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单词 马克
释义 〔feel〕"power steering that seems overassisted, eliminating road feel"(Mark Ginsburg)“过于强调动力的增加,会丧失驾驶的操纵感”(马克·金斯伯格)〔Chagall〕Russian-born artist noted for his dreamlike, fanciful imagery and brilliantly colored canvases. Among his works are two huge murals designed for the New York City Metropolitan Opera House (1966).夏加尔,马克:(1887-1985) 俄裔画家,以其梦幻式、奇特的意象且色彩亮丽的帆布油画闻名。 其作品中有两幅为纽约市都市歌剧院设计(1966年)的大型油画〔Pergamum〕An ancient Greek city and kingdom of western Asia Minor in modern-day western Turkey. It passed to Rome in the second centuryb.c. and was noted for its sculpture and its library, which Mark Antony gave to Cleopatra. 帕加马:古希腊城市,西亚次大陆的一个王国,在今土耳其西部。在第二个世纪时,它归于罗马公元前 ,以雕塑和马克·安东尼给女王克里奥培特拉的图书馆而著名 〔McGwire〕American baseball player. In 1987 he broke the single-season record for home runs hit by a rookie, and in 1998 he set a new record for home runs hit in one season, surpassing Roger Maris and Sammy Sosa, by hitting 70.麦奎尔,马克·戴维:美国棒球运动员。1987年打破单一赛季新手全垒打记录,1998年创造一个赛季内全垒打的新纪录,超过罗杰·马里斯与山米·索沙,达70支〔lumpenproletariat〕The lowest, most degraded stratum of the proletariat. Used originally in Marxist theory to describe those members of the proletariat, especially criminals, vagrants, and the unemployed, who lacked class consciousness.流氓无产阶级:无产阶级阶层中最低的,最下等的一层。通常用于马克恩理论中描述的无产阶级中的犯罪分子,游民,或失业者,他们缺乏阶级意识〔vindictive〕"He seemed to take a vindictive pleasure in punishing the least shortcomings" (Mark Twain). “对于最微小的过失的处罚,他似乎从中得到一种报复性的快感” (马克·吐温)。 〔Bukovina〕A historical region of eastern Europe in western Ukraine and northeast Romania. A part of the Roman province of Dacia, it was overrun by barbarian hordes after the third centurya.d. The area was later controlled by Kiev, the Ottoman Empire, and Austria. 布科维纳:布欧的一个历史地区,位于马克兰西部和罗马尼亚东北部,是德西亚的罗马省的一部分公元 3世纪以后被野蛮部落统治。该地区后来被基辅、土耳其帝国和奥地利所统治 〔predicament〕"If we get left on this wreck we are in a fix" (Mark Twain).Apickle is a disagreeable, embarrassing, or troublesome predicament: “要是被留在失事船上,我们便会陷入进退两难的困境” (马克·吐温)。Pickle 是指讨厌、尴尬或麻烦的困境: 〔equanimity〕"He was always a cool man; nothing could disturb his serenity" (Mark Twain).他永远是个冷静的人;没有什么事可以打扰他的平静” (马克·吐温)〔suggestive〕"Suggestive here is the Southern, often Western and rural locus of these tales"(Mark Muro)“在这里引人沉思的这些故事的发生地是南部,也经常有西部和农村”(马克·穆罗)〔truck〕"Look at your hands. And look at your mouth. Whatis that truck?” (Mark Twain)“看看你的手,再看看你的嘴。那无用的东西是 什么?” (马克·吐温)〔quark〕"Three quarks for Muster Mark! / Sure he hasn't got much of a bark / And sure any he has it's all beside the mark.” This passage of James Joyce'sFinnegans Wake is part of a scurrilous 13-line poem directed against King Mark,the cuckolded husband in the Tristan legend.The poem and the accompanying prose are packed with names of birds and words suggestive of birds,and the poem is a squawk,like the cawing of a crow, against King Mark.Thus, Joyce uses the wordquark, which comes from the standard English verbquark, meaning "to caw, croak,” and also from the dialectal verb quawk, meaning"to caw, screech like a bird.” But Joyce'squark was not what it has become: "any of a group of hypothetical subatomic particles proposed as the fundamental units of matter.”Murray Gell-Mann, the physicist who proposed these particles, in a private letter of June 27, 1978, to the editor of theOxford English Dictionary, said that he had actually been influenced by Joyce's word in naming the particle,although the influence was subconscious at first.Gell-Mann was thinking of using the pronunciation (kwôrk) for the particle,possibly something he had picked up fromFinnegans Wake, which he "had perused from time to time since it appeared in 1939. . . . The allusion to three quarks seemed perfect" (originally there were only three subatomic quarks).Gell-Mann, however, wanted to pronounce the word with (ô) not (ä), as Joyce seemed to indicate by rhyming words in the vicinity such asMark. Gell-Mann got around that "by supposing that one ingredient of the line ‘Three quarks for Muster Mark’was a cry of ‘Three quarts for Mister . . . ’ heard in H.C. Earwicker's pub.”冲马克王呱叫三声! / 很显然一声狗吠对他还不够 / 很显然他所有的一切都和盛名无关。 这一段出自詹姆斯·乔伊斯的为芬尼根守灵 , 是对马克王进行侮辱谩骂的一首十三行诗中的一部分。马克王是特里斯特拉姆传奇故事中被戴了绿帽子的丈夫。这首诗和随同的叙述中充斥着鸟类的名字和暗示鸟类的词。这首诗是对马克王的粗声抗诉,就象乌鸦的啼叫。所以乔伊斯用了quark 一词, 它来源于标准英语动词quark (意思为“呱呱地叫,乌鸦叫”)和方言中的动词 quawk (意思为“象鸟一样呱呱地叫、尖叫”)。 乔伊斯笔下的quark 一词并不是现在形成的意思: “任何一组假想的亚原子粒子,被认为是物质的基本单位”。这些粒子的提出者——物理学家默里·基尔曼在1978年6月27日写给牛津英语词典 编者的一封私人信件中说, 他给这种粒子命名时确实受到了乔伊斯这个词的影响,虽然这种影响起初只是潜意识的。基尔曼本想用(kwôrk)这个发音来代表这种粒子,可能也是从为芬尼根守灵 一书中汲取出来的。 自从1939年这书出版以来,他曾时常精读…关于三声呱叫的暗示看上去很完满(最初只有三种亚原子夸克)。但是基尔曼想让这个词发音为(o)而不是(a)——乔伊斯将韵押为与Mark 相近的音好象表明该发这个音。 基尔曼认为这行诗中的一部分“对马克王呱叫三声”,实际上是在酒店中听到的“给这位先生来三夸脱酒”叫喊声〔combine〕"Norwegian bachelor farmers combining in their antique McCormacks"(Garrison Keillor)“挪威的独身农民们用他们的老式麦克库马克式收割机收割庄稼”(加里森·谢勒)〔Sosa〕Dominican baseball player. A player for the Chicago Cubs (since 1992), in 1998 he broke Roger Maris's single-season record for home runs, hitting 66 to Mark McGwire's 70, and won the National League's most valuable player award.索塞,塞缪尔:多米尼加棒球选手。他自1992年一直效力于芝加哥俱乐部队,1998年打破罗杰·马里斯的单赛季全垒打记录,以66支全垒打屈居70支全垒打的马克·麦格威之后,索塞于同年成为国家棒球联盟的最有价值球员〔boil〕"Those tumbling boils show a dissolving bar and a changing channel there"(Mark Twain)“汹涌翻滚的河水显示出那里有一个正在缩小沙洲和改道的航道”(马克·吐温)〔Marc〕German painter whose early expressionist works, such asBlue Horses (1911), featured intensely colored, mystical depictions of animals. His later works were increasingly abstract. 马克,法兰兹:德国画家,其早期的表现主义作品,如《蓝色的马》 (1911年),特征为色彩绚丽、氛围神秘的动物描绘。他的后期作品逐渐显露抽象派风格 〔pariah〕"Shortly Tom came upon the juvenile pariah of the village, Huckleberry Finn, son of the town drunkard"(Mark Twain)“不一会儿,汤姆碰上了村里的少年弃儿,镇上醉鬼的儿子哈克贝利·费恩”(马克·吐温)〔Eskimo〕from Montagnais ayashkimew [Micmac] 源自 蒙塔格尼语 ayashkimew [加拿大,密马克语,芬兰的密马克族印第安人] 〔Malecite〕From Micmac malisiit [one who speaks an incomprehensible language] 源自 密克马克语 malisiit [说一种不被理解的语言的人] 〔Spitz〕American swimmer who won seven gold medals at the 1972 Olympic games, the most ever won by an athlete at a single Olympics. He won a total of 11 medals at the 1972 and 1976 games, setting a record for Olympic swimmers.斯皮茨,马克:美国游泳运动员,在1972年的奥运会上夺得七枚金牌,这是一名运动员在一届奥运会上获得金牌的最高记录。在1972年与1976年的奥运会上,他一共获得11枚奖牌〔Passamaquoddy〕[Of Micmac origin] [源于克马克语] 〔Roach〕American jazz drummer who defined the role of the drummer in the development of bop.罗奇,马克斯韦尔:美国爵士乐鼓手,在博普音乐的发展过程中诠释了鼓手的角色〔Tristan〕In Arthurian legend, a knight who fell in love with the Irish princess Iseult, who was betrothed to his uncle King Mark of Cornwall.特里斯坦:亚瑟王时代的传奇中的人物,是一个骑士,爱上了与他的叔叔康沃尔国王马克订了婚的爱尔兰公主伊休尔特〔Urubamba〕A river of Peru rising in the Andes and flowing about 724 km (450 miles) north-northwest to join the Apurímac River and form the Ucayali River.乌鲁班巴河:秘鲁境内的河,发源于安第斯山脉。流程为724公里(450公里),向西北偏北方向汇入阿普里马克河从而形成乌卡亚利河〔provoke〕"I have seldom been so . . . stirred by any piece of writing" (Mark Twain). “我很少…被一篇文章所感动” (马克·吐温)。 〔marcasite〕perhaps from Assyrian marCašîtu [of Markhashi] 可能源自 亚述语 marCašîtu [马克哈西的] 〔taste〕"Thousands entered the war, got just a taste of it, and then stepped out"(Mark Twain)“数以千计的人投入战场,在仅仅初识战争的残酷之后,马上抽身而出”(马克·吐温)〔Ruthenian〕The variety of Ukrainian used by the Ruthenians.罗塞尼亚所讲的马克兰方言〔Lepidus〕Roman leader. He was a member of the triumvirate with Augustus and Mark Antony (43-36b.c. ). 李必达,马库斯·埃米留斯:(卒于 13) 古罗马领导人。与奥古斯塔斯和马克·安东尼一道为三头同盟的成员(公元前 43-36年) 〔correct〕"Nothing so needs reforming as other people's habits" (Mark Twain). “没有比其他人的习惯更需要改善的东西了” (马克·吐温)。〔Elmira〕A city of southern New York near the Pennsylvania border west of Binghamton. Mark Twain is buried here. Population, 33,724.埃尔迈拉城:美国纽约市南部邻近宾夕法尼亚州边界,宾汉姆顿以西一城市。马克·吐温葬于此地。人口33,724〔Brutus〕Roman politician and general who conspired to assassinate Julius Caesar. In the subsequent power struggle with Mark Antony and Octavian, Brutus was defeated at the Battle of Philippi and committed suicide.布鲁图,马库斯·朱尼厄斯:(85?-42) 古罗马的政治家和将军,图谋暗杀凯撒。在后来与马克·安东尼和屋大维的争权战中,在菲利皮战役中失利并自杀〔telemark〕after Telemark , a region of southern Norway 源自 泰勒马克 ,挪威南部一地区 〔Makiyivka〕A city of eastern Ukraine northeast of Donets'k. It is a major metallurgical and coal-mining center. Population, 384,000马克耶夫卡:乌克兰东部城市,位于顿涅茨克东北。是主要的冶金和煤矿中心。人口384,000〔fair〕The history of the wordfair illustrates how words can weaken in meaning over time. In Old English the ancestor offair, fæger, had senses such as "lovely, beautiful, pleasant, agreeable,” a far cry from our modern sense "mildly good or satisfying.”The Old English senses passed into Middle English,where the wordfair started to take a slight turn in the direction already alluded to. Fair could mean "highly to be approved of, splendid, good,”but it could also be used ironically,as in Chaucer's observation after a horse threw the Cook on the pilgrimage to Canterbury:"that was a fair feat of horsemanship by the Cook.”This ironic use was probably not responsible for the semantic weakening offair, but it shows how a positive word can have its meaning reversed.The weakening offair was most likely caused by "the determined optimism which led to the use of fair . . . rather than direct expression of discontent,”in the words of George H. McKnight.One might add as another cause the desire to avoid hurting other people's feelings.单词fair 的历史表明随岁月的流逝单词的语意变弱。 在古英语中fair,f?ger 本意是“可爱的,漂亮的,愉快的”, 与我们现在的“比较好或满意的”大相径庭。古英语传到中世纪英语时,fair 已开始在引申的方向上有微小的转变。 Fair 可以表达“被高度赞许的,辉煌的,好的,”但也可用作反语,如在往坎特伯雷朝圣的途中马将科克摔下时后,乔尔斯评论道:“那是科克精湛骑术的体现”。这种反语用法也许对fair 语义学上的弱化没有联系, 但它表明了一个褒义的单词可以变得意思完全相反。fair 的弱化很大程度上缘于“坚决的乐观主义导致 fair 的用法改变, 而不是直接表达不满意的意思,”乔治赫·马克奈特如此评论。人们可以再添上其它原因以免伤害别人的感情〔caribou〕Micmac ĝalipu influenced by Canadian French caribou also from Micmac 密克马克语 ĝalipu 受 加拿大法语 caribou的影响 也源自 密克马克〔Westermarck〕Finnish anthropologist who asserted that monogomous marriage and the nuclear family were the fundamental elements of society even in primitive times.韦斯特马克,爱德华·亚历山大:(1862-1939) 芬兰人类学家,他认为一夫一妻婚姻制与核心家庭即使在原始时期也是社会的基本要素〔Warner〕American writer and editor best known for his collaboration onThe Gilded Age (1873) with Mark Twain and for his series of essays My Summer in a Garden (1871). 沃纳,查尔斯·达德利:(1829-1900) 美国作家及编缉,最著名的作品是与马克·吐温合写的《镀金时代》 (1873年)和系列杂文 《我花园内的夏日时光》 (1871年) 〔seedy〕"He was soiled and seedy and fragrant with gin"(Mark Twain)“他满身污渍、衣衫褴褛浑身散发出杜松子酒的气味”(马克·吐温)〔smothery〕"Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft don't"(Mark Twain)“其它地方看起来都十分拥挤和令人窒息,但救生艇不一样”(马克·吐温)




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