单词 | 面上 |
释义 | 〔folio〕A number on such a leaf.页码:记在一页正面上的页码〔swash〕A splash of water or other liquid hitting a solid surface.冲击,拍打:拍打在坚硬平面上的水花或其它液体〔picture〕A visible image, especially one on a flat surface:景色:视觉意象,尤指平面上的景色:〔level〕Plane is principally a mathematical termand refers to a surface containing all the straight lines connecting any two points on it: Plane 主要是一个数学用语,指的是包含所有连接平面上任意两点的直线的平面: 〔overlay〕overlay wood with silver.木头的面上镀了层银〔childlike〕Like or befitting a child, as in innocence, trustfulness, or candor.儿童般的:如在单纯、轻信、坦率等方面上如儿童般的或适合于儿童的〔map〕A representation, usually on a plane surface, of a region of the earth or heavens.地图,天体图:指通常画在一块平面上的用以代表某一陆地或天空区域的图示〔level〕An instrument for ascertaining whether a surface is horizontal, vertical, or at a 45° angle, consisting essentially of an encased, liquid-filled tube containing an air bubble that moves to a center window when the instrument is set on an even plane. Also called spirit level 水准仪:用来确定一个层面是水平的、垂直的或是呈45度角的仪器,主要由一个密封的、充满液体的玻璃管构成,管内有一个气泡,当仪器放在一个水平面上时,气泡移至中间的观测口 也作 spirit level〔diorama〕A scene reproduced on cloth transparencies with various lights shining through the cloths to produce changes in effect, intended for viewing at a distance through an aperture.透明幕上的画面:从孔中窥视到一段距离外部透明画面上的风景,通过变动透过画面的光线,可获得不同的画面效果〔unfit〕a solvent that is unfit for use on wood surfaces.不适合用在木平面上的溶剂〔spiral〕A curve on a plane that winds around a fixed center point at a continuously increasing or decreasing distance from the point.螺线:平面上逐渐远离或靠近一固定中心点时不断回旋的曲线〔curve〕The graph of a function on a coordinate plane.曲线图:一种能在坐标平面上表示某一函数的图形〔stereography〕The art or technique of depicting solid bodies on a plane surface.立体平面法:在一个平面上画立体物体的方法或过程〔lie〕To be placed on or supported by a surface that is usually horizontal:摆放:被放在一个水平面上或被一个水平面支撑着:〔equatorial〕Having or constituting a support with two perpendicular axes, one of which is parallel to the earth's rotational axis.赤道平面上的:由两条互相垂直的轴支撑的,其中一条与地轴平行〔level〕Being on a horizontal plane.在同一个水平面上的〔trail〕To extend, grow, or droop loosely over a surface:蔓延:在一平面上无约束地伸展、生长或低垂:〔hyperbolic〕Of or relating to a geometric system in which two or more lines can be drawn through any point in a plane and not intersect a given line in the plane.双曲线几何的:属于或有双曲线几何体系有关的,在这体系中从一平面上的一点能画二条或多条直线,而且这些直线不与平面中已画出的那条直线相交〔Lloyd〕American silent film actor. His most famous stunt was hanging from a clock face at the top of a building inSafety Last (1923). 劳埃德,哈罗德·克莱顿:(1894-1971) 美国默声影片演员。他最著名的特技是在《安全放在最后》 (1923年)中从一建筑顶端的大钟面上悬挂下来 〔pulvillus〕A soft, cushionlike pad on the foot of an insect, such as the housefly, by which it clings to a surface.毛垫,爪垫:家蝇等昆虫足部用以附到一个平面上的象垫子似的柔软垫状物〔slope〕The rate at which an ordinate of a point of a line on a coordinate plane changes with respect to a change in the abscissa.斜率:坐标平面上一条直线上一个点的纵座标随横座标的变化而变化的比率〔hoecake〕[Possibly because it was sometimes baked on the blade of a hoe] [可能源于有时把它放在锄的刀面上烤] 〔marquetry〕Material, such as wood or ivory, inlaid piece by piece into a wood surface in an intricate design and veneered to another surface, especially of furniture, for decoration.镶嵌工艺:把(木或象牙等)材料,按照复杂的设计方式一件件地置入一个木制平面,而后镶嵌到另一个平面上(尤指家俱的面)用作装饰〔endocardium〕The thin serous membrane, composed of endothelial tissue, that lines the interior of the heart.心内膜:排列成心脏内部面上的薄浆层膜,由内皮细胞组织组成〔terra〕A rough upland or mountainous region of the moon with a relatively high albedo.月面台地:反射率相对较高的月面上的地势不平的高地或多山地区〔bite〕A secure grip or hold applied by a tool or machine upon a working surface.固定器:在工作面上使用工具或机器的夹紧或固定装置〔slide〕These verbs mean to move smoothly and continuously over or as if over a slippery surface.这些动词的意思是在或象在一个很滑的平面上平滑、连续地移动。〔hydroplane〕To be or go out of control by skimming along the surface of a wet road. Used of a motor vehicle.打滑:用于机动车辆在泥泞的路面上失控滑行〔teetotum〕From earlier T totum [from the letter tee that appeared on one side of the toy] 源自较早期 T totum [源于字母t出现在玩具的一个面上] 〔flush〕So as to be even, in one plane, or aligned with a margin.齐平地:使其均匀、在一个平面上或留边排版〔slide〕To move over a surface while maintaining smooth, continuous contact.滑:在一个平面上移动,同时保持平滑的、连续的接触〔port〕An opening, as in a cylinder or valve face, for the passage of steam or fluid.汽门,风门:阀座或阀面上让蒸汽或液体通过的出入口〔fog〕A mist or film clouding a surface, as of a window, lens, or mirror.朦胧,模糊:如在窗玻璃、透镜或镜子面上挡住表面的雾或薄膜〔slickenside〕A polished, striated rock surface caused by one rock mass sliding over another in a fault plane.擦痕面:在断层面上由于一块岩石从另一块岩石上面滑过造成的磨光的、有细槽的岩石面〔cusp〕A pointed or rounded projection on the chewing surface of a tooth.牙尖:牙齿咬合面上的尖状或圆形凸起〔quicksand〕A bed of loose sand mixed with water forming a soft, shifting mass that yields easily to pressure and tends to engulf any object resting on its surface.流沙:一种由松散的沙子和水混合成的沙层,形成一堆松软、移动的物质,在压力下很容易塌陷,并可吞没置留在沙面上的任何物质〔enface〕To write on the face of (a check, for example).在(票据)的正面上写〔sit〕To rest with the hindquarters lowered onto a supporting surface. Used of animals.骑:后腿弯曲地坐在某支撑面上。用于表述动物〔rough〕Uneven describes lines or surfaces of which some parts are not level with others: Uneven 指有些部分不在同一个平面上的线条或表层: 〔overlay〕To cover the surface of with a decorative layer or design:在…上铺(或覆盖,涂等):把装饰物或图案覆在…的面上: |
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