单词 | 重叠 |
释义 | 〔stereopticon〕A magic lantern, especially one with two projectors arranged so as to produce dissolving views.立体感幻灯机:一种魔术灯,尤指那种具有两个排列的投射机以制造出重叠画面效果的〔historic〕Historic and historical are differentiated in usage, though their senses overlap.Historic refers to what is important in history: Historic 和 historical 尽管在意义上有重叠的地方, 但用法上有区别。Historic 指历史上有重要意义的: 〔strobilus〕A conelike structure, such as a pine cone, the fruit of the hop, or a cone of a club moss, that consists of overlapping sporophylls spirally arranged along a central axis.球果:果状结构,如松果,啤酒花的果实,或石松果,由沿中心轴呈螺线型分布的重叠孢子叶组成〔mosaic〕A composite picture made of overlapping, usually aerial, photographs.组合图画:由重叠的,通常由航空照相制成的组合图画〔triplane〕An airplane with wings placed above each other in three levels.三翼机:具有三个重叠的机翼的飞机〔orogeny〕The process of mountain formation, especially by a folding and faulting of the earth's crust.造山运动,造山作用:山脉的形成过程,特别是由于地壳的重叠和断裂造成的〔testudo〕A cover formed by the overlapping shields of besiegers and held over their heads.龟甲形连环盾:由持于围攻者头顶的重叠盾牌构成的覆盖〔superpose〕back-formation from superposition [superposition] 源自 superposition的逆构词 [重叠] 〔sympatric〕Occupying the same or overlapping geographic areas without interbreeding. Used of populations of closely related species.分布区重叠的,同域的:其分布的地理区域相同或部分重叠,但相互间并不杂交的用于紧密相联的物种群体〔convoluted〕Having numerous overlapping coils or folds:有褶皱的:有许多重叠螺旋或褶皱的:〔override〕To extend over; overlap.与…重叠:伸展在…的上面;使重叠〔lap〕To place or lay (something) so as to overlap another:重叠,搭叠:放置或铺设(某物)以盖住其它物:〔convolute〕To coil or fold or cause to coil or fold in overlapping whorls.卷绕:(使)盘绕起来或(使)卷起成重叠的螺旋状物〔lame〕A thin metal plate, especially one of the overlapping steel plates in medieval armor.重叠金属片:一种薄的金属片,尤指那种用于中世纪盔甲上的重叠金属片〔valvate〕Meeting at the edges without overlapping, as some petals do.镊合状的:在没有重叠的情状下边上镊合的,例如花瓣〔husband〕We gain an insight into the history of the wordhusband by considering the Old English word hūsbōnde, meaning "the mistress of a house.”Ifhūsbōnde had survived into Modern English, husband, its modern form, would have been very ambiguous.The fact thathūsbōnde could mean "mistress of a house" helps us see the elements that make up the Old English ancestor of our wordhusband. Hūscorresponds to house. The element-bōnde is the feminine form of -bōnda, the second element of Old Englishhūsbōnda. The entire Old English word is a borrowing of the Old Icelandic wordhūsbōndi, meaning "the master of a house.”The second element inhūsbōndi, bōndi, means "a man who has land and stock" and comes from the verbbūa, meaning "to live, dwell, have a household.” The master of the house was of course usually the spouse of a wife as well,and it would seem that our main current sense ofhusband arises from this overlap. 考察一下古英语中husbonde 这个词,我们就会对 husband 这个词的历史有一定了解, 意思是“房子的女主人”。假如husbonde 这个词能留存在现代英语中, 作为husbonde 的现代形式, 它的意思会变得很模糊。husbonde 的意思是“房子的女主人”, 这有助于我们找出那些构成古英语中我们今天的husband这个词的前身。 Hus对应 house 。 -bonde 是 -bonda 的阴性形式, 古英语中 husbonda 的第二个部分。 这个古英语中的词整体上借自冰岛语中的 husbondi , 意思是“房子的男主人”。husbondi, bondi 第二部分的意思是“一个拥有土地和牲畜的男子”, 它来自动词 bua ,意思是“生活、居住、拥有一个家”。 一座房子的男主人当然通常也是妻子的配偶,看起来今天husband 这个词的中心意思源于这种重叠 〔practicable〕Practicable means "feasible" as well as "usable"and hence overlaps in meaning to some extent withpractical, which can mean "useful.” However,practicable does not share any other senses with practical. Practicable 意为“可行的”, 也有“可用的”之意,所以在意义上与意为“有用的”practical 有一定程度的重叠。 然而,practicable 与 pratical 没有其他意义的重合 〔barracuda〕from Spanish dialectal barraco [overlapping tooth] 源自 西班牙方言 barraco [重叠的牙齿] 〔lap〕The act of lapping or encircling.重叠或折叠的动作〔wool〕The dense, soft, often curly hair forming the coat of sheep and certain other mammals, such as the goat and alpaca, consisting of cylindrical fibers of keratin covered by minute overlapping scales and much valued as a textile fabric.毛:浓密的、柔软的、经常卷曲的毛,形成羊和其它哺乳动物的外皮(如山羊和羊驼),由被精细重叠的鳞片覆盖的圆筒形角质素纤维构成,作为一种织物纤维而十分珍贵〔spica〕A bandage applied in overlapping opposite spirals to immobilize a digit or limb.人字形绷带,穗形绷带:用来固定关节或肢体的用交叉回旋重叠的方法绑缚的绷带〔convolute〕Rolled or coiled together in overlapping whorls, as certain leaves, petals, or shells.盘旋的:某些叶、花瓣或贝壳等卷曲或盘绕成重叠的螺旋状物的〔cruciate〕Overlapping or crossing, as the wings of some insects when at rest.重叠的,交叉的:某些昆虫休息时其翅膀重迭的或交叉的〔subtractive〕Of, relating to, or being a photographic process that produces a positive image by superposing or mixing substances that selectively absorb colored light.减色:属于或关于一种生成正象的摄影过程,通过混和或重叠能够选择性地吸收有色光的物质〔sympatry〕The occurrence of sympatric species or forms.分布区重叠,同域:分布区重叠的品种或类型的出现〔bond〕An overlapping arrangement of bricks or other masonry components in a wall.砌瓦,砌石:砌墙中砖块或其他石造物的一种重叠砌合方式〔superposition〕The act of superposing or the state of being superposed:迭加:重叠的状态或动作:〔corbeling〕An overlapping arrangement of bricks or stones in which each course extends farther out from the vertical of the wall than the course below.梁托结构:每一层比底下一层从垂直面凸出更多的一种砖或石的重叠结构〔gantlet〕A section of double railroad tracks formed by the temporary convergence of two parallel tracks in such a way that each set remains independent while traversing the same ground, affording passage at a narrow place without need of switching.套式铁轨:一段铁路轨道,其中两股道由于两条平行轨道暂时会聚而重叠,并使得每一股轨道都各有一根钢轨位于另一股轨道的两根钢轨之间,使得在狭窄的地方不需要换轨〔tintinnabulum〕We may have little occasion to use the wordtintinnabulum, "a small, tinkling bell,” but it nonetheless teaches us something important about the formation of words.The English word, first used in 1597,was adopted from Latin,in whichtintinnābulum, meaning "a bell,” was derived from the verbtintinnāre, "to make a sound such as a ringing or jangling.” Tintinnāre was in turn derived from tinnīre, "to ring or clang.” Tinnīre is formed by a process called onomatopeia, or the formation of words that imitate what they denote.In the case oftinnīre we can hear the resemblance betweentinn- and a jingle or a ring. The verbtintinnāre was created from tinnīre by a process known as reduplication, in this case meaning thattin- duplicates tinn-. Tintinn- does indeed suggest a jingling, ringing sound.And a tintinnabulum makes such a sound.我们可能很少有机会用到tintinnabulum “一个小的叮铛响的铃”这个词, 但它能够告诉我们一些关于词的构成的一些重要情况。首次使用这个英语词是在1597年,它来源于拉丁文。在拉丁文中,tintinnabulum 的意思是“钟”, 它是从动词tinnare (“发出鸣响或叮铛这样的声音”)衍生而来。 Tintinnare 是从 tinnire (“鸣响或发出铛铛声”)演化而来。 Tinnire 是通过所谓的拟声构词法形成, 也就是词语模仿其所指的东西的构词法。在tinnire 这一实例中, 我们可以听出tinn- 与叮铛或鸣响之间的类似。 动词tintinnare 通过叠词构词法由 tinnire 而来, 就是说tin- 与 tinn-重叠。 Tintinn 的确让人想起这种声音。小铃铛正是发出这样一种声音〔lap〕To form a lap or fold.造成重叠或折叠〔stretto〕A close succession or overlapping of voices in a fugue, especially in the final section.赋格、卡农中的密接和应:在赋格曲中紧密的和应或声音的重叠,尤其在最后的部份〔strikeover〕The act or an instance of typing a character over one already typed.打字中的西字母重叠:在一个已经打印好的印刷符号上打上另一个印刷符号的行为或例子〔allopatric〕Occurring in separate, nonoverlapping geographic areas. Often used of populations of related organisms unable to crossbreed because of geographic separation.异域种的:分布在不同地区的,分布区不重叠的,常指由于地理分隔而不能杂交的相关生物的族群〔chiral〕Of or relating to the structural characteristic of a molecule that makes it impossible to superimpose it on its mirror image.对掌性的,手征性的:一种特征为不能和自身的镜像重叠的分子结构或与之相关的〔overlap〕To lie or extend over and cover part of.重叠:位于或延至…上面且遮住…的一部分〔overlap〕To lie over and partly cover something.互搭,重叠:位于某物上且部分地遮盖住它〔seam〕A similar line, ridge, or groove made by fitting, joining, or lapping together two sections along their edges.接缝,焊缝:通过将两个部分拼合、连接或重叠而形成的相类似的线、边或槽〔overlap〕A part or portion that overlaps or is overlapped.重叠部分:重叠或被重叠的部分〔blatant〕It is natural thatblatant and flagrant are often confused, since the words overlap in meaning.Both attribute conspicuousness and offensiveness to certain acts.Butblatant emphasizes the failure to conceal the act: 混淆单词blatant 和 flagrant 是很自然的, 因为两词有重叠含义,都是指某种行为的引人注意和令人讨厌。但是blatant 强调没有隐藏这种行为: |
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