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单词 隔开
释义 〔carrel〕A partially partitioned nook in or near the stacks in a library, used for private study.图书馆卡坐:图书馆内供个别读者使用的在书架附近或在书架之间由隔板隔开的隐蔽的角落〔removed〕Separated in relationship by a given degree of descent:隔代的:在关系上由一定的后代的程度所隔开的:〔dissepiment〕saepīre [hedge off] from saepēs [hedge] saepīre [用树篱把…划分出(或隔开)] 源自 saepēs [用树篱隔开(或围住)] 〔iconostasis〕The screen decorated with icons that divides the sanctuary from the nave of an Eastern Orthodox church.圣像屏帏:东正教教堂中把圣殿与广场隔开的饰有圣像的屏风〔divided〕Separated by distance:被距离隔开的:〔Bangka〕An island of western Indonesia in the Java Sea separated from Sumatra by the narrowStrait of Bangka. Tin was discovered here in the early 1700's. 邦加:印度尼西亚西部一岛屿,位于爪哇海,由狭长的邦加海峡 与苏门答腊隔开。18世纪早期锡在这里被发现 〔altogether〕All together can be used only if it is possible to rephrase the sentence so thatall and together may be separated by other words: All together只有在重新改动句子时才可能使用, 这样all 和 together 可以被其它词隔开〔Lido〕An island reef of northeast Italy separating the lagoon of Venice from the Adriatic Sea. The town ofLido, at the northern end of the island, is a fashionable resort. 利多:意大利东北部的一个礁岛,把威尼斯泻湖与亚得里亚海隔开。位于该岛北端的小镇利多 是受欢迎的旅游胜地 〔apartment〕from a parte [apart] 源自 a parte [隔开的,相间隔] 〔pleasance〕A secluded garden or landscaped area.庭院:被隔开的花园或经过美化的场地〔spread〕spread out the tablecloth; a bird spreading its wings.隔开桌布;鸟儿展翅〔diabetes〕Diabetes is named for one of its distressing symptoms.The disease was known to the Greeks asdiabētēs, a word derived from the verbdiabainein, made up of the prefixdia-, "across, apart,” and the word bainein, "to walk, stand.” The verbdiabeinein meant "to stride, walk, or stand with legs asunder"; hence, its derivativediabētēs meant "one that straddles,” or specifically "a compass, siphon.”The sense "siphon" gave rise to the use ofdiabētēs as the name for a disease involving the discharge of excessive amounts of urine. Diabetes is first recorded in English, in the formdiabete, in a medical text written around 1425. 糖尿病因其痛苦的症状之一而得名。此病症闻名于希腊语diabetes , 是动词diabainein 派生出的单词, 由前缀dia- “穿过,隔开”和单词 bainein “走,站”构成。 动词diabeinein 表示“跨过,走过或两条腿分开站着”; 因此,其派生词diabetes 表示“一个人叉腿站着”, 或专指“指南针,虹吸管”。在diabetes 使用“虹吸管”是表示排尿量过多的一种病的名称。 Diabaets 一词第一次被记录到英文中是在1425年前后的一本医学课本中,以diabete 的形式出现 〔block〕a fence that screens the alley;隔开胡同的篱笆;〔punctuation〕The use of standard marks and signs in writing and printing to separate words into sentences, clauses, and phrases in order to clarify meaning.标点法:在写作及印刷中运用标准符号或标志以隔开词而形成句子、从句及词组从而使意思清晰〔Antilles〕The islands of the West Indies except for the Bahamas, separating the Caribbean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean and divided into theGreater Antilles to the north and the Lesser Antilles to the east. 安的列斯群岛:西印度群岛中除巴哈马群岛之外的岛屿,把加勒比海和大西洋隔开,分为北部的大安的列斯群岛 和东部的 小安的列斯群岛 〔side〕An area separated from another area by an intervening feature, such as a line or barrier:地区:由一中介特征,如一条线或障碍物与另一区域隔开的地区:〔parkway〕A broad landscaped highway, often divided by a planted median strip.风景区干道,园道,公园大道:一条通常用栽种了树木的中间地带隔开的美化的宽阔公路〔aisle〕A part of a church divided laterally from the nave by a row of pillars or columns.侧廊:用一排柱子将教堂的中殿从侧面隔开的部分〔Tasmania〕An island of southeast Australia separated from the mainland by Bass Strait. It was discovered by Abel Tasman in 1642 and renamed in his honor in 1853. Tasmania joined Australia in 1901.塔斯马尼亚岛,范迪门之地:澳大利亚东南部的一个岛屿,巴斯海峡将其与大陆隔开。它于1642年被艾贝尔·塔斯曼发现,并于1853年为了纪念他而重新命名。塔斯马尼亚岛在1901年并入澳大利亚〔epiphysis〕The end of a long bone that is originally separated from the main bone by a layer of cartilage but that later becomes united to the main bone through ossification.骺:长骨末端本来由一软骨层与主骨隔开,但尔后由于骨化而与主骨相连〔fillet〕A thin, flat molding used as separation between or ornamentation for larger moldings.平缘:用来隔开或装饰更大嵌条的扁平嵌条〔sequester〕To remove or set apart; segregate.See Synonyms at isolate 使隔离:移开或设置隔开;使隔离 参见 isolate〔curtain〕The movable screen or drape in a theater or hall that separates the stage from the auditorium or that serves as a backdrop.幕布:在剧院或大厅内隔开舞台和观众或作为背景幕的可移动遮蔽物或帷幕〔isolate〕trying to insulate herself from the chaos surrounding her;竭力把她自己与周围的混乱隔开〔limo〕A limousine.大轿车:驾驶座与客座用板壁隔开的大型高级轿车或机场交通车〔fence〕To separate or close off by or as if by means of a fence.用或似用栅栏隔开或拦开〔volleyball〕A game played by two teams on a rectangular court divided by a high net, in which both teams use up to three hits to ground the ball on the opposing team's side of the net.排球:一种运动,两队在长方形场地上被一个高网隔开,每队击球三次后将球打入对方一边的场地〔separate〕To set or keep apart; disunite.分隔:设置或保持隔开;使隔开〔period〕A group of digits separated by commas in a written number.数字:书面数字中一个中间用逗号隔开的数字组〔alone〕Considered separately from all others of the same class.与众不同的:与同类中其它事物隔开单独考虑的〔congeries〕"Our city, it should be explained, is two cities, or more—an urban mass or congeries divided by the river"(John Updike)“我们的城市,应该解释成两个城市,或者再进一步说是被一条河隔开的城市块或城市群”(约翰·厄普代克)〔billet〕One of a series of regularly spaced, log-shaped segments used horizontally as ornamentation in the moldings of Norman architecture.错齿饰:一系列整齐隔开的圆木段之一,在诺曼底建筑装饰平条上用作水平方向的装饰物〔Patos〕A shallow tidal lagoon of southeast Brazil. Separated from the Atlantic Ocean by a wide sandbar, it is an important fishing ground.帕托斯湖:巴西东南部一浅泻湖,由一道宽大的沙堤把它与大西洋隔开,是一重要的渔业基地〔ampere〕A unit of electric current in the meter-kilogram-second system. It is the steady current that when flowing in straight parallel wires of infinite length and negligible cross section, separated by a distance of one meter in free space, produces a force between the wires of 2 × 10-7 newtons per meter of length. 安培:米-千克-秒单位制中电流的单位,即在无限长且横截面极小的直流平行电线中流动的平稳电流,在自由空间中被一米长的距离隔开,在电线中间可产生每米2×10-7牛顿 〔muntin〕A strip of wood or metal separating and holding panes of glass in a window.窗格条:窗户上用来隔开和固定窗玻璃片的木条或者金属条〔Scutari〕A lake of southeast Europe on the border between southwest Yugoslavia and northwest Albania. It was once an inlet of the Adriatic but is now separated from the sea by an alluvial isthmus.斯库台湖:欧洲东南部的一个湖,位于南斯拉夫西南部和阿尔巴尼亚西北部边境上。它曾经是进入亚得里亚海的通道,但现在被一个冲积海峡把它与大海隔开〔Tsushima〕Two islands of southwest Japan in Korea Strait between Kyushu and southeast South Korea. They are separated from Kyushu byTsushima Strait, the site of a major naval battle (May 1905) in the Russo-Japanese War in which the Russian fleet was largely destroyed. 对马岛:日本西南的两个海岛,位于九州和韩国东南的朝鲜海峡内,被对马海峡 与九州隔开。是俄日战争中的一个主要海战(1905年五月)地点,在这场战斗中俄国舰队遭到重创 〔phrase〕A word or group of words read or spoken as a unit and separated by pauses or other junctures.片语:作为读和说的词或词组的单位,并通过暂停或其他连音隔开〔Alaska〕A state of the United States in extreme northwest North America, separated from the other mainland states by British Columbia, Canada. It was admitted as the 49th state in 1959 and is the largest state of the Union. The territory was purchased from Russia in 1867 for $7,200,000 and was known as Seward's Folly (after Secretary of State William H. Seward, who negotiated the purchase) until gold was discovered in the late 1800's. Juneau is the capital and Anchorage the largest city. There are plans to move the capital to Willow, near Anchorage. Population, 551,947.阿拉斯加州:美国的一个州,位于北美洲最西北部,与其它的大陆州被加拿大的不列颠哥伦比亚省隔开。1959年被纳为第49个州,是联邦中面积最大的州。这块领地于1867年以7,200,000美元的价格从俄国购得,直到19世纪晚期在此发现黄金之前,一直被称为“西沃德笨蛋”(源自洽谈购买的国务卿威廉·H·西沃德)。朱诺为其州府,安克雷奇是最大城市。现计划迁州府到安克雷奇附近的威洛。人口551,947〔asunder〕sundran [separately] from sunder [apart] sundran [分开地] 源自 sunder [隔开,分开]




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