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单词 韵律
释义 〔movement〕The rhythmical or metrical structure of a poetic composition.韵律:诗篇中韵或节奏的结构〔quantitative〕Of or relating to a metrical system based on the duration of syllables rather than on stress. Used especially of classical Greek and Latin verse.音量的:基于音节的音长而不是重音的韵律系统的,或与之有关的。尤用在古典的希腊和拉丁诗歌中〔rhythm〕A regular pattern formed by a series of notes of differing duration and stress.格律,韵律:由一系列不同持续时间及重音的音调形成的有规律的形式〔rhythmist〕One who is an expert in or has a keen sense of rhythm.精通韵律或对之有敏锐感受的人〔rhyme〕To compose rhymes or verse.构作韵律或韵词〔Tyner〕American jazz pianist who introduced complex harmonies, scales, and African rhythms into American jazz, especially during his time with John Coltrane's quartet (1960-1965).泰纳,麦考依:美国爵士乐钢琴家,他把复杂的和声、音阶和非洲韵律引入美国爵士乐,特别是在与约翰·考尔特兰尼合作的四重奏期间(1960年-1965年)〔beat〕A regular, rhythmical unit of time.拍子:一般的韵律时间单位〔dainty〕"No dainty rhymes or sentimental love verses for you, terrible year"(Walt Whitman)“没有优雅的韵律和多愁善感的诗句可给你,真是难以忍受的一年”(沃尔特·惠特曼)〔cadence〕Balanced, rhythmic flow, as of poetry or oratory.See Synonyms at rhythm 韵律:诗歌或演讲中持平稳的节奏 参见 rhythm〔rhyme〕To make use of rhymes in composing verse.用韵:在构作韵文时使用韵律〔meter〕The measured arrangement of words in poetry, as by accentual rhythm, syllabic quantity, or the number of syllables in a line.韵律:诗歌中字词的有格律的排列,如重音的韵律,音节的数量或一行内音节的总数〔rhythm〕"Rhythm was described by Schopenhauer as melody deprived of its pitch" (Edith Sitwell).“韵律被叔本华描述为丧失了音调的乐曲” (爱迪斯·斯特韦尔)。〔antistrophe〕The second stanza, and those like it, in a poem consisting of alternating stanzas in contrasting metric form.第二节:在由交替诗节组成的对比韵律诗中的第二节及类似部分〔meter〕A particular arrangement of words in poetry, such as iambic pentameter, determined by the kind and number of metrical units in a line.格律:诗歌中字词的特定安排,由一行诗中韵律单位的类型和数量而定,如抑扬格五音步诗行〔mensural〕Of or relating to measure.韵律的:韵律的或与韵律有关的〔modulation〕The harmonious use of language, as in poetry or prose.韵律:语言的和谐的运用,如在诗歌或散文中〔caesura〕A pause in a line of verse dictated by sense or natural speech rhythm rather than by metrics.休止,中断:几行诗文之间的停顿,受意义和自然韵律而非节奏的支配〔cabaletta〕A short aria that has a repetitive rhythm and a simple style.卡巴列塔:一种有着重复韵律和简单音节的短的咏叹调〔period〕A metrical unit of quantitative verse consisting of two or more cola.定量测量单位:包括两个或两个以上音行的定量韵律的度量单位〔singsong〕Verse characterized by mechanical regularity of rhythm and rhyme.单调诗句:节奏和韵律单调机械的诗句〔number〕Metrical feet or lines; verses:韵律的音乐或诗行;韵文:〔tetrameter〕A line of verse consisting of four metrical feet.四个韵律的诗行,四步音诗句:包含四个韵脚的诗行〔cadential〕Of or relating to a cadence.音韵的:韵律的,或与韵律有关的〔outride〕An unstressed syllable or cluster of syllables within a given metrical unit that is omitted from the scansion pattern in sprung rhythm.一音部内的轻音节:跳韵中按轻重韵律念时被省略的一个既定音步里的非重读音节或音群〔swing〕A steady, vigorous rhythm or movement, as in verse.音律:韵文中稳定强劲的节奏或韵律〔virelay〕Any of several medieval French verse and song forms, especially one in which each stanza has two rhymes, the end rhyme recurring as the first rhyme of the following stanza.双韵短诗:中世纪法国诗歌形式之一,尤指每个诗节有两种韵律,结尾韵作为下个诗节的起始韵〔rhythm〕elegiac meter) and in music to the combining of rhythmic pulses into measures of equal time value ( 哀乐韵律) 及在音乐中用于将节奏化脉动合成为等时间值的标准( 〔strong〕Stressed or accented in pronunciation or poetic meter. Used of a word or syllable.重读的:在发音或诗韵律重读的。用于一个词或一个音节〔rhyme〕To put into rhyme or compose with rhymes.使成押韵:使成韵或用韵律构作〔rhythm〕end a sentence with a cadence) and to balanced rhythmic flow,as in poetry (the cadence of the sea ). 以降低的声音结束一个句子) 及平衡的韵律流,如在诗中(海的韵律 ) 〔Aeolic〕Any of several verse forms built around a central choriamb, used especially by Sappho, Alcaeus, and their imitators.伊奥利亚韵律:以一个扬抑抑扬格为中心而写成的散文体,特别被萨福,阿尔凯奥斯以及他们的模仿者所使用〔sirvente〕A form of lyric verse of the Provençal troubadours satirizing political figures, personal rivals, or social morals.讽刺诗歌:法国普罗旺斯地区行吟诗人所创作的一种韵律诗歌形式,常对政治人物、个人的对手或社会伦理进行讽剌〔resolution〕The substitution of one metrical unit for another, especially the substitution of two short syllables for one long syllable in quantitative verse.长音节的拆分或替换:一个韵律元素替代另一个,尤指在数量韵文中用两个短音节替代一个长音节〔hexameter〕A line of verse consisting of six metrical feet.六音步诗行:由六个韵律音步组成的一行韵文〔mensurable〕Having fixed rhythm and measure, as in music; mensural.定量的:有固定节奏和韵律的,如在音乐中;有固定节奏的〔meter〕The rhythmic pattern of a stanza, determined by the kind and number of lines.韵律:一个诗节的韵律格式,由诗节中诗行的类型和数量而定〔Whitman〕American poet whose great workLeaves of Grass (first published 1855), written in unconventional meter and rhyme, celebrates the self, death as a process of life, universal brotherhood, and the greatness of democracy and the United States. 惠特曼,华尔特:(1819-1892) 美国诗人。他的伟大作品《草叶集》 (1855年第一次出版),用非传统的韵律和韵文写成,宣扬自我、死亡是生命的一部分、普遍的兄弟情谊、民主的伟大和美国 〔rhythm〕The pattern or flow of sound created by the arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables in accentual verse or of long and short syllables in quantitative verse.韵律:重音韵文中重读与非重读音节排列造成的声音形式或声流,或由数量长短为基准的韵文中长短音节的排列造成的声音形式或声流〔metrical〕Of, relating to, or composed in poetic meter:韵律的,诗韵的:属于或关于诗歌韵律的,用诗体写的:〔Lanier〕American writer and musician noted for his melodic poems, including "The Marshes of Glynn" (1878). His novelTiger Lilies (1867) is based on his experiences as a Confederate soldier. 拉尼尔,锡德尼:(1842-1881) 美国作家和音乐家,以其韵律美妙的诗歌包括“格林的沼泽地”(1878年)而著名。他的小说《老虎莉莉》 (1867年)根据他作为一个南方邦联战士的经历而创作的




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