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单词 革命者
释义 〔Kollontai〕Russian revolutionary and writer who joined the Social-Democratic Worker's Party (1898) despite her privileged social position. After the October Revolution (1917) she advocated sweeping reforms in traditional customs and institutions.柯伦泰,亚历山大·米哈伊洛维纳:(1872-1952) 俄国革命者和作家,她不顾享有有特权的社会地位,而加入了社会民主工人党(1898年)。十月革命以后(1917年),她主张对传统的习惯和制度进行彻底的变革〔rebel〕"He is the perfect recruit for fascist movements: a rebel not a revolutionary, contemptuous yet envious of the rich and involved with them"(Stanley Hoffman)“他是法西斯运动不可多得的新成员;一个反叛者却不是一个革命者,蔑视而不羡慕富人并同他们搅在一起”(斯坦利·霍夫曼)〔Maximilian〕Austrian archduke and emperor of Mexico (1864-1867). Appointed emperor by the French, who had recently captured Mexico, he lacked popular support and was captured and executed by Mexican republicans when France withdrew from the country under American pressure.马克西米连:奥地利大公和墨西哥皇帝(1864-1867年)。法国侵占墨西哥后,即委任马克西米连为墨西哥皇帝。他得不到公众支持,在法国迫于美国压力从墨西哥撤离后被墨西哥革命者逮捕并处死〔Krupskaya〕Russian revolutionary and wife of Vladimir Lenin. She held numerous political posts before and after the October Revolution (1917) and wroteMemories of Lenin (1930). 克鲁普斯卡娅,纳德扎达·康斯坦丁诺维纳:(1869-1939) 俄国革命者和瓦尔德米尔·列宁的妻子。十月革命(1917年)前后担任过许多政治工作,撰写了《忆列宁》 一书(1930年) 〔revolutionist〕One who favors or is engaged in a revolution.革命者:赞成或参加革命的人〔Marx〕German philosopher, economist, and revolutionary. With the help and support of Friedrich Engels he wroteThe Communist Manifesto (1848) and Das Kapital (1867-1894). These works explain historical development in terms of the interaction of contradictory economic forces, form the basis of all communist theory, and have had a profound influence on the social sciences. 马克思,卡尔:(1818-1883) 德国哲学家、经济学家、革命者。在弗雷德里奇·恩格斯的支持和帮助下,完成著作《共产党宣言》 (1848年)和 《资本论》 (1867-1894年)。这些著作从对立的经济力量相互作用、相互影响的角度阐述了历史的进步与发展,成为社会主义的理论基础,在社会科学的许多方面产生深远的影响 〔Kerensky〕Russian revolutionary who was appointed the head of government (July 1917) after the abdication of Nicholas II but was overthrown by the Bolsheviks (October 1917) for his moderate policies.克伦斯基,亚历山大·费奥德罗维奇:(1881-1970) 俄国革命者,尼古拉二世退位后被任命为政府首脑(1917年7月),但由于他的温和政策而被布尔什维克人推翻(1917年10月)〔Kirov〕Russian revolutionary who was a chief aid of Stalin. His assassination, possibly on Stalin's order, formed the pretext of a major purge of the Communist Party.基洛夫,谢尔盖·米洛诺维奇:(1886-1934) 俄国革命者,斯大林的主要助手。他的被杀(可能是斯大林的命令)为共产党内的一次主要清党提供了藉口〔graham〕After Sylvester Graham (1794-1851), American cleric and social reformer 源自西尔维斯特 格雷厄姆 (1794-1851年),美国牧师和社会革命者 〔revolutionary〕A militant in the struggle for revolution.革命者:在为革命的斗争中的积极好战者〔Septembrist〕A bloodthirsty revolutionist or terrorist.嗜血的革命者或恐怖分子〔Zapata〕Mexican revolutionary who led a revolt (1910-1919) for agrarian reforms, during which he captured Mexico City three times.萨帕塔,埃米廉诺:(1879?-1919) 墨西哥革命者,领导为进行土地所有制改革的起义(1910-1919年),在此期间他曾三次占领了墨西哥城




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