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单词 阻塞
释义 〔impacted〕Wedged or packed in, so as to fill or block an organ or a passage:阻塞的:堵塞或挤在一起以致于填满或阻塞了一个器官或通道的:〔colic〕Severe abdominal pain caused by spasm, obstruction, or distention of any of the hollow viscera, such as the intestines. Often a condition of early infancy, colic is marked by chronic irritability and crying.腹痛:由中空内脏器官,如肠等的肿胀、阻塞或痉挛引起的剧烈腹痛,婴幼儿期的腹痛常以持续的躁怒和哭喊为特征〔choke〕To be unable to speak because of strong emotion.哽咽,噎住,阻塞:因感情激动而说不出话来〔bulwark〕 Barricade pertains broadly to a barrier to passage but usually implies hasty construction to meet an imminent threat. Barricade 更确切地说是阻塞通道的障碍物,但更多指用于应付紧急威胁的仓促建筑。〔freeze〕To become clogged or jammed because of the formation of ice:(由于结冰)而阻塞或堵住:〔backup〕An overflow or accumulation caused by clogging or by a stoppage:阻塞:由阻碍或停顿引起的泛滥或堆积:〔gorge〕a shipping lane blocked by an ice gorge.被冰块阻塞的航道〔occlusion〕The process of occluding.闭塞:阻塞的过程〔gorge〕A mass obstructing a narrow passage:障碍物:阻塞狭窄通道的团或块:〔block〕To stop or impede the passage of or movement through; obstruct:妨碍,封锁,阻塞:阻止或妨碍…穿越或移动;阻碍:〔Ngami〕A lake of northern Botswana north of the Kalahari Desert. The marshy lake covered an extensive area during the Pleistocene epoch but was greatly reduced in size during the 1880's, when papyrus growth blocked the mouth of its main tributary.恩加密湖:博茨瓦纳北部的一个湖,位于卡拉哈里沙漠北部。这个沼泽湖在更新世时代覆盖了广大的面积但在19世纪80年代大为缩小,因为纸莎草的生长阻塞了它的主要支流的入口〔consonant〕A speech sound produced by a partial or complete obstruction of the air stream by any of various constrictions of the speech organs.辅音:一种由语言器官的收缩所致的部分或完全的气流阻塞产生的语音〔chokepoint〕A point of congestion or obstruction.阻塞点:拥塞或阻塞的地点〔encumber〕from Old French encombrer [to block up] 源自 古法语 encombrer [阻塞,阻碍] 〔embarrass〕from imbarazzo [obstacle, obstruction] 源自 imbarazzo [障碍,阻塞] 〔bypass〕To avoid (an obstacle) by using an alternative channel, passage, or route.疏通:用替代的通道、管道或路线来避免(阻塞〔foul〕An instance of clogging or obstructing.阻塞:堵塞或淤塞的实例〔jam〕a drain that was jammed by debris.被残余物阻塞的下水道〔foul〕Clogged or obstructed; blocked:阻塞的,淤塞的;妨碍的:〔catch〕A choking or stoppage of the breath or voice.哽噎:呼吸或声音的哽塞或阻塞〔gag〕The act or an instance of gagging or choking.哽喉,呛到:阻塞或窒息的行为或事例〔embargo〕Vulgar Latin *barricāre [to barricade] from *barrīca [barrel, barrier] from *barra [bar, barrier] 俗拉丁语 *barricāre [阻塞] 源自 *barrīca [桶,障碍物] 源自 *barra [栅栏,障碍物] 〔embargo〕from Vulgar Latin *imbarricāre [to barricade] 源自 俗拉丁语 *imbarricāre [阻塞] 〔obstruent〕An obstruent medicine or agent.阻塞剂:一种用于阻塞的药物试剂〔gag〕To block off or obstruct (a pipe or valve, for example).阻塞(如管道或阀门)〔blank〕To block access to:挡住通路:阻塞通往…的道路:〔bypass〕An alternative passage created surgically to divert the flow of blood or other bodily fluid or circumvent an obstructed or diseased organ.导管:外科手术中用于使血液或其它体液绕过某一阻塞或病变了的器官的替换管〔stop〕To obstruct or block passage on (a road, for example).阻碍:在(如道路)上阻碍或阻塞通路〔cholestasis〕Suppression of biliary flow.胆汁郁积:胆汁分泌物的郁积阻塞〔hinder〕A huge snowdrift is blocking the entrance to the driveway.大雪堆阻塞了汽车专用道的入口。〔enclose〕ships penned up in the harbor during a blockade;阻塞期内困在港口的船只;〔tie〕To impede the progress of; block:阻碍…的进展;阻塞〔occlusion〕Something that occludes.闭塞物:阻塞…的事物〔tie〕The accident tied up traffic.事故阻塞了交通〔sinoatrial〕a sinoatrial heart block.窦房的心脏阻塞〔fill〕To stop or plug up (an opening, for example).塞住:停止或阻塞(比如一个开端)〔jam〕A crush or congestion of people or things in a limited space:阻塞:人或事物在有限的空间之内拥挤或拥塞:〔ischemia〕A decrease in the blood supply to a bodily organ, tissue, or part caused by constriction or obstruction of the blood vessels.局部缺血:身体某一器官,某一组织,或某一部位因血管收缩或阻塞而出现的供血减少〔stuff〕To block (a passage); plug:堵塞:阻塞(通道);堵住:〔endarterectomy〕Surgical excision of the inner lining of an artery that is clogged with atherosclerotic buildup.动脉内膜切除术:动手术切除因动脉粥样硬化阻塞而闭塞的动脉内层




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