单词 | 食肉 |
释义 | 〔canid〕Any of various widely distributed carnivorous mammals of the family Canidae, which includes the foxes, wolves, dogs, jackals, and coyotes.犬科动物:任一种广泛分布于世界各地的犬科食肉哺乳动物,包括狐狸、狼、狗、豺和小狼〔wolverine〕A solitary, burrowing carnivorous mammal(Gulo gulo) of northern forest regions, related to the weasel and having a heavyset body, short legs, and dark fur with a bushy tail. Also called carcajou ,glutton ,skunk bear 貂熊,狼獾:北部森林地区一种单独生活的穴居食肉哺乳动物(月轮鼬 獾属) ,跟黄鼠狼有关,具有健壮的身体、短腿和带有浓密尾巴的黑毛皮 也作 carcajou,glutton,skunk bear〔genet〕Any of several Old World carnivorous mammals of the genusGenetta, having grayish or yellowish fur with dark spots and a long, ringed tail. 麝猫:产于欧洲的麝猫 属食肉哺乳动物,具有灰色或黄色的皮毛、黑色斑点和一条长而成圈状的尾巴 〔predatory〕Living by preying on other organisms:食肉的:靠捕食其它生物体为生的:〔skeletonize〕"Carnivorous beetles . . . can skeletonize a bat within hours"(Scientific American)“食肉甲虫能在几小时内把一只蝙蝠吃得只剩骨头”(科学美国人)〔civet〕Any of various carnivorous catlike mammals of the family Viverridae of Africa and Asia, having anal scent glands that secrete a fluid with a musky odor. Also called civet cat 香猫,麝香猫:非洲和亚洲的一种属于灵猫科的似猫的食肉哺乳动物,其肛门香腺分泌一种有麝香气味的液体 也作 civet cat〔meatless〕Being or relating to a time when meat is not to be eaten:斋戒日的:不食肉的时间或与这段时间有关的:〔damselfly〕Any of various often brightly colored, predatory insects having a long slender body and elongated wings that fold together when the insect is at rest. Also called demoiselle ,devil's darning needle 豆娘:一种颜色鲜艳的食肉昆虫,身体细长,歇息时伸长叠在一起的翅膀 也作 demoiselle,devil's darning needle〔shark〕Any of numerous chiefly marine carnivorous fishes of the class Chondrichthyes (subclass Elasmobranchii), which are sometimes large and voracious and have a streamlined, torpedolike body, five to seven gill openings on each side of the head, a large oil-filled liver, a cartilaginous skeleton, and tough skin covered with small toothlike scales.鲨鱼:任一种软骨鱼纲的海生食肉鱼,有的体形巨大、贪婪并呈流线形,有鱼雷状躯体,头的侧面各有五至七个鳃孔,并生有一个大的富有油脂的肝脏,一个软骨骨架和覆盖有小齿状鳞片的坚韧表皮〔dog〕A domesticated carnivorous mammal(Canis familiaris) related to the foxes and wolves and raised in a wide variety of breeds. 狗,犬:与狐狸、狼近缘的家养食肉哺乳动物(犬 犬科) ,品种繁多 〔dasyure〕Any of various often carnivorous marsupials of the family Dasyuridae of Australia, Tasmania, and adjacent islands, including marsupial mice and rats, native cats, the Tasmanian devil, and the Tasmanian wolf.袋鼬:袋鼬科中的一种通常为食肉的有袋哺乳动物,生长在澳大利亚、塔斯马尼亚和邻近的岛屿,包括袋鼠和袋猫、塔斯马尼亚袋獾和袋狼〔cat〕A small carnivorous mammal(Felis catus or F. domesticus) domesticated since early times as a catcher of rats and mice and as a pet and existing in several distinctive breeds and varieties. 猫:一种(猫属 公猫 或 猫属 家猫) 小型食肉哺乳动物,用于捕捉田鼠和家鼠,很早就开始驯养,作为宠物以几类不同的品种和类别存在 〔carnivore〕From French [meat-eating] 源自 法语 [食肉的] 〔mantis〕Any of various predatory insects of the family Mantidae, primarily tropical but including a few Temperate Zone species, usually pale green and having two pairs of walking legs and powerful, grasping forelimbs. The mantis feeds on live insects, including others of its own kind. Also called mantid 螳螂:任一种螳螂科多种食肉昆虫,主要生活在热带 ,但也有一些生活于温带地区 。常为浅绿色,有两对用来行走的腿和用来抓物的有力前肢。螳螂以其它活的昆虫为食,包括其家族的其它成员 也作 mantid〔lytta〕A thin cartilaginous strip on the underside of the tongue of certain carnivorous mammals, such as dogs.舌下软骨带:在某种食肉哺乳动物舌下边的一条薄薄的软骨带〔leech〕Any of various chiefly aquatic bloodsucking or carnivorous annelid worms of the class Hirudinea, of which one species(Hirudo medicinalis) was formerly used by physicians to bleed patients. 水蛭,蚂蟥,欧洲医蛭:蛭纲环节幼物中几种主要水生吸血或食肉环节蠕虫中的一种,其中的(欧洲医蛭) 过去曾被医生用于为病人放血 〔octopus〕Any of numerous carnivorous marine mollusks of the genusOctopus or related genera, found worldwide. The octopus has a rounded soft body, eight tentacles with each bearing two rows of suckers, a large distinct head, and a strong beaklike mouth. Also called devilfish 章鱼:像章鱼 这一类或相关种类的食肉海洋软体动物,在世界各地都有发现。章鱼有圆形的柔软身体,八个触脚,每个触脚带有两排吸盘,巨大而分明的头,强大的鸟形嘴 也作 devilfish〔suricate〕A small, burrowing, carnivorous mammal(Suricata suricatta) of southern Africa, related to the mongoose and having grayish fur and a long tail, which it uses for balance when it stands on its hind legs. Also called sticktail 沼狸:南非洲一种小的穴居、食肉和哺乳动物,(灰沼狸 灵猫科) ,与獴有关,长有灰毛,长尾用于直立时平衡身体 也作 sticktail〔odonate〕Any of the large predacious winged insects of the order Odonata, which includes the dragonflies and damselflies, characterized by long brightly colored bodies, two pairs of membranous wings, and large compound eyes.蜻蜓目昆虫:蜻蜓目中带翅膀的,大的食肉昆虫,此目包括所有均翅亚目蜻蜓和蜻蛉目所有昆虫,其特点为有长而亮的躯干,两对膜质翅膀以及突出的复眼〔teledu〕A small carnivorous mammal(Mydaus javanensis) of Sumatra, Borneo, and Java, having a blackish coat and white forehead and characteristically emitting an offensive odor when disturbed. 马来獾:产于苏门答腊、婆罗洲和爪哇的小型食肉哺乳动物(马来獾) ,有略带黑色的皮毛和白色的前额,其特点为当受到干扰时放出令人作呕的臭气 〔carnassial〕From French carnassier [carnivorous] 源自 法语 carnassier [食肉的] 〔predacious〕Living by seizing or taking prey; predatory.捕食性的:靠捕捉猎物为生的;食肉的〔bladderwort〕Any of various mostly aquatic carnivorous plants of the genusUtricularia, having small, specialized, urn-shaped bladders that trap minute insects and crustaceans. 狸藻属植物:一种水生狸藻属 食肉植物,有能捕捉微小昆虫和甲壳类动物的体积小且特殊的壶形囊 〔dinosaur〕Any of various extinct, often gigantic, carnivorous or herbivorous reptiles of the orders Saurischia and Ornithischia that were chiefly terrestrial and existed during the Mesozoic era.恐龙:一种主要生活在中生代时期的陆栖动物,是庞大的食肉或食草爬行类动物,属龙盘目与鸟盘目,已绝种〔osprey〕from Medieval Latin avis prede [bird of prey] 源自 中世纪拉丁语 avis prede [食肉猛禽] 〔lion〕A large, carnivorous, feline mammal(Panthera leo) of Africa and northwest India, having a short tawny coat, a tufted tail, and, in the male, a long heavy mane around the neck and shoulders. 狮子:非洲和印度西北部的一种大型食肉(猫科 狮) 哺乳动物,有黄褐色的短皮,尾部有丛毛,雄性在颈肩部有长而浓密鬣毛 〔otter〕Any of various aquatic, carnivorous mammals of the genusLutra and allied genera, related to the minks and weasels and having webbed feet and dense, dark brown fur. 水獭:一种小獭 属的及与该属动物有亲缘关系的水生食肉哺乳动物,与水貂和鼬鼠有亲缘关系,长有蹼足和黑褐色的密毛 〔wolf〕Either of two carnivorous mammals of the family Canidae, especially the gray wolf of northern regions, that typically live and hunt in hierarchical packs and prey on livestock and game animals.狼:两种犬科食肉哺乳动物中的一种,尤指北方地区的灰狼,它们主要在区分等级的群体中生存和猎食家禽和野生动物〔cacomistle〕A small, carnivorous mammal(Bassariscus astutus) of the southwest United States, having grayish or brownish fur and a black-banded tail and resembling the raccoon. 蓬尾浣熊,环尾猫熊:一种体型小的食肉哺乳动物(小浣熊属) ,生活于美国西南部,其皮毛呈暗灰色或棕黄色,尾巴上有黑色条斑,与浣熊很相似 〔sable〕A carnivorous mammal(Martes zibellina) of northern Europe and Asia, having soft dark fur. 紫貂,黑貂:生长于北欧和亚洲的一种食肉哺乳动物(黑貂 黄侯貂属) ,有柔软的暗色毛 〔hyena〕Any of several carnivorous mammals of the family Hyaenidae of Africa and Asia, which feed as scavengers and have powerful jaws, relatively short hind limbs, and coarse hair.土狼,鬣狗:非洲和亚洲狼科中几种食肉哺乳动物的任何一种,吃食与食腐动物一样,颚有力,后腿相对较短,毛发粗糙〔fisher〕A carnivorous mammal(Martes pennanti) of northern North America, having thick, dark-brown fur. Also called pekan ,wejack 鱼貂:北美北部的一种有厚厚深褐色毛的(鱼貂) 食肉哺乳动物 也作 pekan,wejack〔grison〕Either of two small carnivorous mammals(Galictis vittata or G. cuja) of Central and South America, having grizzled fur, a slender body, and short legs. 灰鼬:产于中南美洲的两种小型食肉哺乳动物(灰鼬属 浅灰鼬 或 半灰鼬) ,毛灰白,体态修长,腿短 〔carnassial〕A tooth adapted for tearing apart flesh, especially one of the last upper premolar or first lower molar teeth in carnivorous mammals.裂齿,食肉齿:适合于撕裂肉的牙齿,尤指食肉哺乳动物最后上前臼齿之一或第一个下臼齿〔hammerhead〕Any of several large predatory sharks of the genusSphyrna, having the sides of the head elongated into large, fleshy extensions with the eyes at the ends. 槌头双髻鲨:属于双髻鲨 属的大型食肉鲨鱼中的一种,它们的头部向前延伸得又大又肥胖,两只眼睛位于顶端 〔raptorial〕Subsisting by seizing prey; predatory.肉食的:依靠捕获其它动物而生存的;食肉的〔weasel〕Any of various carnivorous mammals of the genusMustela, having a long slender body, a long tail, short legs, and brownish fur that in many species turns white in winter. 鼬,鼬类动物:多种鼬 属食肉哺乳动物之任一种,有细长的身体、长尾巴、短腿和棕色的皮毛,很多种类的鼬皮毛在冬天变成白色 〔marten〕The fur of one of these carnivorous mammals.这种食肉哺乳动物的毛〔creodont〕Any of various extinct carnivorous mammals of the suborder Creodonta, of the Paleocene Epoch to the Pliocene Epoch.肉齿类哺乳动物:任一种从古新世到上新世之间的属于肉齿亚目的多种现已灭绝的食肉哺乳动物〔mongoose〕Any of various Old World carnivorous mammals of the genusHerpestes and related genera, having a slender agile body and a long tail and noted for the ability to seize and kill venomous snakes. 獴:任一种獴 属及相关种属的东半球食肉哺乳动物,有一柔软而灵活的躯体和长尾巴,善于捕食毒蛇 |
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