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单词 黑色
释义 〔golliwog〕A doll fashioned in grotesque caricature of a Black male.高力华格:奇形怪状的黑色男木偶〔schorl〕Tourmaline, especially black tourmaline.黑电气石:电气石,尤指黑色电气石〔petrel〕Any of numerous black, gray, or white sea birds of the order Procellariiformes, especially the storm petrel.海燕:属鹱形目中的一种黑色、灰色或白色的海鸟,尤指海燕〔Ellington〕American jazz composer, pianist, and bandleader whose compositions include "Mood Indigo" (1930), "Sophisticated Lady" (1933), and concert pieces such asBlack, Brown, and Beige (1943). 埃灵顿,爱德华·肯尼迪:(1899-1974) 美国爵士乐作曲家、钢琴家和乐队领队,其作品有“蓝调”(1930年),“精明女子”(1933年),和音乐会作品,如《黑色、棕色与淡棕色》 (1943年) 〔onager〕A fast-running wild ass(Equus hemionus subsp. onager) of central Asia, having an erect mane and a broad black stripe along its back. 中亚野驴:一种跑得很快的野生驴(马属 波斯野驴 亚种 中亚野驴) ,产于亚洲中部,长有竖立的鬃毛,而且背上有一条很宽的黑色条纹 〔grime〕To cover with black dirt or soot; begrime.使积满污垢:被黑色污垢或煤灰覆盖、弄脏;沾污〔tachylyte〕A black, glassy basalt of volcanic origin.玄武玻璃:一种在火山喷发中产生的玻璃状的黑色玄武岩〔cuitlacoche〕A bulbous black fungus (Ustilago maydis) that infects corn, producing silvery, swollen, pebblelike kernels. The kernels have a smoky-sweet flavor and are sometimes harvested and used in a variety of Mexican dishes. Also called corn smut Also called maize mushroom Also called Mexican truffle 玉米黑穗病:球根状的黑色菌类植物(玉米黑穗病) ,会感染玉米,产生银色、水肿的、像小卵石一样的颗粒。那些颗粒有烟熏的甜味,有时候被收割且用在墨西哥菜上 也作 corn smut 也作 maize mushroom 也作 Mexican truffle〔hornblende〕An amphibolic mineral, CaNa(Mg,Fe)4(Al,Fe,Ti) 3Si 6O 22(OH,F) 2, commonly green or bluish green to black in color, formed in the late stages of cooling in igneous rock. 角闪石:一种闪石类矿物,化学式为CaNa(Mg,Fe)4(Al,Fe,Ti) 3Si 6O 22(OH,F) 2,通常为绿色或蓝绿色至黑色之间,形成于火成岩冷却的后期阶段 〔moonseed〕Any of several dioecious vines of the closely related generaCocculus and Menispermum, having inconspicuous flowers and red or blackish fruit. 蝙蝠葛属:任一种与防已属 和 蝙蝠葛属 有密切联系的雌雄异体的藤本植物,开显眼的花朵,结红色或黑色果实 〔rottweiler〕Any of a German breed of dog having a stocky body, short black fur, and tan face markings.罗特韦尔狗:身体粗壮结实且脸部有黄褐色斑点的德国种黑色短毛猛犬〔scotia〕from Greek skotia [from feminine of] skotios [dark, shadowy (from the shadow it casts)] 源自 希腊语 skotia 源自skotios的阴性词 [黑色,浅的(源自它投下的阴影)] 〔scratchboard〕A drawing board covered with white clay and a black surface layer that is scraped away with a scratching tool to produce black-and-white line drawings. Also called scraperboard 刮板:涂有白色黏土和黑色表面层的画板,用刮具刮而产生黑白线的图画 也作 scraperboard〔worsleya〕A bulbous Brazilian plant(Worsleya rayneri) having lilac-colored, dark-spotted flowers and black seeds. 球茎植物:一种球茎状巴西植物(Worsleya raneri) ,开淡紫色带深色斑点的花,结黑色〔melaphyre〕A dark igneous porphyry embedded with feldspar crystals.暗玢岩:嵌有长石晶体的黑色火成斑岩〔heelball〕A wax colored with lampblack that is used to stain and polish the edges of the soles and heels of shoes or take rubbings of brass or inscriptions.黑色或棕色的蜡:烟灰色的蜡,用于鞋跟或鞋底的染色和打光,或用于铜印或纸印图案〔mackerel〕Any of several widely distributed marine fishes of the family Scombridae, especially the Atlantic mackerel(Scomber scombrus), an important food fish having dark, wavy bars on the back and a silvery belly. 鲭鱼:分布很广的几种属于鲭鱼科的海鱼之中任一种,特别是(鲭 鲭属), 的大西洋鲭鱼,是一种重要的食用鱼,背部有黑色波浪状条纹,腹部为银色 〔penguin〕Any of various stout, flightless marine birds of the family Spheniscidae, of cool regions of the Southern Hemisphere, having flipperlike wings and webbed feet adapted for swimming and diving, and short scalelike feathers that are white in front and black on the back.企鹅:一种居于南半球寒带地区的体胖且不能飞翔的企鹅科海鸟,长有适于游泳和潜水的鳍状翼和蹼足,腹部有小的白色鳞片状羽毛,背部有黑色类似状羽毛〔polybasite〕A black mineral with a metallic luster, essentially (Ag,Cu)16Sb 2S 11, that is an ore of silver. 硫锑铜银矿:一种带有金属光泽的黑色矿石,主要为(Ag,Cu)16Sb 2S 11,是一种银矿石 〔murre〕Any of several large auks of the genusUria, having black plumage and white markings. 海鸦:一种长有黑色羽毛和白色斑点的海鸦 属的大型海雀 〔Minorca〕A domestic fowl of a breed originating in the Mediterranean region and having white or black plumage.米诺卡鸡:原产于地中海区域,有白色或黑色羽毛的一种家禽〔junco〕Any of various small North American birds of the genusJunco, having predominantly gray plumage, a gray or black head, and white outer tail feathers. 灯草鵐,北美雀科小鸟:北美灯草鵐 属小鸟,身体的绝大部分羽毛为灰色,头部为灰色或黑色,外表的尾部羽毛呈白色 〔turnstone〕Either of two wading birds,Arenaria interpres, a widely distributed species that is dark brown above with large areas of chestnut and black, or A. melanocephala, having black and white plumage, that breeds along the coast of Alaska and winters from there to Baja California. 翻石鹬:两种涉禽中的任何一种,翻石鹬 ,是一种分布广泛的物种,身体上部是深褐色,有大片的栗色的黑色,或 黑翻石鹬 ,羽毛黑白相间,在阿拉斯加海岸线繁殖,冬季从这迁徙至下加利福尼亚 〔barberry〕Any of various shrubs of the genusBerberis having leaves that are often clustered, small yellow flowers, and red, orange, or blackish berries. They are grown as specimen or hedge plants. 小檗:一种小檗属 灌木,有通常是簇生的叶子,小黄花,和红色、橙色,或黑色浆果。因其可作标本或围篱而种植 〔chromite〕A widely distributed black to brownish-black chromium ore, FeCr2O 4. 铬铁矿:一种广泛分布的铬矿石,黑色到黑褐色,FeCr2O 4 〔black〕An American descended from peoples of African origin having brown to black skin; an African American; an Afro-American:美国黑人:美国来自非洲有黑色或棕色皮肤人种的后代;美国黑人:〔willet〕A large grayish shore bird(Catoptrophorus semipalmatus) of North America, having black wings with a broad white stripe. 半蹼白翅鹬:北美洲的一种略带灰色的大滨鸟(半蹼白翅鹬) ,长有带宽白边的黑色翅膀 〔ringdove〕An Old World pigeon(Streptopelia risoria) having black markings forming a half circle on the neck. 斑尾林鸽,斑鸠:一种东半球的鸽子(斑鸠属 斑鸠) ,脖子上有形成半圈的黑色斑点 〔Loafer〕"Under the . . . private label, there is a simple black patent loafer for $175"(New York Times)"Popular looks for men include: knee-length shorts worn with a blazer, white socks and loafers; or turtlenecks, often white"(San Francisco Chronicle)"The groom wore jeans, loafers and no socks"(Sports Illustrated)“在那张隐蔽的标签下面,摆着一双价值175美元的简洁而新颖的黑色路夫便鞋”(纽约时报)“男人流行的打扮包括:长至膝高的短裤,单排扣运动上衣,白色短袜和路夫皮鞋;或只穿一件白色高圆领绒衣”(旧金山记事)“马夫穿着仔衣和路夫皮鞋,没穿袜子”(运动插图)〔ladybug〕Any of numerous small, rounded, usually brightly colored beetles of the family Coccinellidae, often reddish with black spots and feeding primarily on insect pests, such as scale insects and aphids. Also called lady beetle ,ladybird 瓢虫:任一种小而圆的通常具有鲜艳色彩的瓢虫科的甲虫,体常呈红色并带有黑色斑点,主要以介壳虫和蚜虫等害虫为食 也作 lady beetle,ladybird〔belladonna〕A poisonous Eurasian perennial herb(Atropa belladonna) having usually solitary, nodding, purplish-brown, bell-shaped flowers and glossy black berries. Also called deadly nightshade 颠茄:一种有毒的欧亚大陆的多年生草本植物(颠茄 颠茄属) ,通常开单生的、摇摆的浅紫棕色钟状花,结有光滑的黑色浆果 也作 deadly nightshade〔hawfinch〕A Eurasian bird(Coccothraustes coccothraustes) having a thick bill, a short, white-tipped tail, and brown, white, and black plumage. 锡嘴雀:一种产于欧亚大陆的鸟(锡嘴雀) ,有粗大的喙、尾短且有白色尾尖,羽毛呈褐色、白色或黑色 〔calpac〕A large black cap, usually of sheepskin or felt, worn in Turkey, the Caucasus, Iran, and neighboring regions.黑毡帽:一种大的黑色帽子,通常用羊皮或毡皮制成,应用于土耳其、高加索、伊朗和邻近地区〔radiometer〕A device that measures the intensity of radiant energy, consisting of a partially evacuated glass bulb containing lightweight vertical vanes, each blackened on one side, suspended radially about a central vertical axis to permit their revolution about the axis as a result of incident radiation.辐射计:检测辐射能强度的一种装置,装有一个部分抽干的玻璃管,管内有若干轻质的垂直翼,每个翼的一边为黑色,在一个垂直的周围辐射悬垂,在受到投射辐射时它们可以绕轴旋转〔agree〕Beige harmonizes with black.米色和黑色组合在一起很协调。〔biretta〕A stiff square cap with three or four ridges across the crown. Birettas are worn especially by Roman Catholic clergy and are black for priests, purple for bishops, and red for cardinals.法冠:帽顶有三或四道边的硬方帽,尤为罗马天主教教士所戴,牧师戴黑色,主教戴紫色,红衣主教戴红色〔melanite〕A black variety of garnet.黑榴石:一种黑色石榴石〔black〕A pigment or dye having this color value.黑色颜料,黑色染料:有这种黑色标准的颜料或染料〔coal〕A natural dark brown to black graphitelike material used as a fuel, formed from fossilized plants and consisting of amorphous carbon with various organic and some inorganic compounds.煤:一种天然的深褐色到黑色石墨样原材料,用作燃料,由植物化石形成,由非结晶碳和各种有机化合物与一些无机化合物组成〔logwood〕A spiny tropical American tree(Haematoxylon campechianum) in the pea family, having dark heartwood from which a dyestuff is obtained. 洋苏木:一种美洲热带产豆科多刺乔木(墨水树) ,芯材为黑色,可用于制备染料




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