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单词 通常表示
释义 〔rise〕Ascend frequently suggests a gradual step-by-step rise: Ascend 则通常表示一步一步逐渐地上升: 〔impedance〕A measure of the total opposition to current flow in an alternating current circuit, made up of two components, ohmic resistance and reactance, and usually represented in complex notation asZ = R + iX, where R is the ohmic resistance and X is the reactance. 全电阻:在交流电路中电流所遇到的所有阻抗的度量单位,由欧姆电阻抗和电抗两部分组成,在复合符号中通常表示为Z = R + iX, 其中 R 是电阻抗, X 是电抗 〔decibel〕A unit used to express relative difference in power or intensity, usually between two acoustic or electric signals, equal to ten times the common logarithm of the ratio of the two levels.分贝:通常表示两个声音信号或电力信号在功率或强度方面的相对差别的单位,相当于两个水平的比率的常用对数的十倍〔unicorn〕A fabled creature symbolic of virginity and usually represented as a horse with a single straight spiraled horn projecting from its forehead.独角兽,麒麟:一种虚构的代表童贞的动物,通常表示为一匹马,有直螺旋状的独角从它的额部突出〔unexceptionable〕Unexceptional and unexceptionable are sometimes confused. Unexceptionable is derived from the word exception in the sense "objection,” as in the idiomtake exception. Thusunexceptionable means "not open to any objection,” as inA judge's ethical standards should be unexceptionable. Unexceptional, in contrast, is related to the common sense of exception and generally means "not exceptional, not varying from the usual,” as inSome judges' ethical standards have unfortunately been unexceptional. Unexceptional 与 unexceptionable 有时被混淆了。 Unexceptionable 是由词 exception 引出的,有“反对”的意思, 如在成语take exception。 而unexceptionable 表示“不会有任何反对,” 如在A judge's ethical standards should be unexceptionable.(法官的伦理标准应该是无懈可击的)。 Unexceptional,相比之下,是有关 exception 的一般意义,通常表示“无例外的,不从通常改变的," 如在Some judge's ethical standards have unfortunately been unexceptional.(某些法官的伦理标准不幸地是不容许有例外的) 〔memory〕My recollection of the incident differs from yours. Often, though, the term suggests a deliberate, concentrated effort to remember: 我对这件事的记忆与你的有所不同。 但是,这个词通常表示有意地努力进行回忆: 〔help〕Assist usually implies making a secondary contribution or acting as a subordinate: Assist 通常表示的是起第二位作用或者以属下的身份起作用: 〔join〕 Associate usually implies a relationship of persons as partners or allies: Associate 通常表示人和人之间作为搭档或同盟的一种关系: 〔slide〕 Slide usually implies rapid, easy movementwithout loss of contact with the surface: Slide 通常表示迅速轻松的运动,且与平面保持不断的接触: 〔cohort〕Perhaps because of its original military meaning,cohort usually implies a somewhat negative judgment. A phrase such asthe President and his cohorts might therefore be better used by critics of the President than by defenders. 也许由于它原来的军事意义,cohort 通常表示某些否定的看法。 因此,例如总统和他的一帮人 也许会更好地由总统的批评者而不是支持者使用 〔animadvert〕To remark or comment critically, usually with strong disapproval or censure:批评,谴责,责备:批评式地评论,通常表示强烈不满或谴责:〔strip〕 Divest usually specifies deprivation, as of rank or its symbols: Divest 通常表示指定地剥夺,如职位或其象征: 〔tire〕 Tire is the general, nonspecific term;it often suggests a state resulting from exertion, excess, dullness, or ennui: Tire 是一个笼统的,非特定的词;这个词通常表示由于努力、过度、烦闷或无聊产生的一种状态: 〔suppress〕 Repress often implies keeping something under control by an act of volition: Repress 通常表示以意志力来控制某事: 〔discord〕Variance usually suggests discrepancy or incompatibility: Variance 通常表示不相符合或不相容:




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