单词 | 道德 |
释义 | 〔principle〕The collectivity of moral or ethical standards or judgments:道德标准:道德或伦理标准或准则的集合体:〔gray〕the gray area between their differing opinions on the film's morality.在他们关于电影道德的不同意见之间的灰色区〔nonmoral〕Unrelated to moral or ethical considerations.与道德或伦理无关的〔bad〕 Wicked suggests conscious or premeditated moral transgression: Wicked 使人联想到有意识或有预谋地违反道德: 〔Mumford〕American social critic and writer whose works, such asThe Culture of Cities (1938) and The Conduct of Life (1951), decry dehumanizing technology and call for a return to humanitarian and moral values. 蒙福德,刘易斯:(1895-1990) 美国社会评论家和作家,他的著作谴责使人性丧失的技术并要求人道主义和道德价值观的回归,如《城市文化》 (1938年)和 《生活指南》 (1951年) 〔strength〕The ability to maintain a moral or intellectual position firmly.意志力:坚决地维护道德或思想立场的能力〔wholesome〕Promoting mental, moral, or social health:有益心智的:有益于精神、道德或社交健康的:〔cricket〕Good sportsmanship and fair conduct:运动员道德:良好的运动员品格和公正行为:〔severe〕 Austere connotes sternness, qualities such as aloofness or lack of feeling or sympathy,and often rigid morality: Austere 意味着严厉及诸如冷漠或缺乏感情与同情的性格,而且通常是恪守道德: 〔wrongdoer〕One who does wrong, especially morally or ethically.作恶者:做坏事的人,尤指在道德或伦理上犯错的人〔regeneration〕Spiritual or moral revival or rebirth.重生:精神或道德的复活或再生〔frugal〕from frūx frūg- [fruit, virtue] 源自 frūx frūg- [水果,道德] 〔issue〕legal and moral issues.法律和道德的争议〔prudence〕Circumspection implies discretion together with prudent heed for possible consequences, as out of concern for moral or social repercussions: Circumspection 指慎重并出于对道德或社会反响的考虑而对可能出现的结果小心注意: 〔moral〕"The world has achieved brilliance without conscience.Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants" (Omar N. Bradley).“这个世界取得了灿烂的一页,但却失去了良心。我们的世界是一个有核巨人和道德婴儿的世界” (奥马尔·恩·布雷德利)。〔Santayana〕Spanish-born American philosopher and writer primarily known for his theories of aesthetics, morality, and the spiritual life. In addition to his philosophical works, such as the four-volumeRealms of Being (1927-1940), he wrote poetry and a novel, The Last Puritan (1935). 桑塔亚那,乔治:(1863-1952) 西班牙裔美国哲学家和作家,主要以其关于美学、道德、精神生活的理论著作出名。除他的哲学著作以外,如四卷的《存在的王国》 (1927-1940年),他还写诗和小说,如 《最后一个清教徒》 (1935年) 〔disposition〕 Character especially emphasizes moral and ethical qualities: Character 特别强调道德和伦理上的品质: 〔responsible〕Able to make moral or rational decisions on one's own and therefore answerable for one's behavior.有责任感的,对自己负责的:能够全靠自己做出道德或理性的决定并因而能对其行为负责的〔Victoria〕Queen of Great Britain and Ireland (1837-1901) and empress of India (1876-1901). Her sense of duty and strict moral code had great influence on 19th-century British society.维多利亚女王:英国、爱尔兰(1837-1901年)和印度女王(1876-1901年)。她的职责感和严厉的道德水平对19世纪英国社会产生了深远影响〔Tao〕In Confucianism, the right manner of human activity and virtuous conduct seen as stemming from universal criteria and ideals governing right, wrong, and other categories of existence.(儒家的)道:儒家中人类行为与道德操守的正确态度,被认为是发展自放诸四海用以左右对、错及其它生活范畴的规范标准〔thrall〕One who is intellectually or morally enslaved.奴隶:智力或道德低下的人〔must〕To be obliged or required by morality, law, or custom:必须:为道德良心、法律或者习惯所要求或强迫:〔Quarles〕English Metaphysical poet whose bookEmblems, Divine and Moral (1635) was influential in its time. 夸尔斯,弗朗西斯:(1592-1644) 英格兰玄学诗人,他的作品《纹章、神学家与道德》 (1635年)在当时很有影响 〔right〕According to law, morality, or justice.正直地,正当地,公正地:符合法律,道德或正义地〔egoism〕The ethical doctrine that morality has its foundations in self-interest.自私自利:认为道德以自我利益为基础的道德观念〔Denham〕English poet best known for his topographical poemCooper's Hill (1642), in which he combined scenic descriptions with moral, historical, and political reflections. 德纳姆,约翰:(1615-1669) 英国诗人,因其地形诗《库珀山》 (1642年)而闻名。在该书中他将景物描述与道德、历史和政治意义结合在一起 〔unprincipled〕Lacking principles or moral scruples; unscrupulous:无规范的:缺乏原则或道德顾忌的;不谨慎的:〔perfectionism〕A belief that moral or spiritual perfection can be achieved by people in this life.完美主义信仰:在生命中相信人生可以达到道德或精神的完美境界〔morality〕religious morality; Christian morality.宗教道德;基督教德〔impel〕To urge to action through moral pressure; drive:驱使,迫使:用道德的压力迫使行动;驱动:〔offense〕Something that outrages moral sensibilities:违反道德的事物:引起道德感情上的愤恨的事物:〔sly〕Under the façade of morality and patriotism can be perceived the false and tricky political opportunist that he is.从道德和爱国心来看,他能被看作是一个虚伪奸诈的政治投机者。〔offense〕 Error is departure from what is morally right;the term often suggests bad judgment or lack of awareness rather than willful violation: Error 是偏离道德正确的。这个术语常含有因判断错误或缺乏认识而非有意违反之意: 〔morale〕French [morality, good conduct] [from feminine of] moral [moral] 法语 [道德,良好品行] 源自moral的阴性词 [道德的] 〔Arnold〕British poet and critic whose poems, such as "Dover Beach" (1867), express moral and religious doubts. His classic studyCulture and Anarchy (1869) is a polemic against Victorian materialism. 阿诺德,马修:(1822-1888) 英国诗人和评论家,其诗歌,如“多佛海滩”(1867年),表达了道德和宗教的怀疑。他的古典文学作品《文化与无政府状态》 (1869年)一书是反对维多利亚物质主义的激烈争辩 〔prophet〕A person gifted with profound moral insight and exceptional powers of expression.预言者:有复杂的道德洞察力和非凡的表达能力的人〔precisian〕One who is strict and precise in adherence to established rules, forms, or standards, especially with regard to religious observance or moral behavior.严格照章办事:准确而严格地遵循既定规则、形式或标准的人,尤指在宗教礼仪或道德行为方面〔preachment〕A tiresome or unwelcome moral lecture or discourse; tedious sermonizing.说教:令人生厌或不受欢迎的道德讲演或说教;冗长乏味的布道〔Brieux〕French playwright whose work exposed moral and social evils.白里欧,尤金:(1858-1932) 法国戏剧家,其作品揭露道德和社会的罪恶〔confusion〕"To insist . . . that the plight of two, or six, or 52 individuals outweighs policies in which the credibility of the United States and the security of the Middle East are deeply involved, represents the worst kind of moral confusion"(Moorhead Kennedy)“坚持…和美国的信用与中东的安全关联极深的政策竟轻于两个,或六个,或五十二个个人面临的苦难,这都在显示着最恶劣的道德混乱”(穆尔黑德·肯尼迪) |
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