单词 | 遗弃 |
释义 | 〔go〕To be discarded or ignored:遗弃,遗忘,忽视:〔outtake〕A complete version, as of a recording, that is dropped in favor of another version.遗弃的版本:出于对另一版本的偏受而被遗弃的(如录制节目的)完整的版本〔desert〕When Shakespeare says in Sonnet 72,"Unless you would devise some virtuous lie,/To do more for me than mine own desert,”he is using the worddesert in the sense of "worthiness; deserving,” a word that is perhaps most familiar to us in the plural, meaning "something that is deserved,”as in the phrasejust deserts. This word goes back to the Latin worddēservīre, "to devote oneself to the service of,”which in Vulgar Latin came to mean "to merit by service.” Dēservīre is made up ofdē-, meaning "thoroughly,” and servīre, "to serve.” Knowing this,we can distinguish thisdesert from desert, "a wasteland,” and desert, "to abandon,” both of which go back to Latindēserere, "to forsake, leave uninhabited,” which is made up ofdē-, expressing the notion of undoing, and the verb serere, "to link together.” We can also distinguish all threedeserts from dessert, "a sweet course at the end of a meal,” which is from the French worddesservir, "to clear the table.” Desservir is made up ofdes-, expressing the notion of reversal, and servir (from Latin servīre ), "to serve,” hence, "to unserve" or "to clear the table.”当莎士比亚在第72首十四行诗中说:“除非你能编出善意的谎言/把我说得比我本人强得多”,这里desert 的意思就是“应得的东西”。 对这个词,我们最熟悉的大概是其复数形式(意思是“应得的东西”)。例如在词组just deserts 中。 该词的起源可以追溯到拉丁词deservire , 意为“为…而献身”,在俗拉丁语中,意思就变成了“依据服务应得…”。 Deservire 由de- 意思是“完全地,彻底地”和 servire “服务”组成。 知道了这些,我们就可以把desert 与 desert “荒原”和 desert “放弃”区别开来。 后面两个意义可追溯到拉丁语deserere “遗弃,无人居住”, 它由de- 表示“不做”的概念和动词 serere “连接到一起”组成。 我们也能把所有这三个deserts 与 dessert “正餐最后上的一道甜食”区分开来, 后者来自法语词desservir “收拾桌子”。 Desservir 由表达“反,逆”概念的des- 和 servir 组成(来自拉丁语 servire ), 意为“服务”、“因此“、“不上菜”或“清理桌子”〔abandon〕To withdraw one's support or help from, especially in spite of duty, allegiance, or responsibility; desert:放弃,抛弃:不顾义务,忠诚或责任而不予支持或帮助;遗弃:〔broken〕Sundered by divorce, separation, or desertion of a parent or parents:破裂的:由父母离婚、分居、父母双方或其中一方遗弃而造成分离的:〔throwaway〕Having been rejected, ejected, or abandoned by parents or guardians:被父母或监护人抛弃、驱赶或遗弃的:〔derelict〕Deserted by an owner or keeper; abandoned.抛弃的,遗弃的:被拥有或保管者抛弃的;放弃的〔desertion〕The act or an instance of deserting.遗弃:遗弃的行为或事例〔derelict〕Abandoned property, especially a ship abandoned at sea.弃物:放弃的财产,尤指在海中遗弃的船只〔forsake〕To leave altogether; abandon:遗弃,抛弃:彻底离开;遗弃不要:〔pariah〕A social outcast:被社会遗弃的人:〔throwaway〕A child or teenager who has been rejected, ejected, or abandoned by parents or guardians and lives on the streets.弃儿:被父母或监护人抛弃、驱赶或遗弃并生活在街上的儿童或少年〔Karakorum〕A ruined ancient Mongol city in central Mongolia. Inhabited by Turkic tribes from the first centurya.d. , it became Genghis Khan's capital c. 1220 but was abandoned by Kublai Khan in 1267. 哈拉和林:蒙古中部一座已成废墟的古城。从公元 1世纪开始,突厥部落在此居住。1220年该城为成吉思汗的首都,但于1267年被忽必烈汗遗弃 〔desert〕To withdraw from, especially in spite of a responsibility or duty; forsake:远离,遗弃:远离,尤指不管责任或义务而远离;放弃:〔pariah〕In the wordpariah, which can be used for anyone who is a social outcast, independent of social position,we have a reminder of a much more rigid social system,where only certain people could be pariahs.The caste system of India placed members of the pariah caste very low in society;until 1949 they were also known asuntouchables. The wordpariah, however, which we have extended in meaning, came into English from Tamil paṛaiyar, the plural of paṛaiyan, the caste name, which literally means “(hereditary) drummer"and comes from the wordpaṛai, the name of a drum used at certain festivals. The word is first recorded in English in 1613.Its use in English and its extension in use probably owe much to the close relationship that developed between Great Britain and India.Indeed, many of the British servants in India were from the pariah caste.pariah 一词能用于任何一个被社会遗弃的人, 不管他的社会地位如何,在这个词中,对我们有一个更严酷的社会体制的暗示,在这种体制下,仅仅某些特定的人才能成为被社会遗弃的人。印度的社会体制把被遗弃者的社会地位订得很低,直到1949年这些人还仍旧被称作是不可接触者 。 然而,我们已经扩展了含义的pariah 一词从泰米尔语 paraiyar 即 paraiyan 的复数转入英语中来, 字面含义是“(世袭)鼓手”,源于一种特定节日用的鼓名parai 。 1613年这个词首次在英语中有所记录。它在英文中的运用和用法的扩展可能很大程度是由于大不列颠和印度的密切关系。的确,在印度许多英国人的佣人都来自于贱民阶层〔desert〕To leave empty or alone; abandon.遗弃;放弃:留下空白或使独自;抛弃 |
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