

词汇 run



动词变化: "to run"

一般过去式: ran
过去分词: run

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:

test run nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (trial)试行
shì xíng
 Rory took his race car to the track for a test run.
trial run nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (test)试运行
shì yùn xíng
shì chē
shì chē
 I insisted on giving the car a trial run before I bought it. I took a trial run to see how much time I'll need to get to the airport tomorrow morning.
well run
adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house."
(company, program: managed skillfully) (公司、项目)运行良好
备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the noun
well run
adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house."
(race: run skillfully) (比赛)跑得出色的
备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the noun

Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:

run [r^n]pt(pp ran)run
I n [c]
1 (as exercise, sport) 跑步 pǎobù [次 ]
2 (in car) 旅行 lǚxíng
3 (=regular journey)
[of train, bus etc] 路线(線) lùxiàn
4 (=series)
[of victories, defeats etc] 连(連)续(續) liánxù
5 (Cricket, Baseball) 跑动(動)得分 pǎodòng défēn [次 ]
6 (Theat) 持续(續)的演出 chíxù de yǎnchū
7 (in tights, stockings) 抽丝(絲) chōusī
II vt
1 [+ race, distance] 跑 pǎo
2 (=operate)
[+ business, shop, country] 经(經)营(營) jīngyíng
[+ competition, course] 开(開)办(辦) kāibàn
[+ country] 治理 zhìlǐ
3 [+ water, bath] 流 liú
4 (=pass)
[+ hand, fingers] 移动(動) yídòng
5 (=operate)
[+ machine] 使运(運)转(轉) shǐ yùnzhuǎn
6 (=perform)
[+ program, test] 进(進)行 jìnxíng
(=own, maintain)
[+ car, machine] 使用 shǐyòng
7 (Publishing) [+ feature, article] 刊登 kāndēng
III vi
1 [person, animal] 跑 pǎo
2 (=flee) 逃跑 táopǎo
3 (=work)
[machine] 运(運)转(轉) yùnzhuǎn
4 (=operate)
[system, organization, etc] 运(運)作 yùnzuò
5 [bus, train]
(=operate) 行驶(駛) xíngshǐ
6 (=continue)
[play, show etc] 连(連)续(續)上演 liánxù shàngyǎn
[contract] 有效 yǒuxiào
7 (=flow)
[river, tears, nose] 流 liú
8 (US) (in election) 竞(競)选(選) jìngxuǎn [英 = stand]
9 [road, railway etc] 伸展 shēnzhǎn
10 [colours, washing] 掉色 diàosè
11 (in combination) 变(變)得 biàn de
  • to go for a run
    (as exercise) 跑步锻(鍛)炼(鍊) pǎobù duànliàn
  • to break into a run
    突然奔跑起来(來) tūrán bēnpǎo qǐlái
  • a run of good/bad luck
    接二连(連)三的好运(運)/厄运(運) jiē èr lián sān de hǎoyùn/èyùn
  • to have the run of sb's house
    被允许(許)随(隨)意进(進)出某人的住宅 bèi yǔnxǔ suíyì jìn chū mǒurén de zhùzhái
  • there was a run on…
    [+ meat, tickets]有…的需求 yǒu…de xūqiú
  • in the long run
    终(終)究 zhōngjiū
  • in the short run
    从(從)短期看 cóng duǎnqī kàn
  • on the run
    [fugitive] 逃跑 táopǎo
  • I'll run you to the station
    我开(開)车(車)送你去车(車)站 wǒ kāichē sòng nǐ qù chēzhàn
  • to make a run for it
    (inf)试(試)图(圖)迅速逃跑 shìtú xùnsù táopǎo
  • to run on or off petrol/batteries
    以汽油/电(電)池为(為)能源 yǐ qìyóu/diànchí wéi néngyuán
  • to run for president
    竞(競)选(選)总(總)统(統) jìngxuǎn zǒngtǒng
  • to run dry
    [well etc] 干(乾)涸 gānhé
  • tempers were running high
    情绪(緒)变(變)得激动(動)起来(來) qíngxù biàn de jīdòng qǐlái
  • unemployment is running at 20 per cent
    失业(業)率为(為)20% shīyèlǜ wéi bǎifēnzhī èrshí
  • it runs in the family
    这(這)是家族遗(遺)传(傳) zhè shì jiāzú yíchuán
  • to be run off one's feet
    (Brit) 忙碌不堪 mánglù bùkān
run across vt fus 不可拆分 (=find) 不期而遇 bù qī ér yùrun after vt fus 不可拆分 (=chase) 追赶(趕) zhuīgǎnrun away vi (from home, situation) 出走 chūzǒurun away with vt fus 不可拆分 不受…控制 bù shòu…kòngzhìrun by vt to run sth by sb (inf) 看某人对(對)某事的反应(應) kàn mǒurén duì mǒushì de fǎnyìngrun down
I vt
1 (esp Brit) [+ production, factory] 逐渐(漸)停止 zhújiàn tíngzhǐ
2 (Aut) [+ person] 撞伤(傷) zhuàngshāng
3 (=criticize) 诋(詆)毁(毀) dǐhuǐ
II vi [battery] 耗尽(盡) hàojìn
to be run down [person]
(=tired) 筋疲力尽(盡) jīn pí lì jìn
run in (Brit) vt [+ car] 小心试(試)用 xiǎoxīn shìyòngrun into vt fus 不可拆分
1 (=meet)
[+ person] 偶然碰见(見) ǒurán pèngjiàn
[+ trouble, problems] 遭遇 zāoyù
2 (=collide with) 撞上 zhuàngshàng
  • to run into debt
    陷入债(債)务(務) xiànrù zhàiwù
  • their losses ran into millions
    他们(們)的损(損)失达(達)到数(數)百万(萬) tāmen de sǔnshī dádào shù bǎiwàn
run off
I vi
1 [person, animal] 跑掉 pǎodiào
2 (with sb) 私奔 sībēn
II vt
1 [+ liquid] 使流掉 shǐ liúdiào
2 [+ copies] 复(複)印一下 fùyìn yīxià
run out vi
1 [time, money, luck] 用完 yòngwán
  • Time is running out.
    快没(沒)时(時)间(間)了。 Kuài méi shíjiān le.
2 [lease, passport] 到期 dàoqī
run out of vt fus 不可拆分 耗尽(盡) hàojìnrun over
I vt (Aut) [+ person] 撞倒 zhuàngdǎo
II vt fus 不可拆分 (=repeat) 再来(來)一遍 zài lái yī biàn
III vi [bath, sink, water] 溢出 yìchū
run through vt fus 不可拆分
1 [+ instructions] 扫(掃)视(視) sǎoshì
2 (=rehearse)
[+ scene, lines] 排练(練) páiliàn
run up vt [+ debt] 积(積)欠 jīqiànrun up against vt fus 不可拆分 [+ difficulties] 遇到 yùdào




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