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单词 间接
释义 〔black〕Appearing to emanate from a source other than the actual point of origin. Used chiefly of intelligence operations:间接的:出自非真实的来源。主要指情报处理:〔indirection〕The quality or state of being indirect.间接性:具有间接的性质或状态〔reflection〕An indirect expression of censure or discredit:指责,怀疑:批评或不信任的间接的表达:〔indirect〕Not proceeding straight to the point or object.间接的:不是直接达到目的或终点的〔litotes〕A figure of speech consisting of an understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by negating its opposite, as inThis is no small problem. 间接肯定法:用有节制的陈述所构成一种修辞手法,即通过否定其反面来表达肯定的意思,例如在这并不是一个小问题 中 〔suggest〕Hint refers to an oblique or covert suggestion that often contains clues: Hint 指的是通常包含线索的间接的或较隐密的暗示: 〔allusive〕Containing or characterized by indirect references:暗指的;引用典故的:包含或以间接引用为特征的:〔backhanded〕Oblique or roundabout:间接的或拐弯抹角的:〔squint〕An oblique reference or inclination.间接的提及或倾向〔manipulate〕The central meaning shared by these verbs is "to influence, manage, use, or control to one's advantage by artful or indirect means": 这些动词有一个共同的中心意思:“通过巧妙的或间接的方式来影响、处理、利用或控制某人的优势”: 〔ambage〕ambages Winding ways or indirect proceedings. ambages 迂回的说法,间接的说法〔ploy〕An action calculated to frustrate an opponent or gain an advantage indirectly or deviously; a maneuver:计策,手段:旨在间接或不正当地挫败对手或获得权势的一种行为;计策:〔vicarious〕read about mountain climbing and experienced vicarious thrills.阅读有关爬山的报道而感到间接的激动心情〔repercussion〕An often indirect effect, influence, or result that is produced by an event or action.See Synonyms at impact 反响:由某一事件或行为产生的、通常是间接的后果、影响或结果 参见 impact〔sideswipe〕A glancing blow on or along the side.擦撞:击中或沿着侧部的间接打击〔insinuation〕Something insinuated, especially an artfully indirect, often derogatory suggestion.影射:影射的事情,特别是巧妙地间接的,通常是贬义的暗示〔sidelight〕A piece of incidental or contrasting information.间接的说明:一条非主要的或显明的信息〔secondary〕a secondary source; a secondary infection.间接来源;继发感染〔flash〕 Glance refers most often to light reflected obliquely: Glance 最常用于指间接反射的光: 〔hint〕A brief or indirect suggestion; a tip:提示,注意事项:简洁或间接的建议;提示:〔indirect〕Not directly planned for; secondary:间接的,次要的:不是打算直接取得的;第二步的:〔secondhand〕In an indirect manner; indirectly.以间接的方式;间接〔artifice〕These nouns are compared as they denote means for achieving an end by indirection.当这些名词表示为间接达到某目的的手段时作比较。〔sly〕These adjectives mean disposed to or marked by indirection or deviousness in the gaining of an end.这些形容词都有通过或表明通过间接或迂回手段最终获得。〔meiosis〕Rhetorical understatement.间接肯定法:修辞上之轻描淡写、有节制的说法〔suggest〕Intimate applies to indirect, subtle expression that often reflects discretion, tact, or reserve: Intimate 指一些反映出谨慎、技巧或保留的间接的、微妙的表达方式; 〔vintage〕"It was vintage Nixon: the fear of confrontation; the indirect approach; the acute insight"(Henry A. Kissinger)“这就是独特的尼克松:害怕对峙;方法间接;洞察力敏锐”(亨利A.基辛格)〔suggest〕These verbs mean to convey thoughts or ideas by indirection.这些动词的意思是用间接的方式传达思想或观点。〔herself〕Used reflexively as the direct or indirect object of a verb or as the object of a preposition:她自己:用作动词的直接或间接或者介词的反身宾语:〔fish〕To seek something in a sly or indirect way:沽名钓誉:用一种狡猾或间接的方法拐弯抹角地打探:〔allude〕Allude and allusion are often used where the more general terms refer and reference would be preferable. Allude and allusion apply to indirect references in which the source is not specifically identified: "Well, we'll always have Paris,” he told the travel agent, in an allusion to Casablanca. Refer and reference, unless qualified, usually imply specific mention of a source: I will refer to Hamlet for my conclusion: As Polonius says, "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.” See Usage Note at refer Allude 和 allusion 在使用时经常可以被更普遍的词 refer 和 reference 所代替。 Allude 和 allusion 用在来源没有特别指明的间接引用语中: “对,我们将永远拥有巴黎,”他对旅行社服务员说。这句话引自卡萨布兰卡。 Refer 和 reference 通常指明确提到出处,除非有所限制: 我将引用 哈姆雷特 里的话作为我的结论: 正如波洛涅斯所说,“尽管这是发疯,但其中颇有理性。” 参见 refer〔understand〕To learn indirectly, as by hearsay:得知,听说:间接获悉,如通过道听途说:〔wangle〕To use indirect, tricky, or fraudulent methods.假造:运用间接、狡猾或欺骗的方法〔mediate〕Acting through, involving, or dependent on an intervening agency.间接的:通过一中间媒介进行活动的,牵涉到中间媒介的,依赖于中间媒介的〔secondary〕Derived from what is primary or original:间接的:从初始的或最原始的衍生来的:〔roundabout〕"This conclusion was reached in a roundabout but nevertheless perfectly reliable way"(George Gamow)See Synonyms at indirect “这个结论是间接得出的,但得出结论的方式是相当可靠的”(乔治·伽莫夫) 参见 indirect〔allusion〕Without naming names, the candidate criticized the national leaders by allusion.没有指出姓名,候选人间接批评了国家领导们〔black〕black propaganda; black radio transmissions.间接宣传;间接无线电传送〔hint〕To indicate or make known in an indirect manner.暗示:以间接的方式表明




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