单词 | 阿尔弗雷 |
释义 | 〔wish〕 Both usages are likely to sound stilted in informal style, however. ?Whenwish precedes a subordinate clause containing a contrary-to-fact statement, strict grammatical correctness requires that one usewere rather than was : I wish I were (not was ) lighter on my feet. Many writers continue to insist on this rule,but precedent for using the indicativewas in such clauses can be found in the works of many writers, including King Alfred and Jonathan Swift. See Usage Note at if ,want 但这两种用法在非正式文体中会显得不自然。当wish 后面接一个与事实相反的陈述句作从属分句时, 按严格的语法来说,应在从句中用were 代替 was : I wish I were (不是 was ) lighter on my feet(多希望我能步履轻盈。) 许多作家仍坚持这条规则,但在从句中用表陈述的was 可在许多作家包括金·阿尔弗雷德和约纳森·斯威夫特的作品中找到先例 参见 if,want〔Russell〕British philosopher, mathematician, social critic, and writer who had profound influence on the development of symbolic logic, logical positivism, and the set theory of mathematics. His written works includePrincipia Mathematica (1910-1913), written with Alfred North Whitehead, and A History of Western Philosophy (1945). He won the 1950 Nobel Prize for literature. 罗素,贝特朗·阿瑟·威廉:(1872-1970) 英国哲学家、数学家、社会评论家和作家。他对于符号逻辑、逻辑实证论和数学的体论体系的发展有很深的影响。他的书面作品有:《数学原理》 (1910-1913),与阿尔弗雷德·诺斯·怀特海合著和 《西方哲学史》 (1945年)。他获1950年诺贝尔文学奖 〔Krupp〕German family of steel and munitions manufacturers, includingFriedrich (1787-1826), who founded the Krupp Works in Essen (1811), and his son Alfred (1812-1887), who there began the production of ordnance (c. 1847). Alfred's granddaughter Bertha (1886-1957) and her husband Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach (1870-1950) were important in the secret rearming of Germany after World War I. 克鲁伯:德国的钢铁和军火生产家族,包括弗利德里希 (1787-1826年),他在埃森建立克鲁伯工厂(1811年),他的儿子 阿尔弗雷德 (1812-1887年),在那开始了军火生产(1847年)。阿尔弗雷德的外孙女 伯莎 (1886-1957年)和她的丈夫 古斯塔夫·克鲁伯·冯·波伦·哈尔巴赫 (1870-1950年),他们对于一战后在德国秘密地重新武装起了重要作用 〔Fontanne〕British-born American actress who in 1922 married Alfred Lunt, with whom she performed in many stage productions, includingPygmalion (1926). 芳达,林恩:(1887?-1983) 英裔的美国女演员,1922年与阿尔弗雷德·卢恩结婚,并与其一同表演了许多舞台剧,包括《卖花姑娘》 (1926年) 〔Knopf〕American publisher who founded (1915) and directed (1918-1972) Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.诺普夫,阿尔弗烈德·亚伯拉罕:(1892-1984) 美国出版商,他创建(1915年)并监管(1918-1972年)阿尔弗雷德·A·诺普夫公司〔London〕The capital and largest city of the United Kingdom, on the Thames River in southeast England. Greater London consists of 32 boroughs surrounding the City of London, built on the site of a Roman outpost named Londinium. Its growth as an important trade center dates from 886, under the rule of Alfred the Great. During the Elizabethan period (1558-1603) London achieved new heights of wealth, power, and influence and has continued to dominate its country's political, economic, and cultural life. The old city was devastated by the plague in 1665 and by the Great Fire of 1666; the modern city was damaged severely by bombs during World War II. Population, 6,851,400.伦敦:英邦联合王国的首都和最大城市,位于英格兰东南部泰晤士河沿岸。大伦敦由环绕伦敦市的三十二个自治城市组成,它建在一个名为伦迪尼厄姆的罗马前哨站上。自886年开始发展成为一个重要的贸易中心,当时由阿尔弗雷德一世执政。在伊丽莎白统治时期(1558-1603年),伦敦在财富、权力和影响力上达到新的高峰,并一直主宰着本国的政治、经济和文化生活。老城遭1665年瘟疫和1666年大火后摧毁;新城在第二次世界大战中被炸弹严重毁坏。人口6,851,400〔dynamite〕The same man who gave us dynamite gave us the Nobel Peace Prize,an irony that was surely not lost on the pacifistic Alfred Nobel himself.It is perhaps less well known that Nobel also contributed the worddynamite. Coined in Swedish in the formdynamit, the word was taken from Greekdunamis, "power,” and the Swedish suffix-it, which corresponds to our suffix-ite used in various scientific fields. Greekdunamis also gave us words such as dynamic and dynamo and itself probably goes back to the verbdunasthai, "to be able,” from which comesdynasty. 正是那个为我们制造炸药的人建立了诺贝尔和平奖,这种反语在阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔,这个和平主义者身上反映出来。而鲜为人知的是诺贝尔还创造了dunamite 这个词。 该词以瑞典语dynamit 形式创造, 取自希腊文dunamis ,意为“力量”, 再加上瑞典语的后缀-it, 相当于英文用于各种科学领域的后缀-ite。 希腊词dunamis 还向我们提供了其他词,如 dynamic 和 dynamo , 而后者本身可能追源到动词dunasthai , 由此又产生了dynasty 〔ideal〕"Religion is the vision of . . . something which is the ultimate ideal, and the hopeless quest" (Alfred North Whitehead).Amodel is something to be imitated and often something deserving of imitation: “宗教是极限理想的表现,但这种状态是永远无法达到的” (阿尔弗雷德·诺斯·怀特海德)。model 一词是指供人们模仿的并值得人们模仿的东西: 〔apprehend〕"Intelligence is quickness to apprehend" (Alfred North Whitehead). Both “情报很快会捕获的” (阿尔弗雷德·诺思·怀特黑德)。 |
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