单词 | 镇压 |
释义 | 〔repress〕To put down by force, usually before total control has been lost; quell:镇压:通常在失去整体控制前用武力取缔;镇压:〔rebellion〕The 1956 uprising in Hungary was soon quelled by ruthless Soviet military action. 1956年匈牙利起义很快被残酷的苏联军队镇压了下去 〔township〕A subdivision of a county in most northeast and Midwest U.S. states, having the status of a unit of local government with varying governmental powers; a town.区:在大多数美国东北部和中西部的州中的一个县的再分区域,有相当于地方政府的地位,但有不同的政府权力;镇压〔Glendower〕Welsh rebel who led a revolt against Henry IV (1400), controlled most of Wales, and summoned his own parliament (1405) before being effectively crushed by English forces (1409).格伦道尔,欧文:(1359?-1416?) 威尔士叛乱者,他领导起义反抗亨利四世(1400年),控制了大部分威尔士,在被英国武力(1409年)有效镇压前召集了自己的议会(1405年)〔victory〕 Conquest connotes subduing, subjugating, or achieving mastery or control over someone or something: Conquest 表达了镇压、征服或者对某人或某物实现统治或者控制: 〔fascism〕A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.法西斯政权:一种以一人独裁下的中央集权为特征的统治方式,对社会经济实行严格控制,通过恐怖活动和新闻书刊的检查强力镇压反对党,典型的是好战的大国民族主义和种族主义〔put〕put down a rebellion.镇压了一起暴乱〔suppress〕 Suppress suggests the exercise of force that drastically inhibits or crushes: Suppress 表示使用力量来激烈地禁止或镇压: 〔brawl〕putting down a violent fracas among prison inmates;镇压监狱犯人间的暴力争斗;〔crackdown〕An act or example of forceful regulation, repression, or restraint:制裁:采取严厉措施、镇压、约束的行为或实例:〔strangle〕To suppress, repress, or stifle:压抑:压制、抑制或镇压:〔keep〕To prevent from growing, accomplishing, or succeeding:压制,镇压:阻止…成长、完成或成功:〔tread〕To press, crush, or injure something by or as if by trampling. Often used withon or upon : 践踏:通过践踏或好象通过践踏一样压制、镇压或伤害某物。常与on 或 upon 连用: 〔pacify〕To end war, fighting, or violence in; establish peace in.平定,镇压:在…结束战争、斗争或暴力;建立和平〔oppress〕premere [to press] * see per- 4premere [镇压] * 参见 per- 4〔quash〕To put down or suppress forcibly and completely:镇压,平息:用武力彻底地平息或镇压:〔dragoon〕To subjugate or persecute by the imposition of troops.用军队镇压或迫害〔Lincoln〕American general who commanded the troops that put down Shays's Rebellion (1787).林肯,本杰明:(1733-1810) 美国将军,在1787年领导军队镇压了谢可叛乱〔Shays〕American Revolutionary soldier and insurrectionist who with a band of armed men raided a government arsenal in Springfield, Massachusetts, to protest the state legislature's indifference to the economic plight of farmers (1787). The raid, known as Shays's Rebellion, was quashed by militia.谢伊斯,丹尼尔:(1747?-1825) 美国革命战士和起义者,他和一队武装群众袭击了马萨诸塞州的斯普林菲尔德市的一个政府军火库,以抗议政府立法对农民经济困境的漠视(1787年),这次被称作谢伊斯起义的袭击被民团镇压〔Kung〕Chinese leader who as prime minister and coregent (1862-1873) suppressed the Taiping Revolution (1864) and adopted many Western military techniques and materiel.恭亲王:中国掌权者,曾任总理和联合摄政王(1862-1873年)。1864年镇压了太平天国运动,他采用了许多西方军事技术和器械〔quell〕To put down forcibly; suppress:用武力平息;镇压:〔Hungary〕A country of central Europe. Hungary became an independent kingdom under Saint Stephen (ruled 997?-1038). It passed to the Turks after 1526 and was later divided between the Ottoman Empire and Austria, subsequently becoming part of the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary from 1867 until 1918, when it achieved independence again. A Communist regime was established in 1949 and with the aid of the U.S.S.R. suppressed a counterrevolutionary uprising in 1956. A new constitution, guaranteeing free multiparty elections, was adopted in 1989. Budapest is the capital and the largest city. Population, 10,657,000.匈牙利:中欧的一个国家。圣斯蒂芬时期(997?-1038在位)匈牙利成为独立王国。1526年被土耳其人占领,后被奥托帝国和奥地利瓜分,后来1867年至1918年成为奥匈帝国的一部分,直至1918年再次取得独立。1949年在苏联的帮助下建立了共产主义政府,1956年镇压了一起反革命暴动。1989年采用了一部新宪法,确保多党自由选举制。首都布达佩斯亦是全国最大的城市。人口10,657,000〔squash〕To put down or suppress; quash:消灭或镇压;粉碎:〔tread〕To subdue harshly or cruelly; crush.镇压:严厉或残酷地压制;挤压〔Guise〕French general and politician who suppressed the Huguenots.吉斯:法国将军及政治家,曾镇压胡格诺派〔declare〕To state one's intent to suppress or eradicate:声明意图镇压或消灭:〔oppress〕To keep down by severe and unjust use of force or authority:压迫,威迫:用严酷的或非正义的权力或权威镇压: |
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