单词 | 遗址 |
释义 | 〔Konya〕A city of southwest-central Turkey south of Ankara. Built on the site of an ancient Phrygian city, Konya was a powerful Seljuk sultanate from the 11th to the 13th century. Population, 329,139.科尼亚:土耳其中部偏西南一城市,位于安卡拉以南。建在一个古代弗里吉亚城市的遗址上,从11世纪到13世纪,科尼亚是一个强大的塞尔柱苏丹帝国。人口329,139〔Susa〕A ruined city of southwest Iran south of Hamaden. It was the capital of the kingdom of Elam and a capital of the Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great.苏萨:伊朗西南一城市遗址,位于哈马丹南部,它是埃兰王国以及普鲁士大帝统治下的波斯帝国的首都〔Grosseto〕A city of central Italy northwest of Rome. It is a market town near the site of Rusellae, an Etruscan town abandoned in the 12th century. Population, 61,500.格罗塞托:意大利中部的一城市,位于罗马西北方。是靠近12世纪荒废的伊特鲁里亚古城鲁瑟勒遗址的市镇。人口61,500〔Gettysburg〕A town of southern Pennsylvania east-southeast of Chambersburg. It was the site of a major Union victory in the Civil War (July 1-3, 1863), which checked Robert E. Lee's invasion of the North. The battle and Abraham Lincoln's famous Gettysburg Address (delivered at the dedication of a cemetery here on November 19, 1863) are commemorated by a national park. President Dwight D. Eisenhower's farm, a national historic site, is also in Gettysburg. Population, 7,194.葛底斯堡:宾夕法尼亚南部钱伯斯堡东南偏东的一城镇。是美国内战(1863年7月1日-3日)中一次较重要的联邦军胜利遗址,这次胜利抑制了罗伯特·E·李对北方的入侵。建立了一座国家公园以纪念这次战役和阿伯罕姆·林肯的葛底斯堡演讲(发表于1863年11月19日在此举行的公墓落成典礼的献辞上)。德怀特·D·艾森豪威尔总统的农场,一个具有历史意义的遗址也在葛底斯堡。人口7,194〔Londonderry〕A borough of northwest Northern Ireland northwest of Belfast. Built on the site of an abbey founded by Saint Columba in 546, it is a port and manufacturing center. Population, 68,000.伦敦德里:北爱尔兰西北部一自治社区,位于贝尔法斯特市西北。建在546年圣哥伦巴所造的一所男修道院的遗址上,为一港口和制造业中心。人口68,000〔Tiahuanaco〕A site of pre-Incan ruins in western Bolivia near the southern end of Lake Titicaca. The ruins, including statues, monoliths, and a temple of the sun, are evidence of a civilization that flourished here from c. 1000 to 1300.蒂亚瓦纳科:玻利维亚西部靠近的的喀喀湖南端的一个前印加时代遗址。该遗址包括雕像、巨石和一座太阳庙,这证明了从约1000年至1300年这里曾有鼎盛的文明〔Schliemann〕German archaeologist who discovered the ruins of ancient Troy (1871) and excavated Mycenae (1876).席理曼,亨利希:(1822-1890) 德国考古学家,曾发现了古代特洛伊城遗址(1871年),并曾挖掘过迈锡尼城(1876年)〔Heilbronn〕A city of southwest Germany on the Neckar River north of Stuttgart. On the site of a 9th-century Carolingian palace, it became a free imperial city in the 14th century. Population, 110,666.海尔布隆:德国西南部一城市,位于斯图加特北部内卡河之上。在9世纪时加洛琳王朝宫殿的遗址上,14世纪时成为自由帝国城市。人口110,666〔Ur〕A city of ancient Sumer in southern Mesopotamia on a site in present-day southeast Iraq. One of the oldest cities in Mesopotamia, it was an important center of Sumerian culture after c. 3000b.c. and the birthplace of Abraham. The city declined after the sixth century b.c. 乌尔,迦迪斯的吾珥:古代美索不达米亚南部苏美尔的城市,遗址在现今伊拉克的东西部。是美索不达米亚最古老的城市之一。在公元前 3000年左右是苏美人文化的重要中心,是阿伯拉罕的出生地。在 公元前 6世纪后衰败 〔Rome〕A city of northwest Georgia northwest of Atlanta. It was established in 1834 on the site of a Cherokee settlement. Population, 30,326.罗马:美国乔治亚州西北部一城市,位于亚特兰大西北部。该市于1834年建在一个彻诺基人社区的遗址上。人口30,326〔Cilicia〕An ancient region of southeast Asia Minor along the Mediterranean Sea south of the Taurus Mountains. The area was conquered by Alexander the Great and later became part of the Roman Empire. It was the site of an independent Armenian state from 1080 to 1375.西里西亚:托鲁斯山脉的南部、地中海沿岸、小亚细亚东南的古老地区。 该地区曾被亚历山大大帝征服,后来成为罗马帝国的一部分。它是1080年到1375年独立的亚美尼亚领土的遗址〔Amravati〕A town of central India west of Nagpur. It is the site of a stupa dating from the second centurya.d. Population, 261,404. 阿姆拉瓦提:印度中部那格浦尔以西的一个城镇,是公元 2世纪一个佛塔所在地的遗址,人口261,404 〔Philadelphia〕An ancient city of Asia Minor northeast of the Dead Sea in modern-day Jordan. The chief city of the Ammonites, it was enlarged and embellished by Ptolemy II Philadelphus (285-246b.c. ) and named in honor of him. Amman, the capital of Jordan, is now on the site. 费拉德尔菲亚:小亚细亚的一个古城,位于今天的约旦境内、死海东北。亚扪人的主要城市,由费拉德尔菲斯·托勒密二世(公元前 285-246年)建立并扩张,为纪念他就以他的名字命名,约旦的首都,安曼现在就位于该城遗址上 〔Shiraz〕A city of southwest-central Iran south-southeast of Tehran. It has long been an important commercial center noted for its carpets and metalwork. The ruins of ancient Persepolis are nearby. Population, 800,000.设拉子:伊朗中西南部一城市,在德黑兰东南偏南。该城长期以来一直是商业中心,以其出产的地毯和金属制品闻名。古代波斯波利斯城的遗址就在附近。人口800,000〔Layard〕British archaeologist and diplomat. He excavated Nineveh (1849-1851) and later served as British ambassador to Spain (1869-1877) and Constantinople (1877-1880).莱亚德,奥斯汀·亨利:(1817-1894) 英国考古学家和外交家。他曾挖掘过尼尼微遗址(1849-1851年),后出任英国驻西班牙大使(1869-1877年)和驻君士坦丁堡大使(1877-1880年)〔Alcamo〕A city of northwest Sicily, Italy, southwest of Palermo. The ruins of the ancient Greek settlement of Segesta are nearby. Population, 42,059.阿尔卡莫:意大利西西里岛西北部一城市,位于巴勒莫西南部。古希腊塞杰斯塔人居住遗址在其附近。人口42,059〔Champlain〕A lake of northeast New York, northwest Vermont, and southern Quebec, Canada. It was the site of important battles in the French and Indian War, the American Revolution, and the War of 1812. The region has many popular resorts.尚普兰湖:美国纽约东北部一湖泊,位于加拿大魁北克省南部佛蒙特州西北。是法国与印第安人的战争、美国革命战争、1812年战争等一系列重大战争的遗址。该地区有许多风景名胜〔Arbil〕A city of northern Iraq north of Baghdad. Built on the site of ancient Arbela, it is a trade center. Population, 864,900阿比尔:伊拉克北部城市,位于巴格达以北。建于古埃尔比勒遗址上,现为贸易中心。人口864,900〔Muncie〕A city of east-central Indiana northeast of Indianapolis. Established on the site of an earlier Delaware settlement, it was the setting for Robert and Helen Lynd's pioneering sociological studyMiddletown (1929). Population, 71,035. 曼西:美国印第安纳州中东部城市,位于印第安纳波利斯东北部。建立在早期特拉华殖民地的遗址上,是罗伯特和海伦·琳达最早的社会学研究的地点中部城镇 (1929年)的地点。人口71,035 〔Arlington〕A city of northern Texas midway between Dallas and Fort Worth. It has a huge industrial park and is the site of the Pecan Bowl. Population, 261,721.阿灵顿:得克萨斯北部一城市,位于达拉斯和沃思堡中间。有一个很大的工业区,是核桃碗的遗址。人口261,721〔Germantown〕A residential section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Settled in 1683, it was the site of a Revolutionary War battle (October 4, 1777) in which George Washington's troops unsuccessfully attacked the British encampment. The original township was annexed by Philadelphia in 1854.日尔曼敦:美国宾夕法尼亚州费拉德尔菲亚的住宅区。建立于1683年,是北美独立战争一次战斗的遗址(1777年10月4日),在那里乔治·华盛顿的军队没能成功突袭英军营地。1854年其原有镇区被宾夕法尼亚合并〔Bedford〕A municipal borough of south-central England on the Ouse River west of Cambridge. It was the site of a British victory over the Saxons in 571. Population, 74,500.贝德福德:英格兰中南部一市区,位于剑桥以西的乌斯河河畔。它是571年大不列颠人打败撒克逊人的遗址。人口74,500〔Pachuca〕A city of central Mexico north-northeast of Mexico City. It was founded in 1534 as a silver-mining center on the site of an ancient Toltec city. Population, 110,351.帕丘卡:墨西哥中部的一个城市,位于墨西哥城的东北偏北作为一个银矿采集中心,建于1534年,位于古代的托尔特克城的遗址上。人口110,351〔Hastings〕A borough of southeast England on the English Channel at the entrance to the Strait of Dover. Hastings is near the site of William the Conqueror's victory over the Saxons (October 14, 1066). Population, 75,900.黑斯廷斯:英国东南部一自治城市,位于多佛海峡入口的英吉利海峡上。靠近征服者威廉战胜萨克森人(1066年10月14日)的遗址。人口75,900〔Mainz〕A city of west-central Germany at the confluence of the Rhine and Main rivers west-southwest of Frankfurt. Built on the site of a Roman camp founded in the 1st centuryb.c. , it is an important industrial and commercial city. Johann Gutenburg established a printing industry here in the 15th century. Population, 187,447. 美因兹:德国中西部的一个城市,位于法兰克福西南偏西方向,莱茵河和美因河的交汇处。在一个于公元前 1世纪建立的罗马军营遗址上建设起来,是一个重要的工业和商业城市。约翰·古腾堡于15世纪在这里建起了印刷工业。人口187,447 〔swing〕"The ruins of the ancient church seemed actually to rock and threaten to fall" (Sir Walter Scott).“古教堂的遗址看起来确实在晃动且岌岌可危” (瓦尔特·司各特爵士)。〔rehab〕rehab programs; rehab sites.修复计划;修复的遗址〔Dover〕A municipal borough of southeast England on the Strait of Dover opposite Calais, France. Site of a Roman lighthouse, it has been a strategic port since medieval times. The chalk cliffs rising above the city have caves and tunnels originally used by smugglers. Population, 33,700.多佛尔:与法国加莱市隔岸相对的英格兰东南部自治市,临多佛尔海峡。罗马灯塔遗址,自中世纪以来就是战略要地,该市白垩崖多岩洞和涵洞原为走私者所用。人口33,700〔Baalbek〕A town of eastern Lebanon northeast of Beirut. It is the site of an ancient Phoenician city probably devoted to the worship of Baal and is now noted for its extensive Roman ruins. Population, 24,000.巴贝克,海利奥波里斯:黎巴嫩东部的一个城镇,位于贝鲁特东北部。它是古代腓尼基城的遗址,那时可能是用于朝拜太阳神的地方,现在因其大量的罗马遗迹而闻名。人口24,000〔Lincoln〕A borough of eastern England northeast of Nottingham. Located on the site of Roman, Saxon, and Danish settlements, it was first chartered in 1157. Population, 75,900.林肯:英国东部诺丁汉东北一自治城市,位于罗马人、萨克森人和丹麦人拓居地的遗址,1157年首次获得特许。人口75,900〔Tunis〕The capital and largest city of Tunisia, in the northern part of the country on theGulf of Tunis, an inlet of the Mediterranean Sea. It occupies a site near the ruins of ancient Carthage. Population, 550,404. 突尼斯:突尼斯的首都和第一大城市,位于该国的北部,临突尼斯湾 -地中海的一个海湾。该市位于方城迦太基的遗址附近。人口550,404 〔Hallstatt〕Of or relating to a dominant Iron Age culture of central and western Europe, probably chiefly Celtic, that flourished from the ninth to the fifth centuryb.c. 哈尔希塔特的:关于中欧、西欧一个繁荣于公元 9至15世纪重要的铁器时代文化遗址的,也许主要是凯尔特人的 〔Borobudur〕A ruined Buddhist shrine in central Java, Indonesia. Dating probably from the ninth century, the ruins include intricately carved stone blocks illustrating episodes in the life of Buddha.婆罗浮屠:印度尼西亚爪哇中部的佛教神殿遗址,大约可以追溯到9世纪,遗址内有描绘释迦牟尼(释迦牟尼(佛陀))生活片断的复杂石雕〔Olympia〕A plain of southern Greece in the northwest Peleponnesus. It was a religious center devoted to the worship of Zeus and the site of the ancient Olympic games. The statue of the Olympian Zeus by Phidias was one of the Seven Wonders of the World.奥林匹亚:希腊南部平原,位于伯罗奔尼撒的西北,它是用以祭拜宙斯的宗教中心,又是古代奥林匹克运动会的遗址。其中由菲迪亚斯所作的奥林匹亚宙斯神像是世界七大奇迹之一〔Maglemosian〕After Maglemose , a Mesolithic site on the western coast of Sjaelland, Denmark 源自 马格尔莫斯 ,丹麦西兰岛西部海岸一个石器时代遗址 〔Anasazi〕Navajo ’anaasází [inhabitants of the now ruined Pueblos] 纳瓦霍语 ’anaasází [现在普韦布洛人遗址上的居民] 〔Karnak〕A village of east-central Egypt on the right bank of the Nile River on part of the site of ancient Thebes. Its pharaonic remains include the Great Temple of Amen and a massive structure begun by Amenhotep III.卡尔奈克:埃及中部偏东的一个村庄,在尼罗河右岸,位于古底比斯的遗址。埃及法老时期的遗迹包括亚扪神殿和安曼霍特普三世时期开始的宏伟建筑〔Allahabad〕A city of north-central India at the junction of the Jumna and Ganges rivers east of Varanasi. It was built on the site of an ancient Indo-Aryan holy city and is still a pilgrimage site for Hindus. Population, 616,051.阿拉哈巴德:印度中北部一城市,位于瓦拉纳西以东朱木拿河和恒河的交汇处。该城建于古印度雅利安圣城的遗址上,至今仍是印度教徒的朝圣地。人口616,051〔Flint〕A city of southeast-central Michigan north-northwest of Detroit. Founded on the site of a fur-trading post established in 1819, it became an automobile-manufacturing center in the early 1900's. Population, 140,761.弗林特:美国密歇根州中部偏东南一城市,位于底特律的西北偏北。在1819年建立的一个皮货交易站的遗址上建成,20世纪初成为一个汽车制造中心。人口140,761〔Corinth〕A city of southern Greece in the northeast Peloponnesus on the Gulf of Corinth. It is near the site of the ancient city ofCorinth, which was founded in Homeric times and was a rich, influential maritime power in the seventh and sixth centuries b.c. Population, 22,658. 科林斯:位于科林斯湾内伯罗奔尼撒半岛东北希腊南部的一个城市。在科林斯 古城遗址附近,古城建于荷马时代,在 公元前 7和6世纪时是一个富裕的海上强国。人口22,658 |
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