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单词 附属物
释义 〔adjunct〕Something attached to another in a dependent or subordinate position.See Synonyms at appendage 附属物,辅助物:附加于他物的处于附属或从属地位的物品 参见 appendage〔go〕To be suitable or appropriate as an accessory or accompaniment:适合,相配:适合或适当作小配件或附属物〔appendix〕An appendage.附属物,附加物〔trunk〕A main body, apart from tributaries or appendages.主干:除从属物或附属物外的主体〔head〕An attachment to or part of a machine that holds or contains the operative device.附属品:机器上装有操作装置的部分或其附属物〔articulation〕A movable joint between inflexible parts of the body of an animal, as the divisions of an appendage in arthropods.关节联接:动物身体中不可弯曲部分之间可活动的联接,如节肢动物附属物的不同部分〔accessory〕A subordinate or supplementary item; an adjunct.附加品,附属物;附件〔stipule〕One of the usually small, paired appendages at the base of a leafstalk in certain plants, such as roses and beans.托叶:一些植物叶柄基部通常较小的一对附属物,如玫瑰和豆科植物等〔pocket〕A small baglike attachment forming part of a garment and used to carry small articles, as a flat pouch sewn inside a pair of pants or a piece of material sewn on its sides and bottom to the outside of a shirt.口袋:一种小型袋状附属物,形成衣物的一部分。被用来携带小的物件,如缝在裤子里的扁平的袋子或缝在衬衣外边的两侧和底部的一片布料〔polychete〕Any of various annelid worms of the class Polychaeta, including mostly marine worms such as the lugworm, and characterized by fleshy paired appendages tipped with bristles on each body segment.多毛目环节动物:多毛目中的任一种环节动物蠕虫,主要包括海生蠕虫,如海蚯蚓,特征是其身体的每一节上都长有尖端带刚毛的、多肉的成对附属物〔wing〕To furnish with side or subordinate extensions, as a building or an altarpiece.给安装翼:给…建翼部或附属物,如一个建筑或圣坛背壁装饰画〔dermapteran〕Any of various insects of the order Dermaptera, including the earwigs, having an elongated, flattened body equipped with a pair of pincerlike appendages at the posterior end.革翅目:革翅目昆虫(包括蠼螋),它长而肥胖的身躯尾部有一对X形的附属物(翅膀)〔strip〕To remove equipment, furnishings, or supplementary parts or attachments from.拆除(附属物):搬走装备、家具或补充的部份或附加物〔accouterment〕Ancillary items of equipment or dress.装备,配备:装备或服饰的附属物〔habit〕"His real habitude gave life and grace/To appertainings and to ornament" (Shakespeare).“他的习惯是增添生机和光彩/对那些附属物和装饰物” (莎士比亚)〔appendage〕 appurtenance belongs naturally as a subsidiary attribute, part, or member to that with which it is associated: appurtenance 则表示作为一附属物自然地成为其相连对象的一部分或一成员: 〔winged〕Having wings or winglike appendages.有翅膀的:有翼或有翼状附属物〔belong〕To be a part of something else:附属物:为其它事物的组成部分:〔wing〕To wound superficially, as in an appendage.侧击:击中…的非要害部位,如击中动物的附属物〔entail〕To have, impose, or require as a necessary accompaniment or consequence:承担,伴随,需要:施加或要求使成为必要的附属物或结果:〔arista〕A bristlelike part or appendage, such as the awn of grains and grasses or the process near the tip of the antenna of certain flies.谷芒:刺毛的部分或附属物,如谷物和草的芒状生长物或某种苍蝇触须附近的突起物〔turret〕An attachment for a lathe consisting of a rotating cylindrical block holding various cutting tools.转动架,转塔:车床上的附属物,由一个可安装各种刀具的可旋转的圆筒组成〔appanage〕A rightful or customary accompaniment or adjunct.附属物,从属物:合法的或习惯上的伴随物或附加物〔tip〕A piece or an attachment, such as a cap or ferrule, meant to be fitted to the end of something else:顶端附加物:一种用于装在其它物体顶端的东西或附属物,如罩或金属包头:〔auxiliary〕Acting as a subsidiary; supplementary:从属的:作为附属物的;附属的:〔ancillary〕Something, such as a workbook, that is subordinate to something else, such as a textbook.附属物:从属于其它东西的物品,如参考书属于教材〔appendicular〕diminutive of appendix appendic- [appendix] * see appendix appendix的小后缀 appendic- [附属物,附加物,盲肠] * 参见 appendix〔tail〕An appendage to the rear or bottom of a thing:尾部的附属物:加在某物的末端或底部的附属物〔pertain〕To belong as an adjunct, part, holding, or quality.附属:作为附属物、部件、所有物或品质属于〔dependency〕Something dependent or subordinate.附属物或依附物〔append〕To add as a supplement or an appendix:附加,添加,贴上:作为补充或附属物增加:〔tailpiece〕A piece forming an end; an appendage.附属物:形成尾端的一件东西;附属物〔apodal〕Having no limbs, feet, or footlike appendages.无足的,足部不发达的:无肢的,无足的或无足状附属物〔incident〕Tending to arise or occur as a result or an accompaniment:难免发生的,伴随的:倾向于作为结果或附属物发生或出现的:〔carry〕To have as an attribute or accompaniment:附带:作为特征或附属物而具有:〔fixture〕Something attached as a permanent appendage, apparatus, or appliance:固定装置:作为固定的附属物、器具或用具而附上去的东西:〔chelicera〕Either of the first pair of fanglike appendages near the mouth of an arachnid, such as a spider, often modified for grasping and piercing.螯肢:蜘蛛等蛛形纲动物在嘴边的第一对肢状附属物,常用来抓握和刺穿物体〔attachment〕A supplementary part; an accessory.See Synonyms at appendage 附属物,附加装置;附件 参见 appendage〔tragopan〕Any of several Asian pheasants of the genusTragopan, the male of which has a brightly colored wattle and two blue hornlike appendages on the head. 角雉:亚洲产角雉 属雉鸡,雄雉头部有色彩艳丽的内垂以及两蓝色的角状附属物 〔forceps〕A pincerlike pair of movable appendages at the posterior end of the abdomen in certain insects, such as earwigs.尾铗:一种形如钳子的可移动附属物,附着在某些昆虫腹部的后端,比如蠼螋




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