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单词 靠近
释义 〔Carlsbad〕A city of southeast New Mexico on the Pecos River near the Texas border. Large deposits of potash were discovered in the vicinity in 1931. Population, 24,952.卡尔斯巴德:美国新墨西哥州东南部一城市,靠近得克萨斯州边界,在贝可斯河上。1931年在该市附近发现了大量钾碱矿床。人口24,952〔Dothan〕A city of southeast Alabama near the Florida border. Settled in 1885, it is a trading center for a large agricultural area. Population, 53,589.多森:美国亚拉巴马州东南部城市,靠近佛罗里达州边界。1885年建立,是一个大农业区的贸易中心。人口53,589〔greenside〕Situated beside a putting green:靠近球穴区的:位置靠近球穴区的:〔dolly〕To move the wheeled apparatus on which a movie or television camera is mounted toward or away from the scene of action.移动摄影车:以使电影或电视摄影机靠近或离开场景移动的摄影车〔Ashkhabad〕A city of southern Central Asian U.S.S.R. near the Iranian border. It was founded as a fortress in 1881. A major earthquake in 1948 virtually destroyed the old city. Population, 356,000.阿什哈巴德:中亚苏联南部的一座城市,靠近伊朗边界,于1881年因要塞目的被建立,1948年的一次大地震几乎毁掉了这座古城。人口356,000〔Gary〕A city of northwest Indiana on Lake Michigan near the Illinois border. Founded on land purchased by the U.S. Steel Corporation in 1905, it is a highly industrialized port of entry. Population, 151,953.盖瑞:印第安纳西北部、临密歇根湖靠近伊利诺斯边境的一城市,建于美国钢铁公司1905年购买的土地上,是一高度工业化的入口港。人口151,953〔Bona〕A peak, 5,032.5 m (16,500 ft) high, of southern Alaska at the southern end of the Wrangell Mountains near the Canadian border. It is the highest elevation in the range.波拿峰:美国阿拉斯加州南部海拔高5,032.5米(16,500英尺)的一个山峰,在兰格尔山脉的南端,靠近加拿大国界。它是该山脉的最高峰〔Musca〕A constellation in the polar region of the Southern Hemisphere near Apus and Carina.苍蝇座:位于南极区靠近天燕座和船底座的星座〔Heerlen〕A city of southeast Netherlands east-northeast of Maastricht near the German border. It is a manufacturing center in a coal-mining area. Population, 93,283.海尔伦:荷兰东南部的一个城市,位于马斯特里赫特的东北偏东,靠近德国边境。它是开采煤矿地区的生产中心。人口93,283〔centric〕Situated at or near the center; central.中央的:位于或靠近中心的;中央的〔Sporades〕Two island groups of Greece in the Aegean Sea, consisting of theNorthern Sporades off the central mainland and the Southern Sporades off the coast of Turkey. 斯波拉泽斯群岛:爱琴海上的两个希腊岛群,由靠近大陆中部的北斯波拉泽斯群岛 和靠近土耳其海岸的 南斯波拉泽斯群岛 组成 〔pelvic〕a pelvic artery.一条靠近骨盆的动脉〔doldrums〕A region of the ocean near the equator, characterized by calms, light winds, or squalls.赤道无风带:靠近赤道的海域,特征是或风平浪静,或起微风或起飓风〔Killarney〕Three small lakes of southwest Ireland near the market town ofKillarney (population, 7,693). Studded with islands, the lakes are a popular tourist attraction noted for their scenic beauty. 基拉尼湖:爱尔兰西南部的三个小湖,靠近基拉尼 (人口7,693)集镇。湖中散布着小岛,以风景美丽而著名的基拉尼湖成为受人喜爱的旅游景点 〔Munich〕A city of southeast Germany near the Bavarian Alps southeast of Augsburg. Founded in 1158, it has long been the center of Bavaria. Adolf Hitler organized the Nazi Party here after World War I and signed the Munich Pact, widely regarded as a symbol of appeasement, with Great Britain, France, and Italy in 1938. The city was largely rebuilt after extensive Allied bombing in World War II. Munich was the site of the 1972 Summer Olympics. Population, 1,267,451.慕尼黑:德国东南部城市,位于奥格斯堡东南,靠近巴伐利亚州境内的阿尔卑斯山脉。1158年建成,长期为巴伐利亚州的中心。一战后阿尔道夫·希特勒在这里成立纳粹党并且签署了被公认为是1938德国与英国、法国、意大利的绥靖政策的标志的《慕尼黑协定》。在二战中盟军的全面轰炸后该城市大规模重建。慕尼黑是1972年夏季奥运会举办地。人口1,267,451〔psychometry〕The ability or art of divining information about people or events associated with an object solely by touching or being near to it.触物占卜术:通过触摸或靠近一个物体来预测与该物相关联的人或事件的情况的能力或技艺〔cephalic〕Located on, in, or near the head.头部的:位于头上、头内或靠近头的〔port〕To carry (a weapon) diagonally across the body, with the muzzle or blade near the left shoulder.斜持枪支:使(枪支)斜横在胸口,使枪口或枪膛靠近左肩〔Hrodna〕A city of western Belarus on the Neman River near the Lithuanian and Polish borders. Capital of an independent principality until 1398, Hrodna was ruled at various times by Lithuania, Poland, and Russia. Population, 314,100赫罗德纳:白俄罗斯西部城市,位于靠近立陶宛和波兰边界的涅曼河畔。1398年之前一直是独立公国的首府,立陶宛、波兰及俄罗斯曾在不同时期统治赫罗德诺。人口314,100〔Altus〕A city of southwest Oklahoma near the Texas border southwest of Oklahoma City. It is a trade center in a farming region. Population, 21,910.阿尔特斯:美国俄克拉荷马州西南部的城市,靠近俄克拉荷马市西南部的得克萨斯边界,是耕作区的贸易中心。人口21,910〔masseter〕A thick muscle in the cheek that closes the jaws during chewing.咬肌:一块颊内咀嚼时靠近下颔厚块肌肉〔foothill〕A hill near the base of a mountain or mountain range.山麓小丘:靠近山基或山脉的小山〔Fuzhou〕A city of southeast China on the Min River delta. Fuzhou has been the capital of Fujian province since the tenth century. Population, 754,500.福州:中国东南部一城市,靠近闽江三角洲。从10世纪起成为福建的省会。人口754,500〔approximant〕A speech sound, such as a glide or liquid, produced by narrowing but not blocking the vocal tract, as by placing an articulator, such as the tongue, near another part of the vocal tract.无擦通音:因声道变窄但未封闭而发出的声音(如滑音或流音),如将发音器官(如舌头)靠近声道的另一侧发出的声音〔Jacksonville〕A city of northeast Florida on the St. Johns River near the Atlantic Ocean and the Georgia border. Settled in 1816, it is a major port and manufacturing center and the largest city in Florida. Population, 672,971.杰克逊维尔:佛罗里达州东北部一城市,位于靠近大西洋的圣约翰河畔和乔治亚州的交界处。于1816年设市,是主要的港口和制造业中心,也是佛罗里达州的最大城市。人口672,971〔acropetal〕Developing or maturing from the base toward the apex, as in those plant organs in which the younger tissues are nearer the apex.向顶的:从基部向顶端发展或成熟的,比如在一些植物的器官中较新生的组织更靠近顶端〔Cetus〕A constellation in the equatorial region of the Southern Hemisphere near Aquarius and Eridanus.鲸鱼座:南半球赤道地区靠近宝瓶座与波江座的星座〔Draco〕A constellation in the polar region of the Northern Hemisphere near Cepheus and Ursa Major. Also called Dragon 天龙星座:在北半球的极地,靠近天王座与大熊座的一个星座 也作 Dragon〔adrenal〕At, near, or on the kidneys.肾上的:在肾上的,靠近肾的〔Rouyn〕A city of southwest Quebec, Canada, near the Ontario border west-northwest of Quebec City. It is a trade center in a mining region. Population, 17,224.鲁安:加拿大魁北克省西南部一城市,位于魁北克市西北偏西、靠近安大略省边界。是采煤区的贸易中心。人口17,224〔spiral〕Circling around a center at a continuously increasing or decreasing distance.螺旋的:绕一中心作逐渐靠近或远离的旋绕的〔Como〕A resort city of northern Italy near the Swiss border at the southwest end ofLake Como. The city was a Roman colony and became an independent commune in the 11th century. Population, 95,183. 科摩:意大利北部度假胜地城市,靠近瑞士边界,在科摩湖 的西南端。曾是罗马的殖民地,于11世纪成为独立的公社,人口95,183 〔Arkhangelsk〕A city of northwest European U.S.S.R. on the Northern Dvina River near its mouth on the White Sea. Although icebound much of the year, it is a leading port and can generally be opened to navigation by icebreakers. Population, 408,000.阿尔汉格尔斯克:苏联欧洲部分西北部一城市,位于北德维纳河靠近该河在白海的入海处。虽然每年大部分时间为冰封期,但仍是一主要港口,一般由破冰船破冰通航。人口408,000〔Gibeon〕An ancient village of Palestine near Jerusalem. In the Old Testament, its inhabitants were condemned by Joshua to serve as manual laborers for the Israelites.直贝恩:靠近耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦的一个古老村庄。旧约中它的居民被乔舒亚定罪作为劳力去侍候以色列人〔Kilimanjaro〕The highest mountain in Africa, in northeast Tanzania near the Kenya border, rising in two snow-capped peaks to 5,898.7 m (19,340 ft). The higher of the two peaks was first climbed in 1889.乞力马扎罗山:非洲最高山,位于坦桑尼亚东北部靠近肯尼亚边境处。两座被雪覆盖的山峰高达5,898.7米(19,340英尺),其中较高的山峰于1889年第一次被攀登〔Aries〕A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Taurus and Pisces.白羊座:位于北半球靠近金牛星座和双鱼星座的一个星座〔facula〕Any of various large, bright spots or veined patches on the sun's photosphere, usually near sunspots.光斑:太阳光球上大的亮点或有脉纹的亮区,通常靠近黑子处〔Libra〕A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Scorpius and Virgo. Also called Balance ,Scales 天秤星座:南半天球的一个星座,靠近天蝎座和处女座 也作 Balance,Scales〔Huelva〕A city of southwest Spain near the Gulf of Cádiz and the Portuguese border. Founded by Carthaginians, it was colonized by the Romans, who built a still-used aqueduct to supply water to the settlement. Population, 137,453.韦尔瓦:西班牙西南部一城市,靠近加的斯湾,临近葡萄牙边境。它由迦太基人初建,后处于罗马殖民统治下,罗马人建了一条用于住宅供水的高架渠,至今仍在使用。人口137,453〔Columba〕A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Caelum and Puppis. Also called Dove 天鸽座:位于南半球靠近雕具座和船舻座的一个星座 也作 Dove




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