

词汇 placed


本页中: placed, place

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:

placed adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (situated)位于…的
wèi yú … de
zuò luò yú … de
 The vase was placed in the middle of the table.

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:

place nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (position)位置
wèi zhi
 She lost her place in the queue.
place nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (spot)座位
zuò wèi
wèi zi
xí wèi
 Are there any places left for tonight's concert?
place nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. informal (house) (口语,住所)家,住所
 Shall we go to my place or yours?
place nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (as substitute for)代替
dài tì
dài biǎo
 He sent a delegate to attend the ceremony in his place.
place⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (put)
fàng zhì
fàng zhì
 He placed the book on the shelf.
place nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (space)空间
kōng jiān
dì fāng
 There's always a place for you in this house.
place nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (area)地方
dì fāng
qū yù
 She marked out a place in the sand and sat down to sunbathe.
place nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (table setting)空位
kōng wèi
zuò wèi
xí wèi
 How many places do we need at the table?
place nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (function) (抽象)地位,作用
 People can't agree on the place of science in theology.
place nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (standing)地位
dì wèi
 All he's interested in is money and place.
place nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (in a book)(书)正读到的位置
shū zhèng dú dào de wèi zhì
 You should bookmark your place in the novel.
place nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (rank, position)名次
míng cì
pái míng
 She won second place in the competition.
place nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (appropriate location)指定的位置
zhǐ dìng de wèi zhì
hé shì de wèi zhì
 All the children were in their places.
place nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (job, post)职位
zhí wèi
gōng zuò
 I'm looking for a place in a publishing house.
place nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (situation)情景
qíng jǐng
chǎng hé
 This is not the right place to discuss politics.
place nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (court, short street)广场
guǎng chǎng
jiē dào
 They live on Harlow Place.
place nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. US (horse racing: second) (赛马)第二名
dì èr míng
 The payoff is for win, place and show.
place viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (horse race: finish in first three) (赛马)取得名次
qǔ dé míng cì
 My horse didn't even place.
place viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (race horse: finish) (赛马)完成比赛
 Where did your horse place?
place vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (put person in situation)将某人置于某种处境
jiāng mǒu rén zhì yú mǒu zhǒng chǔ jìng
 His action placed her in danger.
place vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (for adoption)安置
ān zhì
lǐng yǎng
 The child was placed with a family in another city.
place vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (rank)对…排名
duì pái míng
duì jìn xíng pái wèi
 I would place him in the top ten players of all time.
place vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (situate)放置
fàng zhì
bǎi fàng
 She placed vases of flowers in the dining room.
place vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (arrange)摆放
bǎi fàng
fàng zhì
pái fàng
 Place the books in chronological order.
place vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (in a school, institution)安置
ān zhì
sòng dào mǒu dì jiù dòu
 They placed her in one of the country's finest schools.
place vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (employment)雇用…
gù yòng
gěi tí gōng zhí wèi
 The job agency placed him almost immediately.
place vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (appoint)任命
rèn mìng
zhǐ dìng
wěi pài
 They placed him as head of the new sales team.
place vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (date)想起,记得(日期)
què dìng de rì qī nián dài
 I know it was last week, but I can't place the day.
place vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (bet)下(赌注)
xià ( dǔ zhù )
 You only have a minute left to place your bet.
place vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (call)打(电话)
dǎ diàn huà
 Shall I place the call for you?
place vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (order)下(订单)
xià dìng dān
fā chū dìng gòu dān
 I'd like to place an order for a dozen more items.
place vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (horse race) (赛马)取得名次
qǔ dé míng cì
 My horse placed and I won two hundred dollars.
place vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (sports) (体育运动)踢进,踢入
 He placed the ball in the upper right corner of the net.
place [sb/sth] vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (identify)辩认出
rèn chū
 This actor looks very familiar but I just can't place him.
place [sth] in [sth] vtr + prep (put: an ad in a newspaper) (在报纸上登广告)在…上登…

Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:

place [pleIs]
I n
1 [c] (=location) 地方 dìfang [个 ]
  • We were looking for a good place to camp.
    我们(們)寻(尋)找露营(營)的地方。 Wǒmen xúnzhǎo lùyíng de dìfang.
  • The cellar was a very dark place.
    地窖是个(個)很黑的地方。 Dìjiào shì gè hěn hēi de dìfang.
  • They seem to have scheduled the president to be in two places at once.
    他们(們)似乎想让(讓)总(總)统(統)同时(時)出现(現)在两(兩)个(個)不同的地方。 Tāmen sìhū xiǎng ràng zǒngtǒng tóngshí chūxiàn zài liǎng gè bùtóng de dìfang.
  • The pain was always in the same place.
    总(總)是在一个(個)地方疼。 Zǒngshì zài yī gè dìfang téng.
  • I keep these cards in a very safe place.
    我把卡片放在一个(個)非常安全的地方。 Wǒ bǎ kǎpiàn fàng zài yī gè fēicháng ānquán de dìfang.
2 [c] (empty)
(=space) 空位 kòngwèi [个 ]
  • I found a place to park.
    我找到了一个(個)空位停车(車)。 Wǒ zhǎodàole yī gè kòngwèi tíngchē.

(=seat) 座位 zuòwèi [个 ]
  • There was only one place left for him to sit.
    只有一个(個)座位留给(給)他。 Zhǐyǒu yī gè zuòwèi liú gěi tā.

(at university, on course, on committee, in team) 名额(額) míng'é [个 ]
  • I got a place at a teachers' training college nearby.
    我得到了附近师(師)范(範)学(學)院的一个(個)名额(額)。 Wǒ dédàole fùjìn shīfàn xuéyuàn de yī gè míng’é.
3 [s] (inf: home) 家 jiā
  • Do you want to meet at your place or mine?
    你想在你家还(還)是我家见(見)面? Nǐ xiǎng zài nǐ jiā háishì wǒ jiā jiànmiàn?
4 (in street names) 路 
  • Laurel Place
    劳(勞)瑞尔(爾)路 láoruì’ěr Lù
5 [s] (=role)
(in society, system, world) 地位 dìwèi
  • Britain's place in the world
    英国(國)在世界上的地位 Yīngguó zài shìjiè shang de dìwèi
6 [c] (in competition) 名次 míngcì [个 ]
  • Britain won third place at the games in Barcelona.
    英国(國)在巴塞罗(羅)那奥(奧)运(運)会(會)上得了第3名。 Yīngguó zài Bāsàiluónà àoyùnhuì shang déle dì sān míng.
7 (US) (inf) some/every/no/any place 某些/每个(個)/没(沒)有/任何地方 mǒuxiē/měigè/méiyǒu/rènhé dìfang [个 ]
  • The poor guy obviously didn't have any place to go.
    那个(個)可怜(憐)的家(傢)伙显(顯)然没(沒)有任何地方可去。 Nàge kělián de jiāhuo xiǎnrán méiyǒu rènhé dìfang kě qù.
II vt
1 (=put)
[+ object] 放 fàng
  • She placed the music on the piano and sat down.
    她把乐(樂)谱(譜)放在钢(鋼)琴上,坐了下来(來)。 Tā bǎ yuèpǔ fàng zài gāngqín shang,zuòle xiàlái.
2 (=classify)
[+ person, work, drug] 归(歸)类(類) guīlèi
  • Some place him on a par with Einstein.
    有人将(將)他归(歸)为(為)与(與)爱(愛)因斯坦比肩的人。 Yǒu rén jiāng tā guīwéi yǔ Àiyīnsītǎn bǐjiān de rén.
3 (=identify)
[+ person] 记(記)起 jìqǐ
  • She was looking at me as if she could not quite place me.
    她看着(著)我好像记(記)不起我是谁(誰)了。 Tā kànzhe wǒ hǎoxiàng jìbuqǐ wǒ shì shuí le.

  • from place to place
    从(從)一个(個)地方到另一个(個)地方 cóng yī gè dìfang dào lìng yī gè dìfang
  • all over the place
    (everywhere) 到处(處) dàochù
  • in places
    有几(幾)处(處) yǒu jǐ chù
  • in the first place
    (=first of all) 首先 shǒuxiān (=originally) 原先 yuánxiān
  • to change places with sb
    (fig) 与(與)某人交换(換)位置 yǔ mǒurén jiāohuàn wèizhì
  • at sb's place
    (=home) 在某人的家里(裡) zài mǒurén de jiāli
  • to sb's place
    到某人的家里(裡) dào mǒurén de jiāli
  • he's going places
    他正飞(飛)黄(黃)腾(騰)达(達) tā zhèng fēi huáng téng dá
  • in sb's/sth's place
    代替某人/某物 dàitì mǒurén/mǒuwù
  • to take sb's/sth's place
    代替某人/某物 dàitì mǒurén/mǒuwù
  • it's not my place to do it
    我无(無)权(權)这(這)么(麼)做 wǒ wúquán zhème zuò
  • to put sb in his/her place
    (fig) 煞住他/她的傲气(氣) shā zhù tā/tā de àoqì
  • to fall into place
    (=become clear) 开(開)始有头(頭)绪(緒) kāishǐ yǒu tóuxù (=go well) 开(開)始明朗化 kāishǐ mínglǎnghuà
  • in place
    (in correct place) 到位 dàowèi (=ready) 就绪(緒) jiùxù
  • out of place
    (in wrong place) 不在应(應)在的地方 bù zài yīng zài de dìfang (=inappropriate) 不适(適)当(當)的 bù shìdàng de
  • to feel out of place
    感到不自在 gǎndào bù zìzài
  • to take place
    (=happen) 发(發)生 fāshēng
  • to place an order
    定购(購) dìnggòu
  • to place an advertisement
    打广(廣)告 dǎ guǎnggào
  • to be placed third, etc.
    (in race, exam) 得第3名等 dé dì sān míng děng
  • to place one's faith in/hopes on sth
    对(對)某事寄予信任/希望 duì mǒushì jìyǔ xìnrèn/xīwàng
  • how are you placed?
    你有什么(麼)安排吗(嗎)? nǐ yǒu shénme ānpái ma?
advance - as ordered - belong - bookmark - centered - eighth - fifth - fifty-fifth - fifty-fourth - fifty-third - first - foster child - fourth - higher up - in position - lapboard - low - matched - napkin ring - ninth - opposable - order book - overlaid - parked - positioned - rank - ranked - second - seventh - sit - situated - sixth - sorted - spacing - tenth - third - trivet - vested




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