单词 | 阻力 |
释义 | 〔counterforce〕A contrary or opposing force, especially a military force capable of destroying the nuclear armaments of an enemy.反力,阻力:一种相反或对立的力量,尤指能够摧毁敌人核军事装备的军事力量〔streamline〕To construct or design in a form that offers the least resistance to fluid flow.使成流线型:对提供液体流动最小阻力的形式构造或设计〔drag〕The retarding force exerted on a moving body by a fluid medium such as air or water.阻力:流体介质,如水或空气对移动物体施加的阻力〔hydrofoil〕A winglike structure attached to the hull of a boat that raises all or part of the hull out of the water when the boat is moving forward, thus reducing drag.水翼:一个类似翅膀的结构,其与船身相连,当船前驶时有助于减小阻力使整个或部分船只浮出水面〔streamlined〕Designed or arranged to offer the least resistance to fluid flow.流线型的:以提供流体最小阻力而设计或安排的〔ferrite〕Any of a group of nonmetallic, ceramiclike, usually ferromagnetic compounds of ferric oxide with other oxides, especially such a compound characterized by extremely high electrical resistivity and used in computer memory elements, permanent magnets, and various solid-state devices. Also called ferrate 铁酸盐:任何一组象陶瓷的非金属元素且通常为三氧化二铁和其它氧化物的铁磁化合物,尤指用于计算机存储元件、永久性磁铁及各种固态元件中以极高的电阻力为特点的此种化合物 也作 ferrate〔streamline〕A contour of a body constructed so as to offer minimum resistance to a fluid flow.流线型:为液体流动提供最小阻力而建造的形体的轮廓〔drag〕The degree of resistance involved in dragging or hauling.摩擦力:拖拉中所受阻力的程度〔free〕Not subject to external restraint:不受外部阻力支配的:〔pant〕It would seem unlikely that the name of a 4th-century Roman Catholic saint should be the ultimate source of a word for a modern article of clothing commonly worn by both men and women.Pants, however, can be traced back to Pantaleon, the patron saint of Venice. He became so closely associated with the inhabitants of that citythat the Venetians became popularly known asPantaloni. Consequently, among the commedia dell'arte's stock characters the representative Venetian (a stereotypically wealthy but miserly merchant) was calledPantalone. His name in French,Pantalon, was borrowed into English (first recorded around 1590). During the middle of the 17th centurythe French came to identify him with one particular style of trousers,and this same style became known aspantaloons in English. Pantaloons was later applied to another style of trousers that came into fashion toward the end of the 18th century, tight-fitting garments that had begun to replace knee breeches.After thatpantaloons was used to refer to trousers in general. The last step in the development of the wordpants met with some resistance. This abbreviation ofpantaloon was considered vulgar and, as Oliver Wendell Holmes put it,"a word not made for gentlemen, but ‘gents.’”First found in the writings of Edgar Allan Poe in 1840,pants has replaced the "gentleman's word" in English and has lost all obvious connection to Saint Pantaleon.看起来一位公元4世纪的罗马天主教徒的名字似乎不可能是这个做为男人和女人平常都穿的布做的现代物品的根本词源。Pants 但可以追溯到奥塔莱昂,威尼斯的庇护神。 他变得与这座城市里的居民联系得这样紧密,以至于威尼斯人也通俗的被称为Pantaloni 。 结果,在即兴喜剧的角色中那个有代表性的威尼斯人(一个愚富而吝啬的商人)被称作Pantalone。 他的法语名字Panlalon 被借用到英语中(初次记录大约在1590年)。 在17世纪中期,法国人开始把它与一种特殊类型的裤子等同起来,同一种类型的裤子在英语中是pantaloons 。 Pantaloons 后来被用作另一种类型的裤子并在18世纪末日渐流行, 紧身衣服已经开始取代齐膝马裤。在那以后,pantaloons 被用来泛指裤子。 在pants 一词发展的最后遇到了一些阻力。 Pantaloon 的缩写被认为是粗俗的, 并且正如奥立弗·温德尔·霍姆斯所说,“并不是为绅士而造的词,而是为‘家伙们所造’”。最早在1840年发现于艾德加·爱伦·坡的作品中,pants 在英语中已经替代了那个“绅士的语言”, 而且显然已失去了和圣奥塔莱昂的一切联系〔isometrics〕Exercise or a system of exercises in which isometric muscular contraction is used to strengthen and tone muscles, performed by the exertion of effort against resistance, usually of a stationary object.静力锻炼法:应用等长度的肌肉收缩来增强肌肉的锻炼或一套锻炼法,通常是对由一个静止物体产生的阻力进行训练〔frustrate〕"He was thwarted at every step by political obstacles" (William E.H. Lecky).Tofoil is to defeat by or as if by outwitting, confounding, or disconcerting: “他每一步都受到政治阻力的阻挠” (威廉·E·H·莱基)。Foil 被或似乎被欺骗、混淆或惊慌击败: 〔tack〕A course of action meant to minimize opposition to the attainment of a goal.行动方向:意在最大限度地减小达到一个目标所遇阻力的行动路线〔aerobraking〕The use of atmospheric drag rather than onboard thrusters to reduce the velocity of a satellite or spacecraft.大气层减速,大气阻力:利用大气层阻力而不是船载推进器来降低卫星或宇宙飞船的速度〔race〕To run too rapidly because of decreased resistance or a lighter load:使猛转:由于阻力减小或负荷变小而运转过于迅速:〔appendage〕"Water jets can be angled to either side, making rudders unnecessary, and the complete absence of appendages at the stern decreases hull resistance" (R.J.L. Dicker). An“水上喷气式飞机可不用方向舵而转向任何一个角度,同时因机尾完全没有附加部分而减少了机身阻力” (R.J.L.迪克)。〔easy〕Smooth suggests freedom from hindrances or difficulties that impede progress: Smooth 表示没有阻力或困难妨碍进步: 〔wear〕To break down or exhaust by relentless pressure or resistance.磨损,用坏:以不断的压力或阻力使磨损或坏掉〔resistance〕A force that tends to oppose or retard motion.阻力:倾向于妨碍或阻滞运动的力量〔touch〕an old piano with uneven touch.音键阻力高低不同的旧钢琴〔operate〕forces operating on the economy.影响经济增长的阻力〔pull〕Force exerted in pulling or required to overcome resistance in pulling.(牵引时所用的)力量:在拉时所施的力或要克服的阻力 |
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