单词 | 阿拉斯加 |
释义 | 〔Noatak〕A river of northwest Alaska rising in the Brooks Range and flowing about 644 km (400 mi) westward to Kotzebue Sound.诺阿塔克河:发源于布鲁克斯山脉阿拉斯加西北的一河流,向西流入科策布湾,流程约644公里(400英里)〔Klondike〕A region of Yukon Territory, Canada, just east of Alaska and traversed by theKlondike River, about 145 km (90 mi) long. Gold was discovered here in August 1896, leading to the gold rush of 1897-1898 in which more than 25,000 people sought their fortune in the frozen north. Small quantities of gold are still mined in the area. 克朗代克:加拿大育空地的一个地区,在阿拉斯加正东方。克朗代克河 流经此地区,流程约145公里(90英里)。1896年8月这里发现金矿,引发了1897-1898年的淘金热,有超过25,000的人在冰冻的北方寻求他们的财富,这个地区现在仍有少量的金矿 〔Kuskokwim〕A river of southwest Alaska flowing about 965 km (600 mi) southwest toKuskokwim Bay, an inlet of the Bering Sea. 卡斯科奎姆河:美国阿拉斯加西南一河流,流程约965公里(600英里),向西南流入白令海的一个海湾卡斯科奎姆湾 〔Nunivak〕An island off western Alaska in the Bering Sea. It was first sighted by Russian explorers in 1821.努尼瓦克岛:白令海上阿拉斯加西部海面上的一个岛屿。1821年首次由俄国探险家发现〔Amchitka〕An island off western Alaska in the Rat Islands of the western Aleutians.阿姆奇特卡岛:美国阿拉斯加以西的一个岛屿,位于阿留申群岛西部的莱特群岛中〔blackfish〕A small, edible, freshwater fish(Dallia pectoralis) that inhabits streams and ponds of Alaska and Siberia and is noted for its ability to withstand freezing. 黑鱼:一种体型小,可食的淡水鱼(黑鱼) ,生活在阿拉斯加和西伯利亚的河流和池塘中,以其耐寒能力而著名 〔malamute〕Any of a breed of powerful dogs developed in Alaska as a sled dog and having a thick gray, black, or white coat.北极犬:一种产于阿拉斯加用来拉雪橇的强壮有力的狗,长有厚厚的灰色、黑色或白色的毛〔Cordilleras〕The entire complex of mountain ranges in western North America, Mexico, Central America, and South America, extending from Alaska to Cape Horn.科迪勒拉山脉:包括从北美洲西部、墨西哥、中美洲和南美洲并从阿拉斯加延伸至合恩角的整个山脉群〔Dene〕The Athabaskan-speaking peoples of northwest Canada and inland Alaska considered as a group.达尼人:说阿撒帕斯卡尔语的民族,在加拿大西北及阿拉斯加内陆,被认为是一个群体〔Haida〕A Native American people inhabiting the Queen Charlotte Islands of British Columbia, Canada, and Prince of Wales Island in Alaska.海达人:居住在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省夏洛特女皇群岛和美国阿拉斯加威尔士王子岛的美洲印第安人〔malamute〕from Malemute [an Alaskan Eskimo people] 源自 Malemute [阿拉斯加的爱斯基摩人] 〔Athabaskan〕A group of related North American Indian languages including the Apachean languages and languages of Alaska, northwest Canada, and coastal Oregon and California.阿萨巴斯卡语:一组与北美印第安语有关的语言,包括阿帕契语和阿拉斯加、加拿大西北部、俄勒冈沿海岸线地区和加利福尼亚等地的语言〔Anchorage〕A city of southern Alaska on Cook Inlet south-southwest of Fairbanks. Founded in 1915 as construction headquarters for the Alaska Railroad, it is the largest city in the state. Population, 226,338.安克雷奇:阿拉斯加南部一城市,位于库克湾海峡费尔班克斯西南偏南。系阿拉斯加铁路的建筑总部建于1915年,是本州最大的城市,人口226,338〔turnstone〕Either of two wading birds,Arenaria interpres, a widely distributed species that is dark brown above with large areas of chestnut and black, or A. melanocephala, having black and white plumage, that breeds along the coast of Alaska and winters from there to Baja California. 翻石鹬:两种涉禽中的任何一种,翻石鹬 ,是一种分布广泛的物种,身体上部是深褐色,有大片的栗色的黑色,或 黑翻石鹬 ,羽毛黑白相间,在阿拉斯加海岸线繁殖,冬季从这迁徙至下加利福尼亚 〔Foraker〕A peak, 5,307 m (17,400 ft) high, in the Alaska Range of south-central Alaska.福瑞克山:一山峰,海拔5,307米(17,400英尺),位于阿拉斯加州中南部的阿拉斯加山脉〔Tlingit〕A Native American people inhabiting the coastal and island areas of southeast Alaska.特林基特人:居住在美洲阿拉斯加东南部沿海和岛屿地区的土著人〔Dezhnev〕A cape of extreme northeast Far Eastern U.S.S.R. on the Bering Strait opposite Alaska. It is the easternmost point of Asia.达日尼夫角,东角:苏联远东地区东北端的海角,在白令海峡上与阿拉斯加相对,是亚洲的最东点〔Baranov〕Russian fur trader and first governor of the Russian colony of Alaska.巴拉诺夫,亚历山大·安德烈耶维奇:(1746-1819) 俄国皮货商,俄国殖民地阿拉斯加的第一任总督〔Aleut〕A Native American people inhabiting the Aleutian Islands and coastal areas of southwest Alaska. The Aleut are related culturally and linguistically to the Eskimo.阿留申族:一个美洲土著民族,居住在阿留申群岛和阿拉斯加西南部的沿海地区。阿留申族在文化和语言方面与爱斯基摩人有联系〔Skagway〕A town of southeast Alaska at the head of the Lynn Canal north-northwest of Juneau. It was a boom town and the gateway to the Klondike during the Alaskan gold rush (1897-1898). Population, 692.斯卡圭:美国阿拉斯加东南部一城市,位于林恩运河一端,在朱诺西北偏北。是一座在阿拉斯加淘金热(1897-1898年)中迅速发展起来的城市以及通往克朗代克的要道。人口692〔Churchill〕A peak, 4,769.6 m (15,638 ft) high, in the Wrangell Mountains of southern Alaska.丘吉尔峰:美国阿拉斯加南部兰格尔山脉一山峰,海拔4,769.6米(15,638英尺)〔Abruzzi〕Italian explorer and naval officer who made the first ascent of Mount St. Elias in Alaska (1897).阿布鲁齐:意大利探险家和航海家。是第一个登上阿拉斯加伊利亚斯山峰的人(1897年)〔cedar〕Any of several other evergreen coniferous trees or shrubs, such as the Alaska cedar, incense cedar, or red cedar.雪松科植物:一种常绿松柏科树木或灌木,如阿拉斯加雪松、香雪松或红雪松〔Barrow〕The northernmost point of Alaska, in the northwest on the Arctic Ocean. The nearby city ofBarrow has research and government facilities. Population, 2,207. 巴罗:位于阿拉斯加最北端,在北冰洋的西北部。附近的城市巴罗 有科研和政府设施。人口2,207 〔pan〕"But Dr. Brett cautioned that what sounds exciting from the Moon does not always pan out in the laboratory"(London Daily Telegraph, December 14, 1972). If Dr. Brett had been talking about hunting for gold on the moon,there would be a solid connection between his use of the expressionpan out and its original use in gold mining. Pan out, like the verb pan itself, comes from the noun pan in the sense "a shallow circular metal vessel used in washing gold from gravel.”The expressionpan out was used in a variety of senses, including "to wash gold-bearing earth in a pan"; "to obtain gold by washing ore in a miner's pan";and with reference to a mine or mineral-bearing soil, "to produce gold or minerals.”From such literal usagespan out was transferred to other situations. In Frederick Whymper'sTravel and Adventure in the Territory of Alaska, published in 1868, we are told that “‘It panned out well’ means that ‘it gave good returns.’”All these uses occurred first in American English,making the expression a true Americanism.“可是布莱特博士告诫说来自月球的听起来令人激动的消息并不总会在实验室获得成功”(伦敦每日电讯报 1972年12月14日)。 如果布莱特博士谈论的是关于在月球上寻找金子,那么,在他表达panout 这个用法和这个短语在金矿开采方面的原始用法就会有一种固定的联系。 Pan out 象动词 pan 本身一样来源于名词 pan , 意思是“一个浅而且圆的金属器皿,用来从矿砂中淘洗金子”。pan out 的表达用在各种意思中, 包括“在淘金盘中淘洗含金的泥土”,“在矿工的淘金盘里淘洗矿砂得到金子”,并且与矿井或含矿土壤有关,“产金子或矿物”。在这样的文学用法中,pan out 被借用于其它情况。 在弗雷德里克·怀姆坡1868年出版的在阿拉斯加旅游历险 中, 我们得知"It panned at well"意思是“得到好的回报”。所有这些用法都首先出现在美国英语中,表达了一种真正的美国主义〔Alaska〕An inlet of the Pacific Ocean between the Alaska Peninsula and Alexander Archipelago.阿拉斯加湾:阿拉斯加半岛和亚历山大群岛之间的太平洋入海口〔sourdough〕An early settler or prospector, especially in Alaska and northwest Canada.探矿者:早期移民或探矿者,尤指美国阿拉斯加及加拿大西北地区者〔Cook〕A peak, 4,196.8 m (13,760 ft) high, in the St. Elias Mountains on the border between Alaska and Yukon Territory, Canada.库克峰:一座山峰,海拔4,196.8(13,760英尺),位于美国阿拉斯加与加拿大育空地区交界处的圣埃利亚斯山中〔Stikine〕A river rising in theStikine Mountains of northwest British Columbia, Canada, and flowing about 539 km (335 mi) generally west and southwest through southeast Alaska to the Pacific Ocean. 斯提肯河:发源于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚西北斯提肯山脉 的一条河流,流程约539公里(335英里),大致向西再向西南流经阿拉斯加东南后注入太平洋 〔Sanford〕A mountain, 4,952.3 m (16,237 ft) high, of southern Alaska in the Wrangell Mountains northeast of Anchorage.桑福德火山:美国阿拉斯加南部兰格尔火山之一,位于安克雷奇东北部,海拔4,952.3米(16,237英尺)〔Katmai〕An active volcano, about 2,048 m (6,715 ft) high, in the Aleutian Range of southern Alaska at the eastern end of the Alaska Peninsula. It is located in a national monument that includes the Valley of the Ten Thousand Smokes.卡特迈火山:阿拉斯加半岛东端阿拉斯加州北部,阿留申山区的一座活火山,海拔约2,048米(合6,715英尺),位于包括万烟山谷的国家保护区内〔Tsimshian〕A Native American people inhabiting a coastal area of western British Columbia and extreme southeast Alaska.茨姆锡安人:一支美洲印第安人,居住在不列颠哥伦比亚省(加拿大)西部沿海地区和阿拉斯加东南端〔Johnson〕The 17th President of the United States (1865-1869). Elected Vice President (1864), he succeeded the assassinated Abraham Lincoln as President. His administration was marked by reconstruction policies in the South and the purchase of Alaska (1867). An attempt to unseat Secretary of War Edwin Stanton led to Johnson's impeachment on purely political charges brought by Republican senators (1868). Johnson was acquitted by one vote.约翰逊,安德鲁:(1808-1875) 美国第17任总统(1865-1869年)。他于1864年当选副总统,在阿伯拉罕·林肯遇刺后继任总统。他执政时推行南部重建政策,并于1867年买下了阿拉斯加。因试图罢免国防部长埃德温·斯坦顿,约翰逊还受到共和国参议员们关于纯粹政治性原因的指控(1868年)。约翰逊在一次投票后被宣告无罪〔Portland〕The largest city of Oregon, in the northwest part of the state on the Willamette River near its junction with the Columbia River. Founded in 1845, it grew as a lumber-exporting port and supply point for the California and Alaska goldfields. Population, 437,319.波特兰:美国俄勒冈州最大城市,位于该州西北部,威拉米特河沿岸与哥伦比亚河的汇合处。该市建于1845年,作为出口木材的海港而发展起来,并成为加利福尼亚及阿拉斯加的金矿供给点。人口437,319〔Sitka〕A town of southeast Alaska on the western coast of Baranof Island. Founded by Aleksandr Baranov in 1799, it was the capital of Russian America and later the capital of Alaska from 1867 to 1906. Population, 8,588.努特卡:美国阿拉斯加东南部一城市,位于巴拉诺夫岛的西岸。于1799年由亚历山大·巴拉诺夫建立,曾是俄罗斯美洲的首府,以后1867年到1906年间是阿拉斯加的首府。人口8,588〔Attu〕An island of southwest Alaska, the westernmost of the Aleutians. In World War II it was occupied by the Japanese from June 1942 until June 1943.阿图岛:位于阿拉斯加西南,阿留申群岛最西端的一座岛屿。第二次世界大战中于1942年6月直至1943年6月被日军侵占〔Alsek〕A river of northwest Canada and southeast Alaska flowing about 418 km (260 mi) to the Pacific Ocean.阿尔塞克河:加拿大西北部,阿拉斯加东南部河流,流程约418公里(260)英里,注入太平洋〔Yupik〕A member of a group of Eskimoan peoples inhabiting coastal areas of western Alaska and extreme northeast U.S.S.R.尤皮克人:爱斯基摩人的一支,居住在阿拉斯加西部和苏联东北端的沿海地区〔stateside〕Especially since World War II,the adverbstateside has commonly been used by Americans traveling abroad to mean "to, toward, or in the United States.” During the postwar period the term gained currency among Alaskans,familiar with the feeling of being far removed from the rest of the continental United States.They adoptedstateside into their vocabularies as a way of referring to their fellow Americans to the south.Russell Tabbert of the University of Alaska observesthatstateside "has some currency primarily as a noun modifier, but also as an adverbial,” as in this instance: "Most of the owners live in Anchorage; some 14 1045384764ve stateside" (Alaska Magazine).It may or may not be capitalized.Stateside, the lower states, the South, and ( the ) Outside are all used in Alaska to denote "the 48 contiguous states.” All these terms, however, are losing out tothe Lower 48, which, as Tabbert points out,is always spelled in Alaska with a capital L and with Arabic numerals.尤其从二战以来,副词stateside 已普遍被旅行在外的美国人用于指“到、去或在美国”。 战后时期这一词语在阿拉斯加人中广为使用,他们对远离美国大陆其它各州的感觉再熟悉不过了。他们将stateside 纳入他们的词汇, 用作指南边的美国同胞。阿拉斯加大学的鲁赛尔·塔贝特发现,stateside “主要用作名词修饰语,但也用作副词”, 如下例: “大部分所有者住在隐居之处;大约占14的人们住在美国大陆” (《阿拉斯加杂志》)。它可以大写也可以不大写。Stateside,the lower states,the South 和( the ) Outside 在阿拉斯加都被用于指"48个美国本土的州”。 但是所有这些说法都没有the lower 48 使用普遍, 塔贝特指出,这个用法在阿拉斯加州总是被拼写成带大写L和阿拉伯数字的形式〔wanigan〕Wanigan is apparently borrowed from Ojibwa waanikaan, "storage pit,” from the verbwaanikkee-, "to dig a hole in the ground.” Nineteenth-century citations in theOxford English Dictionary indicate that the word was then associated chiefly with the speech of Maine. It denoted a storage chest containing small supplies for a lumber camp,a boat outfitted to carry such supplies,or, as in Algonquian, the camp equipment and provisions.In Alaska, on the western edge of the vast territory inhabited by Algonquian-speaking tribes,the same word was borrowed into English to indicate a little temporary hut, usually built on a log raft to be towed to wherever men were working. According to Russell Tabbert of the University of Alaska,wanigan is still used in the northernmost regions of Alaska to mean "a small house, bunkhouse, or shed mounted on skids" to be dragged along behind a tractor train as a place for a work crew to eat and sleep. However, Tabbert notes that in southeast Alaska, where mobile homes are a common option for housing,wanigan now means an addition built onto a trailer house for extra living or storage space. Classified advertisements for trailer homes frequently mentionwanigans. Wanigan 很显然是从奥吉布瓦语 waanikdan 而来, “储物处”从动词waanikkee (意为“在地上挖洞”)而来。 牛津英语词典 里的19世纪的引文表明,该词当时主要与缅因语相连。 它指示供应木料营地用的贮物箱,载有供应品的小船,或如在阿尔贡金语中所指的宿营装备或供应品。在阿拉斯加讲阿尔贡金语部族居住的广大土地西端,该词被借入到英语中,表示一个通常是建在木筏上的临时性小屋,每当人们搬迁的时候就将其拽走。根据阿拉斯加大学的拉塞尔·泰伯特所言,wanigan 仍然用于阿拉斯加最北部地区,意为用牵引车牵引着的供一工作组食宿的“建于轮子上的小房子、工房或工棚”。 但是泰伯特指出,在阿拉斯加东南部常选择活动房作为住所,wanigan 现在的意思是供额外居住或贮存用的一个活动房屋的附加物。 关于活动房屋的分类广告经常提到wanigans |
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