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单词 部位
释义 〔afflux〕A flow to or toward an area, especially of blood or other fluid toward a body part:流向:流向或汇入某个区域的流动物,特指流向身体某个部位的血液或其他液体:〔palpate〕To examine or explore by touching (an organ or area of the body), usually as a diagnostic aid.See Synonyms at touch 触诊:通过触摸(器官或身体某一部位)检查或探查,通常为诊断方法 参见 touch〔back〕The analogous dorsal region in other animals.动物的背部:其它动物相似的背部部位〔futtock〕One of the curved timbers that forms a rib in the frame of a ship.复肋材:构成船的肋骨部位的曲线形木材〔lupus〕Any of several diseases, especially systemic lupus erythematosus, that principally affect the skin and joints but often also involve other systems of the body.狼疮:任一种主要发作于皮肤和关节,但也常感染身体其它部位的疾病,尤指全身性红斑狼疮〔intima〕The innermost membrane of an organ or a part, especially the inner lining of a lymphatic vessel, an artery, or a vein.内膜:器官或部位最里面的膜,特指淋巴管、动脉或静脉的内里〔ambulacrum〕One of the five radial areas on the undersurface of the starfish and similar echinoderms, from which the tube feet are protruded and withdrawn.步带:海星和类似棘皮动物底部五个辐射状排列部位中的一个,触手从这里进行伸缩〔glomerulonephritis〕A form of nephritis characterized by inflammation of the renal glomeruli.肾小球性肾炎:肾炎的一种,以肾脏小球腺部位发炎为特征〔part〕An organ, a member, or another division of an organism.器官:有机体的器官、部位或其它分割形式〔shoulder〕The part of an animal near this joint.肩部:动物在这种关节附近的部位〔highlighter〕A cosmetic for emphasizing areas of the face, such as the eyes or cheekbones.轮廓色:一种用于突出面部某些部位,如眼睛或颊骨的化妆品〔airglow〕A low- or middle-latitude, more or less steady, faint photochemical luminescence in the upper atmosphere.气辉:大气层上部位于低纬或中纬的相对稳定的微弱光化冷光〔dose〕The amount of radiation administered as therapy to a given site.射线剂量:作为治疗,对指定部位施用的射线剂量〔heterologous〕Of or relating to cytologic or histological elements not normally occurring in a designated part of the body.异质的:在身体的某一特定部位不正常地出现细胞或组织成分的〔neb〕A projecting part, especially a nib.向前突出的部位,尤指笔尖〔pin〕A slender, usually cylindrical piece of wood or metal for holding or fastening parts together, or serving as a support for suspending one thing from another, as:销子,钉子:一种细长且常为圆柱形的木制或金属物,用来使各部位固定或使一物悬于另一物,比如:〔paraneoplastic〕Of or relating to a syndrome or other systemic disturbance associated with but not directly related to a primary tumor or its metastases.肿瘤伴随的:与主要肿瘤及其扩散部位关联但并非直接关联的症状或其他系统紊乱的,或与其相关的〔invasive〕Of or relating to a medical procedure in which a part of the body is entered, as by puncture or incision.侵入的:属于或关于身体的部位被侵入,例如被穿刺或切口穿入之医疗过程的〔scanner〕A device, such as a CAT scanner or PET scanner, for observing internal organs, tissues, and other parts of the body,放射性扫描仪:用来观察内部器官、组织或身体其它部位的扫描仪器,如计算机断层扫描仪或正电子发射层析扫描仪〔paralysis〕Loss or impairment of the ability to move a body part, usually as a result of damage to its nerve supply.瘫痪症,麻痹症:通常由于移动身体某一部位的神经供给受破坏而使其能力丧失或受阻〔loin〕One of several cuts of meat, such as tenderloin, taken from this part of an animal's body, typically including the vertebrae of the segment from which it is taken.腰肉:从动物身体的这一部分切下来的肉,如嫩腰肉,尤指包括所切下部位的脊椎的肉〔mug〕The area of the human mouth, chin, and jaw.人的嘴、下巴和颏的部位〔crowfoot〕Any of several other plants having leaves or other parts somewhat resembling a bird's foot.似鸟蹼植物:任一种叶子或其它部位象鸟蹼的其它植物〔midgut〕The middle portion of the digestive tract of certain invertebrates, such as arthropods, lined with an enzyme-secreting tissue and serving as the main site of digestion and absorption.中央管:某些无脊椎动物,如节肢动物消化管的中央部分,上面布有分泌酶的组织,为消化和吸收的主要部位〔crop〕A pouchlike enlargement of a bird's gullet in which food is partially digested or stored for regurgitation to nestlings.嗉囊:鸟类食管部位的囊状的扩大部分,用来对食物进行部分消化或贮存食物进行反刍来喂食雏鸟〔junction〕A transition layer or boundary between two different materials or between physically different regions in a single material, especially:交界处:两种不同的物质,或单个物质的不同部位之间的过渡层或过渡边界,尤指:〔studwork〕The supportive framework of a wall or partition.墙或隔板的支撑部位〔disease〕A pathological condition of a part, an organ, or a system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms.病,疾病:有机体的某一部位、某一器官或系统处于病理状态,由各种因素引起,如传染、遗传缺陷或环境紧张,而且以被视为相同的一组表象或症状为特征〔pterygoid〕Of, relating to, or located in the region of the sphenoid bone; a pterygoid muscle.翼状突的:蝶骨的,与其有关的或位于其部位的;一块翼状肌肉〔thorax〕A part in other vertebrates that corresponds to the human thorax.胸部:其它脊椎动物的身体上和人胸部相应的部位〔hip〕The laterally projecting prominence of the pelvis or pelvic region from the waist to the thigh.髋,髋部:从腰部至大腿向侧方伸出的骨盆或骨盆部位的突出部分〔layer〕A single thickness of a material covering a surface or forming an overlying part or segment:层:覆在表面的物质或形成叠盖的部分或部位〔crissum〕The feathers or area under the tail of a bird surrounding the cloacal opening.肛周:鸟类尾下泄殖腔开口周围的羽毛或部位〔spot〕A position or an item in an ordered arrangement.部位,位置:在一个特定序列中的位置或项目〔waist〕The narrow part of the abdomen of an insect.昆虫腹部的较窄部位〔virescence〕The state or process of becoming green, especially the abnormal development of green coloration in plant parts normally not green.绿色,异常变绿:变绿的状态或过程,尤指在植物通常不为绿色的部位产生不正常的绿色〔tumbler〕A projecting piece on a revolving or rocking part in a mechanism that transmits motion to the part it engages.转臂:机械装置中转动或摇动部分上的凸出部分,用来把另一机体移到啮合部位〔scale〕A similar part, such as one of the minute structures overlapping to form the covering on the wings of butterflies and moths.鳞状物:一种类似部位,如覆盖于蝴蝶或蛾子翅膀上形成覆盖物的微结构〔instep〕The arched middle part of the human foot between the toes and the ankle.脚背:人脚足尖和踝骨之间突起的中间部位〔tumescence〕A swollen part or organ.肿胀的部位或器官




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