单词 | 顺从 |
释义 | 〔complaisant〕Exhibiting a desire or willingness to please; cheerfully obliging.殷勤的:表现出取悦别人意愿的;乐于顺从的〔inclinable〕inclinable to our urgings.顺从我们的强烈要求〔bonus〕"Every compulsion is put upon writers to become safe, polite, obedient, and sterile. In protest . . . I must decline the Pulitzer Prize" (Sinclair Lewis).“每项强迫都使作家变得本份礼貌、顺从而不出成果。为了抗议…我必须拒绝普利策奖” (辛克莱·路易斯)。〔restrain〕For the compliant child parental disapproval is as strong an inhibiting force as the threat of punishment. 对于顺从的小孩,父母的反对是与惩罚的威胁具有同样强烈的抑制力量 〔amenable〕Responsive to advice, authority, or suggestion; tractable.See Synonyms at obedient 顺从的;服从劝导的;作出响应的:易对别人的忠告,权威或建议作出响应的;顺从的 参见 obedient〔kiss〕To act submissively or obsequiously in order to gain favor.奉承,拍马屁:为了获取好感而装出顺从的或奉承的样子〔pious〕From Latin pius [dutiful] 源自 拉丁语 pius [恭敬的,顺从的] 〔tractable〕Easily handled or worked; malleable.易于处理或操作的;柔顺的,顺从的〔ductile〕Capable of being readily persuaded or influenced; tractable.易被说服或影响的;顺从的〔incompliant〕Not willing to comply; unyielding.不愿意顺从的;不屈服的〔resign〕I resigned myself to a long wait in line.我顺从地在长队中等候〔passivity〕The condition or quality of being passive; inactivity, quiescence, or submissiveness.被动性:被动的状态或性质;不主动、沉默或顺从〔command〕I bid you be seated.Enjoin, direct, and instruct do not connote the authority of command or order, but they all imply compliance.我命令你坐下。Enjoin, direct与 instruct 不包含 command 或 order 的权力, 但它们都表示顺从。〔heel〕Under discipline or control.顺从:受控制,就范〔supple〕Yielding or changing readily; compliant or adaptable.See Synonyms at flexible 顺从的:易屈服的;温顺的或能适应的 参见 flexible〔patience〕The general, a man by no means notable for docility and long-suffering, flew into a rage.这位将军,一个从不会顺从或忍耐的人,变得暴跳如雷。〔bane〕"Obedience,/Bane of all genius, virtue, freedom, truth,/Makes slaves of men"(Percy Bysshe Shelley)“顺从——那毁灭所有智慧、美德、自由、真理的根源,使人们沦为奴隶”(珀西·比希·雪莱)〔obedient〕children compliant with the parental will;孩子顺从父母的意愿;〔flunky〕A person of slavish or unquestioning obedience; a lackey.象奴隶般的人:一个象奴隶一般顺从或无条件服从的人;卑躬屈膝者〔nonresistant〕Submissively obedient.不抵抗的:很顺从地服从的〔assiduity〕Often assiduities Constant personal attention and often obsequious solicitude. 常作 assiduities 永恒不变的个人恒心和经常顺从的挂念〔sanction〕A penalty, specified or in the form of moral pressure, that acts to ensure compliance or conformity.道德制裁:确保顺从或一致的处罚,明文规定或以精神上压制的形式〔obedient〕Dutifully complying with the commands, orders, or instructions of one in authority.服从的,顺从的:对上级命令、指示或指令服从的〔compliance〕A disposition or tendency to yield to the will of others.顺从别人意愿的性格或倾向〔bear〕 Abide and the more emphaticsuffer suggest resignation and forbearance: Abide 及语气更强烈的suffer 指顺从、听任、容忍、自制: 〔resignation〕Unresisting acceptance of something as inescapable; submission.See Synonyms at patience 听任:认为不可逃避而对某物的无抗拒的接受;顺从 参见 patience〔sequacious〕Disposed to follow another or others, as a leader.顺从的:有意跟从别人的,如领导者〔obedient〕"The obedient colonies in this scheme are heavily taxed;the refractory remain unburdened" (Edmund Burke).One who isbiddable follows directions or obeys commands: “这一体系中顺从的殖民地赋税很重;难以控制的殖民地没有负担” (埃德蒙·伯克)。一个briddable 的人服从命令或听从指挥: 〔meek〕Easily imposed on; submissive.柔顺的:易于征服的;顺从的〔resigned〕Feeling or marked by resignation; acquiescent:顺从的:感觉或有屈从性质的;顺从的:〔conformable〕Quick to comply; submissive.易于遵守的;顺从的〔waxen〕Weak, pliable, or impressionable:顺从的:软的,顺从的或易受影响的:〔cooperate〕To acquiesce willingly; be compliant:顺从:情愿地默然同意;遵从:〔uptight〕"She is both poised and uptight, both intellectually curious and submissively ladylike"(Edward Klein)“她是既镇静又紧张的,既有求知欲又似顺从的贵妇人”(爱德华·克莱因)〔intimidate〕These verbs all mean to frighten into submission, compliance, or acquiescence.这些动词都表示通过吓唬使人屈服、顺从或默认。〔fidelity〕 Fealty, once applied to the obligation of a tenant or vassal to a feudal lord,now suggests faithfulness that one has pledged to uphold: Fealty 曾用来指臣仆对封建主绝对顺从、忠诚,现在指对自己支持的事物或人忠诚: 〔formality〕Rigorous or ceremonious adherence to established forms, rules, or customs.拘泥形式:遵照或顺从已被确认的形式、规则或习俗〔down〕To or in a quiescent or subdued state:和缓:趋于或处于平静或顺从的状态:〔mind〕To behave obediently.服从:举止顺从〔passive〕Accepting or submitting without objection or resistance; compliant.顺从的:无反对或反抗的接受或忍受的;驯服的 |
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