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单词 音高
释义 〔contrabassoon〕The largest and lowest pitched of the double-reed wind instruments, sounding an octave below the bassoon. Also called double bassoon 倍低音管:双簧管系管乐器中音高最低的也是最大的乐器,比低音管的音高低一个八度 也作 double bassoon〔deep〕Low in pitch; resonant:低沉的:指音高低的;共鸣的:〔note〕A tone of definite pitch.音高:有一定音高的音〔tune〕The state of being properly adjusted for pitch:正确的音高音高调整准确的状态:〔crack〕To change sharply in pitch or timbre, as from hoarseness or emotion. Used of the voice.嗓音发劈:由于声音嘶哑或情绪激动而造成的音高或音质的突变。用于指嗓音〔dodecaphonic〕phon(o)- [tone, pitch] phon(o)-[乐音,音高] 〔clef〕A symbol indicating the pitch represented by one line of a staff, in relation to which the other pitches of the staff can be determined.谱号:一个标明五线谱一行所代表的音高,由此五线谱的其它音高标准可以确定〔intonation〕A use of pitch characteristic of a speaker or dialect:声调:说话人或方言特有的音高的使用:〔unison〕The combination of parts at the same pitch or in octaves.同唱,同奏:在相同音高或在八音度内声部的结合〔unison〕Identity of pitch; the interval of a perfect prime.同度;同音:音高一致;完全同度的间隔〔ostinato〕A short melody or phrase that is constantly repeated, usually the same part at the same pitch.固定音型:不断重复的短旋律或短句,通常在同一音高的同一部位〔modulation〕A change in stress, pitch, loudness, or tone of the voice; an inflection of the voice.变音:在语调、音高、音量或音调上的变化;声音的一种转调〔flat〕Being below the correct pitch.比正确音高低的〔italicize〕"italicizing the upper extremity of the pitch spectrum with flute or piccolo"(Arthur Berger)“用长笛或短笛来突出音高乐谱的上端”(阿瑟·伯格尔)〔timbre〕The quality of a sound that distinguishes it from other sounds of the same pitch and volume.音质:使声音与其它音高及音量相同的声音相区别的性质〔tuba〕A reed stop in an organ, having eight-foot pitch.低音大号音栓:风琴里的簧管音栓,有八个音高〔binaural〕Of or relating to sound transmission from two sources, which may vary acoustically, as in tone or pitch, to give a stereophonic effect.两路立体声的:从两个声源传来,可能有听觉上的不同(如在音调和音高上),可产生立体声效果的或与之相关的〔inflect〕To alter (the voice) in tone or pitch; modulate.变音:在音高和音调上变化;转调〔intonation〕A manner of producing or uttering tones, especially with regard to accuracy of pitch.吟咏:产生或发出音调的方式,特指注意音高准确性的发音方式〔enharmonic〕Of, relating to, or involving tones that are identical in pitch but are written differently according to the key in which they occur.等音的:在音高上一致但按其所在主调的出现而写法不同的音调的〔heckelphone〕A woodwind instrument of the oboe family, with a pitch between that of an English horn and a bassoon.黑克尔管:属于双簧管家族的一种木制管乐器,其音高位于英国号和巴松管之间〔key〕The pitch of a voice or other sound.声高:嗓音或其他声音的音高〔skirl〕To produce a high, shrill, wailing tone. Used of bagpipes.(风笛)发尖锐声:产生一种音高的、尖利的、哀怨的音调。用于风笛〔inflection〕Alteration in pitch or tone of the voice.音调的调整:在音调和音高上的变化〔diapason〕A standard indication of pitch.音高的标准指示〔modulate〕To change or vary the pitch, intensity, or tone of (one's voice or a musical instrument, for example).调整,改变音量:改变或变换如嗓音或音乐装置的音高,强度,或音调




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