单词 | 里克 |
释义 | 〔fountainhead〕"the intellectual fountainhead of the black conservatives"(Jerrold K. Footlick)“黑人保守党人的智力源泉”(杰罗尔德K.福特里克)〔Clark〕American astronomer and lens manufacturer who with his sonAlvan Graham Clark (1832-1897) made the objective lenses of the world's two largest refracting telescopes, one at Lick Observatory in California (1888) and one at Yerkes Observatory in Wisconsin (1897). 克拉克,阿尔凡:(1804-1887) 美国天文学家及透镜制造者,和其子埃尔文·格拉汉姆·克拉克 (1832-1897年)制造了世界上两个最大的折射望远镜的物镜,一个置于加利福尼亚的里克观测台(1888年),另一个置于威斯康星的耶基斯观测台(1897年) 〔Adwa〕A town of northern Ethiopia south of Asmara. Emperor Menelik II decisively defeated the Italians here in 1896 to secure recognition of Ethiopia's independence. Population, 21,107.埃德华:埃塞俄比亚北部一城镇,位于阿斯马拉的南部,1896年迈拿里克皇帝二世在此决定性地击败了意大利人,从而保障了对埃塞俄比亚独立的承认。人口21,107〔Eniwetok〕An atoll in the Ralik Chain of the Marshall Islands in the west-central Pacific Ocean. It was the site of U.S. atomic tests from 1948 to 1954.艾尼威多克:美国在太平洋中西部马歇尔群岛的拉里克环岛中的一个环礁小岛,是美国1948-1954年间原子弹试验基地〔Fechner〕German psychologist and physicist who studied the relationship between strength of stimulus and intensity of sensation, thereby founding psychophysics.费克纳,古斯塔夫·狄奥多里克:(1801-1887) 德国心理学家及物理学家,他对刺激力量与感情强烈程度之间的关系进行研究,进而创立了物理心理学〔Limerick〕A borough of southwest Ireland on the Shannon River estuary. It was an important Norse settlement in the 9th and 10th centuries and was taken by the English in the late 12th century. The city is noted for its fine lace. Population, 60,736.利默尼里克:爱尔兰西南部一地区,位于香农河河口。在9世纪和10世纪时是斯堪的纳维亚人的重要居住地,在12世纪后期被英格兰人占领。以出产精美的绣花边闻名。人口60,736〔Delany〕American physician and social reformer who founded and edited theNorth Star (1847-1849) with Frederick Douglass. 德莱尼,马丁·鲁滨逊:(1812-1885) 美国内科医生和社会改革家。他和弗莱德里克道格拉斯创办并编辑了《北极星》 (1847-1849年) 〔Majorca〕An island of Spain in the western Mediterranean Sea off the east-central coast of the mainland. The largest of the Balearic Islands, it was the center of an independent kingdom from 1276 until 1343. Tourism is its major industry.马约卡岛:西班牙在地中海西部的一个岛屿,位于大陆的中东部海岸线之外,是巴利里克群岛最大的一个岛屿,在1276年至1343年间曾是一个独立王国的中心。旅游业是其支柱产业〔Faliscan〕A member of an ancient Italic people of southern Etruria.法利希人:居住在伊特拉里亚南部的古代伊特里克人〔Hamilton〕A peak, 1,285 m (4,213 ft) high, of western California east of San Jose. It is the site of Lick Observatory, built in 1876 to 1888 and directed by the University of California.汉密尔顿:美国加利福尼亚西部一座山峰,海拔1,285米(4,213英尺),位于圣何塞以东,它是里克天文台的座落地,该台建于1876年至1888年,归加利福尼亚大学所有〔Nueces〕A river of southern Texas flowing about 507 km (315 mi) toNueces Bay, an inlet of the Gulf of Mexico near Corpus Christi. 纽埃西斯河:美国得克萨斯南部的一条河流,流程约507公里(315英里)至纽西斯湾 ,科珀斯里克蒂安附近墨西哥海湾的一个水湾 |
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