单词 | 队员 |
释义 | 〔baseball〕A game played with a bat and ball by two opposing teams of nine players, each team playing alternately in the field and at bat, the players at bat having to run a course of four bases laid out in a diamond pattern in order to score.棒球游戏:一种用球棒和球由两队进行的比赛,每队各九个队员,每队在场地内轮流击球,为了得分,击球的球手必须在内场沿着设置有四垒的路线上跑〔kamikaze〕A Japanese pilot trained in World War II to make a suicidal crash attack, especially upon a ship.神风特攻队队员:日本空军的飞机驾驶员,第二次世界大战期间受训撞击军舰进行自杀性攻击〔Rugby〕A form of football in which players on two competing teams may kick, dribble, or run with the ball and in which forward passing, substitution of players, and time-outs are not permitted.英式橄榄球:一种橄榄球的形式,由两队踢,也可运球,带球跑,不允许向前传球、替换队员或暂停〔paper〕It is a good team on paper, but its members play poorly together.在理论上它是一支不错的队,可是队员们配合不好〔nonpareil〕the Yankees' nonpareil center fielder.洋基队无以匹敌的中锋外野队员〔outfield〕The members of a team playing in the outfield.外场人数:在外场比赛的队员人数〔inbound〕To put (the ball) into play by passing it from out of bounds to a teammate on the court.发边线球:通过从界外传(球)给场内一个队员把球置于比赛中〔encourage〕a half-time pep talk that inspirited the weary team. discourage 使疲乏队员们振作起来的中场休息时间所做的鼓舞士气的讲话 discourage〔Ruritanian〕designed Ruritanian uniforms for the honor guard.为仪仗队员设计的具有浪漫国特点的制服〔defenseman〕A team member, as in hockey, who plays a defensive zone or position.防守队员:如冰球运动中担任防守或处于防守位置的队员〔baseman〕A player assigned to first, second, or third base.垒手,守垒员:被分派到第一、第二或第三个垒上的队员〔paintball〕A game in which players on one team seek to eliminate those on an opposing team by marking them with a water-soluble dye shot in capsules from air guns.漆弹游戏:以装有水溶性漆胶囊弹的空气枪射出漆弹来消灭所有敌对队员的游戏〔platoon〕To play (a player) in alternation with another player in the same position:交替:(一个队员)与另一个队员在同一个位置上交替打:〔sum〕the sum of the team's combined experience.队员配合经验的集合〔fullback〕A primarily defensive backfield player in field hockey, soccer, or rugby whose position is near the defensive goal or goal line.防守后卫:在曲棍球、英式足球或英式橄榄球比赛中,主要在守卫区防守的位于防守球门或球门线附近的队员〔rink〕A team of players in quoits, bowling, or curling.参赛一方:掷环套圈游戏、保龄球或冰上滚石游戏的一队队员〔picked〕a racing yacht sailed by a picked crew.经过精选的队员所驾驶的赛艇〔take〕The player took it on the fly.队员接住高飞的球〔playmaker〕A player, especially a guard in basketball, who calls the signals for and initiates offensive plays.组织进攻的队员:发出进攻信号和发动进攻的队员,尤指篮球比赛中的后卫〔outshoot〕a pistol that easily outshoots others in its class; a basketball player who outshot all others on the team.轻而易举就比其同类射得更准的手枪;比球队里其他所有队员都投篮投得准的篮球球员〔irregular〕A soldier, such as a guerrilla, who is not a member of a regular military force.非正规军:非正规军队成员的士兵,如游击队队员〔fullback〕An offensive backfield player whose position is behind the quarterback and halfbacks and who primarily performs offensive blocking and line plunges.进攻后卫:位于四分卫和中卫之后的在守卫区进攻的队员,主要在对方守区内拦球和越过对方开球线〔Monk〕American football player. As a wide receiver with the Washington Redskins, he set (1992) a National Football League record for career receptions.蒙克,(詹姆士)阿瑟:美式足球运动员。作为华盛顿红皮肤人队的边接应队员,他(于1992年)创造了全国足球联赛的职业接球记录〔marine〕Marine A member of the U.S. Marine Corps. Marine 美国海军陆战队队员〔midfield〕Players whose usual positions are in the midfield.中场队员:通常位于中场的队员〔WAF〕A member of the Women in the Air Force, organized after World War II, but now no longer a separate branch.空军妇女队成员:空军妇女队中一个队员,该队组建于二次世纪大战之后,但现在已不是独立部队〔polo〕A game played by two teams of three or four players on horseback who are equipped with long-handled mallets for driving a small wooden ball through the opponents' goal.马球:由骑在马上的三名或四名队员的两个队来玩的一种游戏,两方队员都配有长柄的球棍来推动小木球击入对方的球门〔ranger〕A member of an armed troop employed in patrolling a specific region.巡逻队队员:被雇佣来在某特定区域巡逻的武装部队的成员〔maquis〕A member of the French underground organization that fought against the German occupation forces during World War II; a member of the Resistance. Also called Maquisard 法国抗德游击队队员:二战期间反抗德国占领军的法国地下组织的成员;抵抗运动的成员 也作 Maquisard〔Wren〕A member of the Women's Royal Naval Service.皇家海军女子服务队队员〔guardsman〕A National Guardmember.国民警卫队队员〔tackle〕Either of the two line players on a team positioned between the guard and the end.阻截队员:站位处于后卫和边锋之间的两名线上队员中的一名〔SPAR〕A member of the women's reserve of the U.S. Coast Guard, disbanded as a separate unit in 1946.(美国)海岸队妇女后备队队员:美国海岸警卫队的妇女后备队队员,该妇女后备队于1946年建立军制〔psych〕The coach psyched the team before the game.教练在赛前使队员在心理上充分作好准备〔Guardmember〕A National Guardmember.国民警卫队队员:国民警卫队的成员〔helmet〕A head covering of hard material, such as leather, metal, or plastic, worn by football players, firefighters, construction workers, motorcyclists, and others to protect the head.头盔:由坚硬材料如皮革、金属或塑料制成的头部覆盖物,由橄榄球队员、消防队员、建筑工人、摩托车骑手或其他人配戴,用以保护头部〔seaman〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above seaman apprentice and below petty officer.海岸警卫队队员:在美国海军或沿海警卫队中未授军官衔的队员,高于三等兵但低于海军军士〔ranger〕Ranger A member of a group of U.S. soldiers specially trained for making raids either on foot, in ground vehicles, or by airlift. Ranger 突击队员,特别行动队队员:美国特殊训练的在地面,于地面交通工具或在空中执行特殊袭击任务的士兵〔Mountie〕A member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.骑警队员:加拿大皇家骑警队员〔seed〕To arrange (the drawing for positions in a tournament) so that the more skilled contestants meet in the later rounds.安排:安排(比赛项目中的抽签)从而使较优秀的队员或参赛者在较后的几轮比赛中相遇 |
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