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单词 那种
释义 〔enmity〕 Antagonism is hostility that quickly results in active resistance, opposition, or contentiousness: Antagonism 是那种迅速导致积极抵制、反对或争议性的敌意: 〔varietal〕A wine made principally from one variety of grapes and carrying the name of that grape.用特定品种葡萄酿造的:基本上从一种葡萄中制作出来并具有那种葡萄的名称的酒〔dictatorial〕 Dictatorial stresses the inclination to exercise authority in the highhanded, peremptory manner characteristic of a dictator: Dictatoral 强调了那种爱国、独裁者行使权力时特有的傲慢专横的方式: 〔stereopticon〕A magic lantern, especially one with two projectors arranged so as to produce dissolving views.立体感幻灯机:一种魔术灯,尤指那种具有两个排列的投射机以制造出重叠画面效果的〔reanimate〕Her dancing reanimates the classical style.她的舞蹈使那种古典风格复苏了〔secretin〕A polypeptide hormone produced in the duodenum, especially on contact with acid, to stimulate secretion of pancreatic juice.分泌腺:在十二指肠中产生的多肽荷尔蒙,尤指一经与酸接触便刺激胰液分泌的那种〔leotard〕A snugly fitting, stretchable one-piece garment with or without sleeves that covers the torso, worn especially by dancers, gymnasts, acrobats, and those engaging in exercise workouts.紧身连衣裤:一种覆盖人体躯干的带袖或无袖的服装,其特点为紧贴合身、伸缩性的衣裤相连,尤指舞蹈演员、体操运动员、杂技演员以及那些从事体育锻炼者穿的那种〔tepid〕"the tepid conservatism of the fifties"(Irving Howe)“五十年代那种温和的保守主义”(欧文·豪)〔phalanstery〕The buildings in such a community.社会共同组合会会馆:在那种社会里的建筑〔concinnity〕"He has what one character calls ‘the gifts of concinnity and concision,’ that deft swipe with a phrase that can be so devastating in children"(Elizabeth Ward)“他具有那种被称为‘优美和简洁的天赋’的特点,这个对孩子震动巨大的字眼深深刺痛了他们”(伊丽莎白·沃德)〔dynamo〕A generator, especially one for producing direct current.发电机:发电机,尤指能产生直流电的那种〔conventional〕longed to escape from their conventional, bourgeois lives.渴望脱离他们那种呆板的中产阶级生活〔militate〕"All these factors militated to a different targeting priority"(Tom Clancy)"The chaste banality of his prose . . . militates against the stories' becoming literature"(Anthony Burgess)“所有这些因素导致了一个不同的重点”(汤姆·克兰西)“他行文中那种平铺直叙,故作高雅的陈词滥调…妨碍了这些小说成为真正的文学作品”(安东尼·伯吉斯)〔chagrin〕The ultimate etymology of the wordchagrin, which comes directly to us from French, is considered uncertain by many etymologists. At one timechagrin was thought to be the same word as shagreen, "a leather or skin with a rough surface,” derived from French chagrin. The reasoning wasthat in French the word for this rough material, which was used to smooth and polish things,was extended to the notion of troubles that fret and annoy a person.It was later decided, however,that the sense "rough leather" and the sense "sorrow" each belonged to a different French wordchagrin. Other etymologists have offered an alternative explanation,suggesting that the French wordchagrin, "sorrow,” is a loan translation of the German word Katzenjammer, "a morning-after-the-night-before feeling.” A loan translation is a type of borrowing from another languagein which the elements of a foreign word,as inKatzen, "cats,” and Jammer, "distress, seediness,” are assumed to be translated literally by corresponding elements in another language,in this case,chat, "cat,” and grigner, "to grimace.” The actual etymology is less colorful,with the word probably going back to a Germanic word,.gramī, meaning "sorrow, trouble.”Chagrin is first recorded in English in 1656 in the now obsolete sense "anxiety, melancholy.”我们从法语直接借用的词chagrin 的最终词源被许多词源学家认为是不能确定的。 Charin 曾经被认为和由法语词 chagrin 派生出来的 shagreen “有粗糙表面的皮革或皮肤”是同一个词。 理由是,这种粗糙材料是用来打磨和抛光物品用的,法语里的这个词被引申到有了使人懊恼和烦恼的意思。但后来才确定,“粗糙的皮革”的含义和“沮丧”的含义分属于一个不同的法语词chagrin 。 别的词源学家提出了另外一种解释,说法语词chagrin “沮丧”是借译于日耳曼语词 Katzenjammer “醉后的难受感”。 借译是借用另一种语言,即外语词的成分,如Katzen “猫”,和 Jammer “沮丧,不舒服”, 并照那种语言的对应成分直译过来,在这种情况下为chat “猫”和 grigner “做怪相”。 实际的语源没有这么富于趣味,这个词极可能要追溯到日耳曼语词grami , 意思为“愁苦,麻烦”。Chagrin 第一次出现在英语里有记载的时间是在1656年, 当时的含义“焦虑,忧郁”现已过时不用〔focus〕"He was forever taken aback by[New York's] pervasive atmosphere of purposefulness—the tight focus of its drivers, the brisk intensity of its pedestrians" (Anne Tyler)“他久久地惊诧于[纽约] 所弥漫的那种目的性很强的气氛——司机们的高度集中以及行人的步伐紧凑快速” (安妮·泰勒)〔right〕"Our children are not individuals whose rights and tastes are casually respected from infancy, as they are in some primitive societies" (Ruth Benedict).“我们的孩子不是那种从婴儿期起,其权力和爱好就好象他们在低等社会那样被漫不经心地看待的人” (露丝·本尼迪克特)。〔shoe〕I wouldn't want to be in her shoes.我可不想处于她那种境地〔rancid〕Having the disagreeable odor or taste of decomposing oils or fats; rank.腐臭的:具有变质食油或脂肪那种难闻气味或味道的;恶臭难闻的〔shot〕pl. shot Tiny lead or steel pellets, especially ones used in a shotgun cartridge.【复数】 shot 弹丸:细小的铅或钢弹,尤指那种用于作枪枝的弹药的〔smart〕To be the location of such a pain:剧痛:上面那种疼痛的地方:〔anger〕"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned" (William Congreve). “天堂里没有使爱转化为恨的那种震怒”。 (威廉·康格莱夫)。 〔prebuilt〕Of, relating to, or constituting a structure or a portion of a structure that is constructed or assembled before being transported to its site of installation; prefabricated:预制的:关于或构成那种在到达安装地之前便已装配或建造成的结构或部分结构的;预制的:〔Allen〕American comedienne best remembered as the confused but unflappable foil to her husband and stage partner, George Burns.艾伦,格拉斯·埃塞尔·塞西尔·罗莎莉:(1906-1964) 美国女喜剧演员,常作为其丈夫兼舞台搭档乔治·伯恩斯的配角,她那种充满迷惑而又沉稳冷静的形象令人难忘〔claustrophobic〕I felt claustrophobic in that tiny room) 在那种小屋里我感到恐怖), 〔absquatulate〕The vibrant energy of American English sometimes appears in the use of Latin affixes to create jocular pseudo-Latin "learned" words.There is a precedent for this in the language of Shakespeare,whose plays contain scores of made-up Latinate words.Midlandabsquatulate has a prefix ab-, "away from,” and a suffix-ate, "to act upon in a specified manner,” affixed to a nonexistent base form-squatul-, probably suggested bysquat. Hence the whimsicalabsquatulate, "to squat away from.” Another such coinage is Northernbusticate, which joins bust with -icate by analogy with verbs like medicate. Southernargufy joins argue to a redundant -fy, "to make; cause to become.” These creations are largely confined to regions of the United States where change is slow,and where the 19th-century love for Latinate words and expressions is still manifest.For example, Appalachian speech is characterized by the frequent use ofrecollect, aggravate, oblige, and other such words. 美国英语的创造力有时表现在用拉丁文词缀去创造滑稽的假拉丁文“文雅”的单词。莎士比亚的语言是一先行者,他的戏剧中有大量创造出来的拉丁词。中部地区的absquatulate 有一前缀 ab-, 表“离开,走开,” 和一个后缀-ate, 表“以特殊方式行事,” 这些再加在一个不存在的词根上-squatul-, 也许是由squat 而来的。 所以奇特的absquatulate 表“走开,离开。” 另外一个这样的造词是从北部的busticate 来的,这是把 bust 加上 -icate 变来的,如同源动词 medicate。 南部的argufy 把 argue 加上多余的 -fy, 意为“变成;使成为”。 这种造词只见于美国变化较慢的地区,在那儿仍保持了19世纪那种喜好拉丁语词语的习惯。比如在阿巴拉契亚地区的语言中,如同recollect,aggravate,oblige 和其他这样一些词经常被使用的 〔rebellion〕 Rebellion is open, armed, organized resistance to constituted political authority that often fails of its purpose: Rebellion 是指不能实现目的的那种对现政权威的公开、有组织的武力反抗: 〔timer〕A timepiece, especially one used for measuring and signaling the end of time intervals, as on a stove.定时器:一种计时器,尤指控制时间间隔并指示间隔结束的那种计时器,如炉子上的计时器〔grapple〕An iron shaft with claws at one end, usually thrown by a rope and used for grasping and holding, especially one for drawing and holding an enemy ship alongside. Also called grapnel ,grappling ,grappling hook ,grappling iron 抓钩,多爪锚:一端有爪的铁矛,通常用绳子抛出并用来抓持和固定,尤指用于沿着边拖拽和固定敌船的那种 也作 grapnel,grappling,grappling hook,grappling iron〔another〕for one reason or another.See Usage Note at each other 由于这种或那种原因 参见 each other〔ordeal〕A difficult or painful experience, especially one that severely tests character or endurance.See Synonyms at trial 考验:一种困难或痛苦的体验,尤指那种考验性格或忍耐力的 参见 trial〔slumlord〕An owner of slum property, especially one that overcharges tenants and allows the property to deteriorate.破旧房屋的房东:拥有贫民窟房产的人,尤指那种过高地收取房客租金并任由房屋条件恶化的房东〔lingo〕A look at the entry in the Indo-European roots entry fordöghū- will show that the wordstongue, language, and lingo are related, all going back to the Indo-European rootdöghū-, "tongue.” The relationship betweenlanguage and lingo is not particularly surprising given their related meanings and common root, but one might be curious as to the routes by which these two words came into English.Language, as did so many of our important borrowings from Latin, passed through French into English during the Middle Ages, the forms involved being Latinlingua, "language,” its descendant, Old French langue, and its derivative, langage. Lingo, on the other hand, entered English after the end of the Middle Ages when Europe had opened itself to the larger world. We have probably borrowedlingo from lingoa, a Portuguese descendant of Latin lingua. The Portuguese were great traders before the English were,and it is not unlikely that the sense "foreign language" was strengthened as the Portuguese traveled around the world.Interestingly enough,the first recorded instance oflingo in English is in the New World (1660) in a reference to the "Dutch lingo.” The development in sense to "unintelligible language" and "specialized language" is an obvious one.当我们看到印欧语系词根条目dnghu- 时, 我们就可以看出tongue,language 和 lingo 之间的联系, 它们都拥有共同的印欧语系词根dnghu- “舌头”。 当我们知道language 和 lingo 拥有共同的词根并且在意思上有关联时,我们就不会惊异于他们之间的联系, 但我们可能会对这两个词是通过何种方式进入英语的感到很好奇。和许多重要的从拉丁语借来的词一样,language 是在中世纪时通过法语传入英语的, 变换的形式为拉丁语的lingua “语言”、它的变体,古法语中的 langue 和它的派生词 langage。 另一方面,Lingo是在欧洲向一个更广阔的世界开放自己的时候即在中世纪结束后期进入英语的。 我们可能从拉丁文lingua 的葡萄牙语变体 lingoa 借入了 lingo 。 葡萄牙人是英国人之前的大商人,当他们在周游世界的同时,很可能那种“外语”的意义得到了加强。很有趣的是,最先出现在英语中的lingo 新大陆(1660年)一书中用来指“荷兰语”。 所以变成“难懂的话”和“行话”的意思的发展过程是很明显的〔assegai〕A light spear or lance, especially one with a short shaft and long blade for close combat, used by southern African tribesmen.长矛:南非部落所用的轻便长矛或标枪,尤指那种适于近距离搏斗用的短杆长刀片武器〔playful〕"A mischievous excitability is the most obvious expression of [his face]. If he were a horse, nobody would buy him;with that eye no one could answer for his temper" (Walter Bagehot).“顽皮的兴奋是最明显的表情。 如果他是一匹马,没有人会买他;带有那种眼神的人,没有人能知道他的性情” (沃尔特·巴杰特)。〔mill〕Industrial mill towns are a far cry from the small water mill grinding grain near an Anglo-Saxon settlement,but the same wordmill is used in both contexts, showing how the meaning of a word can be generalized.The Old English wordmylen, "water mill for grinding grain,” is itself adopted from Late Latinmolīna or molīnum, "mill,” just as the Germanic peoples, such as the Anglo-Saxons, adopted the water mill from the Romans.In Middle Englishmilne, the descendant of the Old English word, was generalized to refer to a windmill, any power-driven mill for grinding grain, and a fulling mill.But it was left for the postmedieval,increasingly industrialized world really to generalize the meaning ofmill, applying it to machines such as pepper mills and cider millsand buildings such as textile mills and steel mills.Mill town is first recorded in 1847. 工业化的制造区与原来盎格鲁-撒克逊人居住地附近那种靠水力推动来磨谷物的小型磨臼大不相同,但mill 这个词对这两种情况都适用, 这可以体现出某一词汇的意思是可以有概括性的。古英语中mylen 一词有“磨谷物的水磨”的意思, 这个词由后期拉丁语中的molina 或 molinum 而来,意为“磨臼”, 正如日尔曼民族中的盎格鲁-撒克逊人从罗马人那里引进了水磨。中古英语中milne 一词由古英语词而来, 它的词义已扩大,可指风车、任何靠动力驱动来磨谷物的磨以及缩洗机。不过在中世纪晚期,不断发展的工业化世界真正使mill 这个词在意义上有所扩大, 它可以指胡椒研磨机或苹果榨汁机等机器,也可以指纺织厂或钢铁厂等工厂。Mill town 这个词最早见载于1847年 〔opinion〕"Responsible journalism is journalism responsible in the last analysis to the editor's own conviction of what, whether interesting or only important, is in the public interest" (Walter Lippmann).“有鉴别的新闻事业指的是那种编辑对于不论有趣的或重要的事都持有自己信念的作最后分析的新闻业,这种新闻对大众负责” (沃特·里普曼)。〔presently〕An original meaning ofpresently was "at the present time; currently.” That sense is said to have disappeared from the literary language in the 17th century,but it has survived in popular usage and is widely found nowadays in literate speech and writing.Still, there is a lingering prejudice against this use.In the most recent surveythe sentenceGeneral Walters is . . . presently the United States Ambassador to the United Nations was acceptable to exactly 50 percent of the Usage Panel. presenthy 的一个原始意为“现在,目前”。 那种意义据说在17世纪时从文学性语言中消失,但在大众用法中仍旧存在并且现今广泛存在于受过教育人的口头语和书面语之中,然而反对这一用法的成见仍然存在。在最近的调查中华特士将军…最近是美利坚合众国驻联合国大使 这句话的接受率在词语惯用法小组里正好为百分之五十。 〔machine〕A person who acts in a rigid, mechanical, or unconscious manner.机械般的人:那种行动僵化、机械的、或处在无意识状态的人〔satinet〕A thin inferior satin or an imitation satin, especially one containing cotton.缎纹棉毛呢:一种劣质的薄缎或仿缎,尤指含棉的那种〔malign〕 Vilify pertains to open, deliberate, vicious defamation or denigration: Vilify 属于那种公开的、蓄意的且恶毒的败坏他人名誉或诋毁他人的行为:




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