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单词 野心
释义 〔stoop〕stooping to contemptible methods to realize their ambitions;为实现他们的野心而卑屈到采取可鄙的手段;〔ambitious〕Full of, characterized by, or motivated by ambition.野心勃勃的:充满雄心、野心的,以此为特点的或受其驱使的〔Guise〕French military leader who helped plan the massacre of Huguenots on Saint Bartholomew's Day, 1572. His designs on the throne led to his assassination by order of Henry III.吉斯:法国军事领袖,曾参与策划1572年圣巴托罗缪日对胡格诺派教徒的屠杀。由于其觊觑王位的野心导致他被国王亨利三世密谋刺杀〔infinite〕boundless ambition;无穷无尽的野心〔pamper〕He pampered his ambition for wealth and fame.他迁就自己谋求富有与名利的野心〔ambition〕An eager or strong desire to achieve something, such as fame or power.野心,企图心:获得如名誉或权力的强烈的欲望或渴望〔standard〕success, a touchstone of opportunity, ambition, and ability;成功是机遇、野心和能力的试金石;〔naked〕the naked facts; naked ambition.明明白白的事实;明显的野心〔summit〕"This [appointment] had been the summit of Mr. Bertram's ambition" (Sir Walter Scott).“这 曾一直是伯特伦先生的野心的极点” (华尔特·司各特爵士)。〔dominate〕Ambition dominated their lives.他们的生活受野心驱使〔blond〕It is usual in English to treatblond as if it required gender marking, as in French, spelling itblonde when referring to women and blond elsewhere. But this practice is in fact a relatively recent innovation,and some have suggested that it has sexist implicationsand that the formblond should be used for both sexes. There is certainly a measure of justice to the claim that the two forms are not used symmetrically.Since English does not normally mark adjectives according to the gender of the nouns they modify,it is natural to interpret the final-e as expressing some additional meaning, perhaps because it implies that hair color provides a primary category of classification for women but not men.This association of hair color and a particular perception of feminine identity is suggested in phrasessuch asdumb blonde and Is it true blondes have more fun? or in Susan Brownmiller's depiction of Hollywood's "pantheon of celebrated blondes who have fed the fantasies of men and fueled the aspirations of women.” The corresponding masculine formblond, by contrast, is not ordinarily used to refer to men in contexts in which hair color is not specifically at issue; there is something arch in a reference toLeslie Howard, Robert Redford, and other celebrated blonds. See Usage Note at brunette 在英语中,通常在使用blond 时似乎认为这个词需要性别标志。 正如在法语中,指女性时拼作blonde ,指其他时拼作 blond 。 但这实际上是较新的一种用法,一些人就曾认为这个词本身就带有性别的含义,而且blond 可同时用于两种性别。 两种形式并没有相应地使用的说法是有几分道理。因为英语中通常并不根据形容词修饰的名词的性而加以标明,很自然地就词尾的-e 看作附加的意思的表示, 这也许是由于它暗示头发的颜色是女性而不是男性提供了一个鉴别的首要类型。这种把头发颜色和女性鉴别的特殊方法联系在一起的作法,在如下的一些句子中有所体现,dump blonde(愚蠢的女人) 和 Is it true blondes have more fun?(金发女人真的更有情趣吗?) 或苏珊·布朗米勒的《好莱坞》中的描写的 "pantheon of celebrated blondes who have fed the fantasies of men and fueled the aspirations of women"(一些曾满足男人的幻想和勾起女人的野心的显赫女明星)。 不同的是相对应的男性的强调形式blond, 在行文中没有特别头发颜色的情况下通常并不专指男性; 如这句说法有调侃的意味的例句Leslie Howard, Robert Redford, and other celebrated blonds(莱斯利·霍华德,罗伯特·莱德佛拉和其他著名的金发明星中) 参见 brunette〔emulation〕Effort or ambition to equal or surpass another.竞争,好胜心:争取赶上或超过另一个的努力或野心〔mean〕"chok'd with ambition of the meaner sort" (Shakespeare). “被那种狭窄的野心憋得透不过气来” (莎士比亚)。 〔Samnium〕An ancient country of central and southern Italy. The expansionist desires of its rulers led to the Samnite Wars (343-290b.c. ) and the ultimate defeat of Samnium by Rome. 桑尼姆:意大利中部和南部一个古国,其君主的扩张野心导致了桑尼特战争(公元前 343-290年),并被罗马战败 〔satiate〕Even the surrender of half of Europe failed to glut Hitler's ambition.即使是半个欧洲的投降也不能满足希特勒的野心〔Buckingham〕English courtier who was a prominent member of the influential group known as the Cabal that formed the ministry of Charles II after the Restoration. A vain and ambitious individual, Buckingham was dismissed for misconduct in 1674.白金汉:英王重臣,五大臣小集团的引人注目的成员。该集团曾组建王朝复辟后查理二世内阁。他是一个傲慢且怀野心的人,1674年因滥用职权被免职〔thwart〕To oppose and defeat the efforts, plans, or ambitions of.See Synonyms at frustrate 阻挠,挫败:反对或击败…的努力、计划或野心 参见 frustrate〔disguise〕ambition that is masked as altruism. 利他主义掩盖下的野心




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