortisone to take.
    你得等几(幾)分钟(鐘)让(讓)可的松见(見)效。 Nǐ děi děng jǐ fēnzhōng ràng kědísōng jiànxiào.
III n [c]
1 (Cine) 镜(鏡)头(頭) jìngtóu
  • She had to do several takes to get it right.
    她拍了好几(幾)个(個)镜(鏡)头(頭)才得到满(滿)意的效果。 Tā pāile hǎo jǐ gè jìngtóu cái dédào mǎnyì de xiàoguǒ.
2 (inf: viewpoint) 看法 kànfǎ
  • What's your take on this?
    你对(對)这(這)件事的看法是什么(麼)? Nǐ duì zhè jiàn shì de kànfǎ shì shénme?

  • don't forget to take your umbrella
    别(別)忘了带(帶)雨伞(傘) bié wàngle dài yǔsǎn
  • she's not yet taken her driving test
    她还(還)没(沒)考驾(駕)照 tā hái méi kǎo jiàzhào.
  • to take sth from
    [+ drawer, box etc]把某物从(從)…拿出来(來) bǎ mǒuwù cóng…ná chūlái
  • I take it that…
    我的理解是… wǒ de lǐjiě shì…
  • take it or leave it
    接不接受随(隨)便 jiē bù jiēshòu suíbiàn
  • to take sb for…
    (=mistake) 把某人误(誤)认(認)为(為)… bǎ mǒurén wùrènwéi…
  • I took him for a doctor.
    我把他误(誤)认(認)为(為)医(醫)生了。 Wǒ bǎ tā wùrènwéi yīshēng le.

  • to take sb's hand, take sb by the hand/arm
    拉某人的手,牵(牽)某人的手/挽某人的胳膊 lā mǒurén de shǒu,qiān mǒurén de shǒu/wǎn mǒurén de gēbo
  • to take sb for a walk
    带(帶)某人去散步 dài mǒurén qù sànbù
  • to take it on or upon o.s. to do sth
    将(將)做某事的责(責)任揽(攬)到自己身上 jiāng zuò mǒushì de zérèn lǎndào zìjǐ shēnshang
  • to take to doing sth
    开(開)始有规(規)律地做某事 kāishǐ yǒu guīlǜ de zuò mǒushì
take after vt fus 不可拆分 (=resemble) 像 xiàng
  • He takes after his dad.
    他像他的爸爸。 Tā xiàng tā de bàba.
take apart vt (=dismantle)
[+ bicycle, radio, machine] 拆开(開) chāikāitake away
I vt
1 (=remove) 拿走 názǒu
2 (=carry off) 带(帶)走 dàizǒu
3 (Math) 减(減)去 jiǎnqù
  • What's 35 take away 10?
    35减(減)去10等于(於)多少? Sānshíwǔ jiǎnqù shí děngyú duōshao?
II vi to take away from (=detract from) 减(減)损(損) jiǎnsǔn
take back vt
1 (=return)
[+ goods] 退回 tuìhuí
2 (=retract)
[+ one's words] 收回 shōuhuí
take down vt
1 (=write down) 记(記)录(錄) jìlù
2 (=dismantle)
[+ wall, fence etc] 拆除 chāichú
take in vt
1 (=deceive)
[+ person] 蒙(矇)骗(騙) mēngpiàn
  • I wasn't going to be taken in by his charm.
    我不会(會)被他的魅力所蒙(矇)骗(騙)。 Wǒ bùhuì bèi tā de mèilì suǒ mēngpiàn.
2 (=understand) 明白 míngbai
  • Robert took it all in without needing explanations.
    罗(羅)伯特没(沒)用任何解释(釋)就全明白了。 Luóbótè méi yòng rènhé jiěshì jiù quán míngbai le.
3 (=include) 容纳(納) róngnà
  • The university has expanded to take in the school of art.
    为(為)了容纳(納)艺(藝)术(術)学(學)院,大学(學)进(進)行了扩(擴)张(張)。 Wèile róngnà yìshù xuéyuàn,dàxué jìnxíngle kuòzhāng.
4 [+ lodger] 留宿 liúsù
5 [+ orphan, refugee, stray dog] 收容 shōuróng
6 [+ dress, waistband] 改窄 gǎizhǎi
take off
I vi
1 [aircraft] 起飞(飛) qǐfēi
2 (also: take o.s off) (=go away) 动(動)身 dòngshēn
  • They took off for a weekend in the country.
    他们(們)动(動)身去乡(鄉)下度周(週)末。 Tāmen dòngshēn qù xiāngxia dù zhōumò.
II vt
1 [+ time from work] 休假 xiūjià
  • She took two days off work.
    她休了两(兩)天假。 Tā xiūle liǎng tiān jià.
2 [+ clothes, glasses, make-up] 脱(脫)下 tuōxià
3 (esp Brit) (=imitate)
[+ person] 模仿 mófǎng
take on vt
1 (=undertake)
[+ work, responsibility] 承担(擔) chéngdān
  • Don't take on any more responsibilities.
    不要再承担(擔)更多的责(責)任了。 Bùyào zài chéngdān gèng duō de zérèn le.
2 [+ employee] 雇用 gùyòng
  • The company has taken on more staff.
    公司雇(僱)用了更多员(員)工。 Gōngsī gùyòngle gèng duō yuángōng.
3 (=compete against) 与(與)较(較)量 yǔ…jiàoliàng
  • I knew I couldn't take him on.
    我知道自己没(沒)法跟他较(較)量。 Wǒ zhīdào zìjǐ méi fǎ gēn tā jiàoliàng.
4 (=develop) 越来(來)越显(顯)示出 yuèláiyuè xiǎnshìchū
  • His writing took on a greater intensity.
    他的写(寫)作越来(來)越显(顯)示出深度。 Tā de xiězuò yuèláiyuè xiǎnshìchū shēndù.
take out vt
1 (=invite)
[+ person] 邀请(請) yāoqǐng
  • He took her out for a meal.
    他邀请(請)她出去吃饭(飯)。 Tā yāoqǐng tā chūqù chīfàn.
2 (=remove)
[+ tooth] 拔除 báchú
3 [+ loan, mortgage, licence etc] 取得 qǔdé
take out on vt to take one's anger/feelings out on sb 向某人发(發)泄(洩)怒气(氣)/情感 xiàng mǒurén fāxiè nùqì/qínggǎntake over
I vt
1 [+ business, country] 接管 jiēguǎn
2 [+ job] 接手 jiēshǒu
  • His widow has taken over the running of the company.
    他的遗(遺)孀接手经(經)营(營)这(這)家公司。 Tā de yíshuāng jiēshǒu jīngyíng zhè jiā gōngsī.
II vi to take over from sb 从(從)某人手中接管 cóng mǒurén shǒu zhōng jiēguǎn
take to vt fus 不可拆分
1 (=like) 喜欢(歡)上 xǐhuan shang
  • I immediately took to Alan.
    我立刻喜欢(歡)上了艾伦(倫)。 Wǒ lìkè xǐhuan shang le Àilún.
2 (=begin) 开(開)始常做 kāishǐ chángzuò
  • He's recently taken to fishing.
    他最近开(開)始常去钓(釣)鱼(魚)。 Tā zuìjìn kāishǐ cháng qù diàoyú.
take up
I vt
1 (=start)
[+ hobby, sport] 开(開)始 kāishǐ
2 [+ job] 从(從)事 cóngshì
3 (=occupy)
[+ time, space] 占(佔)用 zhànyòng
  • I won't take up any more of your time.
    我不会(會)再占(佔)用你更多的时(時)间(間)。 Wǒ bùhuì zài zhànyòng nǐ gèng duō de shíjiān.
4 (=deal with) 着(著)手处(處)理 zhuóshǒu chǔlǐ
  • He intends to take up the proposal with the prime minister.
    他打算与(與)首相着(著)手处(處)理该(該)提议(議)。 Tā dǎsuàn yǔ shǒuxiàng zhuóshǒu chǔlǐ gāi tíyì.
5 (=continue)
[+ task, story] 继(繼)续(續) jìxù
  • David was taking up where he had left off.
    戴维(維)接着(著)上次中断(斷)的地方继(繼)续(續)。 Dàiwéi jiēzhe shàngcì zhōngduàn de dìfang jìxù.
6 (=shorten)
[+ hem, garment] 改短 gǎiduǎn
II vi (=befriend) to take up with sb 开(開)始和某人鬼混 kāishǐ hé mǒurén guǐhùn
  • to take sb up on an offer
    接受某人提出的建议(議) jiēshòu mǒurén tíchū de jiànyì




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